by Starhawk

The boy on the floor. Snickers, surrounding kids, and a flash of rage. They wouldn't mock him, never had; he was untouchable. But they had to mock someone, and he had to fight someone, so it evened out.

His fists were already glowing as he came stealthily up behind the group of laughing boys, but they weren't paying any attention. The sparkle of red was the first warning they had, and it wasn't enough to do any good. He had one of them on the floor before the others even looked up.

He wouldn't have bothered helping the blonde-haired boy up off the ground except that there was no fear on his face. Something about his regard made Andros stop and hold out his hand. His fingers still glittered with Power, matching the angry haze that hadn't faded from his vision. The strength still bubbled inside of him, demanding release.

It would show somehow, he supposed. That was what scared the rest of them off. Not what he had done, but what he could do. It didn't stop this kid from reaching for him, clasping his hand and pulling himself to his feet.

"We're here... Still with me?"

The blonde-haired boy never sank back into the obscurity of the school crowd after that. He didn't even try to ignore his new shadow; most of his would-be followers went away on their own anyway. They got bored after a few days of silence and inattentive stares.

Not this one. He would turn up at the most unexpected moments: walking beside Andros between classes, sitting across from him in the library, catching his eye through the cafeteria windows. Sometimes he spoke, sometimes not. He didn't seem to expect conversation or even acknowledgement. He was just there.

"I'll get the stuff out of the back. Don't go anywhere."

One day, he flopped down on his favorite couch in the library and found someone already there. He had grown so used to Zhane's presence that he hadn't even noticed the space was occupied. Instead of getting up again, he leaned back against the arm and put his feet up on the middle cushion.

"Hey," he said, gazing up at the ceiling.

"Hey," Zhane answered, as nonchalantly as though they had always greeted each other like this.

He didn't even bother to pull out a book. Head pillowed on the arm of the couch and his knees resting against the back, he closed his eyes. The librarian wouldn't wake him, and Zhane had proven he knew how to be quiet.

He had expected to be alone when he woke. Instead, the blonde-haired boy was still perched against the other end of the couch, book open on his lap while he stared intently down at it. He was so engrossed that he didn't even notice Andros watching him.

"Don't you have class?" It was the longest sentence he had ever spoken in Zhane's presence.

The other boy didn't look up. "Yes."

The proceeding quiet was more comfortable than he had expected.

"All set... ready for some real sleep?"

There were hands on his shoulders and the physical contact made the Power flare violently under his skin. He heard himself moan as the fire tore through his nerves, flashing in front of his eyes and ringing loudly in his ears. The other boy's grip shifted as he braced himself against Andros, helping him stagger out of the vehicle.

"I'm sorry," Zhane muttered, guiding him toward something that was almost invisible in the darkness. "Can't help it if you can't stand on your own."

The cool air soothed his skin, making Zhane's touch seem all the harsher. Then the slippery sweet fabric of a sleeping bag reached up to envelope him and the ground was reassuringly hard and unmoving beneath. He groaned, shifting to ease the pressure on his head, and he heard someone trying to settle quietly behind him.

He rolled over without thinking, wanting nothing more than a respite from the restless heat that ravaged his body. He buried his head in the other boy's chest, sighing in relief when the pain didn't intensify. An arm crept tentatively around his trembling form as he sank back into unconsciousness.