The Alien Story

"you could see it coming on for miles
ripping up the trees and fencepost stiles
the wind turns warm, the sky goes green
that's the wildest world I've ever seen"

"I've always kept the company of clouds
I like my lightning bright, my thunder loud
I was never one for bluer skies
all that bright sun droning in my eyes"
Little Green Men

"the sensible people run but I'm holding out my tongue
for just a taste of rain, electricity
I want to feel that change washing over me"
Samurai Run

"let it rain, let it pour
spin me round a little more
and roar away, roar away hurricane"
Dark Fire
--kris delmhorst
Aliens, Continued
Back to School
"when I'm in a crowd or on an island by myself
silent or too loud, I'm wishing I was somewhere else
and I can't believe you hit me fast and hard
when you turned to me and said
'never change the way you are'"
The Aardvark and the Pumpernickel
"I'm falling through the door, flying 'cross the floor
when you look at me, suddenly it's clear
you're burning up my dreams, crazy as it seems
I don't want to be anywhere but here"

The Aerie