As Intimidated As We Are That You Know HTML, This Is Not An Impressive Sentiment As Intimidated As We Are That You Know HTML, This Is Not An Impressive Sentiment

When it becomes too strenuous for some Hansonites to come up with insults for anti-Hanson guestbooks, they cut and paste some HTML code that posts this picture:

Hanson's da bomb and ur.. how do I put this.. NOT! Any questions?

I have a crippling fear that my peers will discover me for the non-da bomb person that I am, and as a result, I immediately removed it and set up an HTML filter, though for deep, masochistic reasons, I saved a copy. And recently, while looking through my images folder, I came across the copy. As I had nothing better to do (the backstory to all my accomplishments), I created a rebuttal image:

'The next amendment shall say something to the effect of 'The first amendment does not apply, however, to ****ing with great bands.'' 'You wanna take a break, man?'

What you do with it's your business. I don't care. Show it to my grandmother and tell her that Angelfire censored out what I actually said.