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Danielle Skywalker's Luke Skywalker Story

This story is about a dream i had about Luke Skywalker which happened to have me in it,so dont all you go thinking that i think that Luke is all mine becuae i know he is everyones ok:-)hope you enjoy it and when you finish reading what i have writen so far tell me how you liked it (of course i added some stuff to the story)

By:Danielle Skywalker

Luke's x-wing had crashed and he was trying desparetly to fix it.R2 hand me the forward thrust modifier, Luke reaches for the tool and began working agoin on the x-wing.he had landed in some strang jungle like planet near the Daragon system all around him where plants he had never seen before so he was quite eger to leave this planet.Luke worked for what seemed like forever until he had fixed part of the x-wing the rest he would finish the next day, he layed down on a blanket he had set out on the ground near the x-wing so that he could watch over it just in case there where some animals that might try to ruin his days work.Luke was about to dose of when he heard some strange music coming for the forest,he didn't want to leave the x-wing or r2 behind but the music was drawing him,"R2 you stay here and watch camp i'll be right back", R2 let out his usual frantic beeps but Luke cliped his lightsaber to his belt and walked into the woods.Luke followed the strange music, as he walked he pushed branches and firns out of his way until he got to where the music was the strongest, he moved aside some branches and saw there in am open clearing a young girl maybe a few years younger than him daning to music that seemed to be playing all by it self. She was dancing around the camp with her eyes closed she had long brown hair and she was wearing a blue and white outift that came up no no farther than her knee.Luke could'nt keep his eyes off her and he slowly moved into the camp trying not to mark her aware of his presence in her camp.She kept dancing and Luke could no longer resist he had to see her up close, to see her face and her eyes, he walked forward and when he was about 5 feet away from her she turned and the stared at eachother.She walked forward her dress flowing with the cool air blowing through the clearing.As soon as she had turned the music had stoped and Luke noticed that she was the one playing the music while she was dancing...she had used the force to play the music. When she was so close to him that he could see into her eyes she stoped walking, "You are a Jedi " she said,"yes I am" Luke said, "jedi have not been on Daragon for hundreds of years"she said in a very depressed voice."What is your name" Luke asked , he just could'nt stop looking at her, " my name is Danielle Evening what is yours?". " Mine is Luke Skywalker", the minute he said his name her eyes seemed to brighten," I have heard much about you Luke Skywalker, about the battel of endor","Yes I was in that but...i really enjoyed your dancing". Danielle smiled, and before he could say anything more the music began again and she was dancing in front of him,Luke could'nt belive how graceful and beautiful she was and he just wanted to touch her,Luke stood up and walked over to her as she was dancing ,she felt his presence and stoped, they where both looking into eachothers eyes.Luke put on hand up to Danielle's face and brushed the hair from her face , running his hand across her face,and then when there eyes met once again Luke could not stand it anylonger, he wraped his hands around her waist, pulled her close and kissed her.She quickly wraped her arms around his neck and run her hands through his hair, as the kisses became more passionate she fell into his arms running her hands along his back as he held her close."I must give something to you"Danielle wispered into Luke's ear, she began to pull him towards her tent,but Luke quickly picked her up in his arms and carried her there, she smiled up at him"you have the most beautiful eyes i have ever seen"," you are the most beautiful thing woman i have ever seen Danielle".When they were inside the tent she reached into a bag she had near her bed and pulled out a small stone on a silver chain and handed it to him,"this stone came from my home planet of Shanalogpica, and it is the stone of love, i want you to have it so that you will never forget me", Luke looked at the stone and then put the necklace around his neck and kissed her lips"thank you i am honored". Danielle smiled and kissed him gentaly on the lips"I noticed you are force senstive is that how you played the music while you danced?"Luke asked " yes it is my mother and father were jedi's during the clone wars"," may be i could teach you" Luke said,"I would love that", her eyes brightened like stars, Luke wanted nothing more than to teach this wonderful woman, that he seemed to have ver strong feelings for,did he love her?They spent the night together and the next day after Luke did some work on the x-wing he went back to the camp to see Danielle again, he taught her some jedi