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Tamagotchi Home Sites
  • Danny's Tamagotchi Home Page
  • Tamagotchi Fever!
  • Tamagotchi World!
  • GotchiTama's Tamagotchi World!
  • Tamagotchi Online
  • Hiro's Tamagotchi
  • Virtual Pets
  • Kang Wee Meng's Tamagotchi Site
  • Virtual Pets - Tamagotchi Info
  • Virtual Graveyard
  • Tamagotchi UK

    Tamagotchi Stores/Auctions/Contests
  • Treasure's Forever
  • - an online collectible store
  • Mint'In'Box Tamagotchi Store
  • Tamagotchi Depot
  • Amazing Tamagotchi
  • English Nederlands Tamagotchi
  • Mystic Tamagotchi
  • Tamagotchi Essay Contest

    Have a Tamagotchi Link not listed here? Send it to

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