breathing skills and meditating skills and he showed her how to handel a lighsaber," you are ver powerful in the force Luke" she said" not really i still have much to learn", they smiled at eachother.Luke was finally finished with his x-wing and had called to tell Leia and Han he would be back soon, but he didn't want to go back,not with out Danielle, he was begining to fall in love with her.Luke walked back to the camp and saw that Danielle was standing there wating for him, he could see tears in her eyes and he knew that she felt through the force that he was leaving.As he walked forward they embraced and kisses the most passionate, wonderful,loving kiss Luke had ever felt,he loved her and she loved him."I don't want to leave you" Luke said," you must Luke , this is my home world and you have your's you will find someone eles, i would want nothing more in the world but for you to stay but...but", she broke off in tears and Luke was crying to as they held eachother in a farewell emprace."I love you Luke", she wispered into his ear, " remember me " she said as she touched the his chest and the necklace she had given him,"I love you Danielle and i will come back for you",they kisses one last kiss and Danielle ran her hand through his hair, "goodbye my love", Danielle turned and walked into he tent he could see tears rolling down her face,i will come back someday soon Luke wispered under his breath, very soon.When Luke reached his x-wing he took on last look back in the direction of Danielle's camp and quickly got into his x-wing,"lets go r2",Luke said in a depressed voice, and as the flew over the planets surface her could see Danielle down in her camp dancing to her wonderful music.And then Luke heard her through the force"I will never forget you luke, remember me"," i will never forget you and i will come back for you my love", he sent her the message and then he flew out of the planets atmosphere into space, and the last thought she sent him was "you are a powerful jedi and i love you", a thought pasted Luke's mind "she loves me, and i love her".
Chapter 2(1 month later) Luke felt very light headed as he headed for the planet Daragon,he smiled under his flight helmet and R2 made a feel beeps as they entered the planets atmosphere."Its alright R2"Luke said to the droid,when the x-wing was landed Luke sat back and his seat and smiled*back again*he thought to himself.He cliped his lightsaber to his belt and got out of the x-wing.R2 beeped at Luke,"its ok R2 I'll be back just watch the x-wing ok?"R2 beeped again and his dome head swirved around,Luke couldn't hear the music he had once heard on his first trip but the force seemed to be guiding him.He walked thought the jungle he was getting a little hot under his black jedi robes,he could hear the faint sound of music now and he walked faster toward the clearing he had been to before.He peeked outside of the vines into the clearing to see Danielle dancing it the mysterious music that she had been dancing to a month ago when she first met him.He smiled at the thought of their first meeting,as Luke walked into the clearing before he could even say anything she already had her eyes on him she had totally stoped dancing and was looking right at him,he brown eye wide with happiness.Luke smiled and began to walk forward to her,she ran to him and wraped her arms around him holding him tight."Luke....."she wispered into his ear,it made Luke's heart so happy to hold her again,but there was something different about her this time something more,Luke looked down into Danielles eyes.She smiled, Luke looked around him to see that his feet where no longer on the ground and she had lifted him and herself with the force."Danielle!"Luke gasped and held her tight,she lowered them to the ground and he smile was from ear to ear now."You have really learned to use the force well while was gone"Luke said,"yes i have been practicing ,i am so glad you came back Luke",Danielle said.She reached up and wraped her arms around his neck and kissed him,Luke held her close and looked into her eyes"you must come back with me,i must train you at yavin", Danielle looked at him with a puzzeled look"yavin?"she said"yes yavin is a jedi training school where i teach young jedi,you must come back with me ",Danielle smiled and held Luke tight and wispered into his left ear"of course i will come with you".Luke smiled and kissed her,when the kiss was over she ran to her tent and got a few things from it and came back"alright i am ready",they walked thought the jungle togther and when they got to the x-wing they both got in.They reached cloud city rather quickly this was their first stop before going to yavin,Danielle got out of the x-wing and got her things,she and Luke held hands as they walked of the landing platform #36,Luke reached for his comlink,he had just gotten a message,it was Leia,"Yes Leia",Luke asked as Danielle waited near the door to Luke's room,"whos with you Luke?"Leia asked questionally,she could really sence force sensitive people now."You'll see",Luke said
