Pronunciation Guide
"They're not really rules. They're more like... suggestions."
"Then why are they called the Rules of Acquisition?"
"Would you buy a book called The Suggestions of Acquisition?"
--Grand Nagus/Quark, ST:DS9

Cetaci (suh TAY see, from "cetacean")
Aura ("aura")
Delphinius (dell FIN ee us, from "delphinus")
Centori (sen TOUR ee, from "centauri")
Reiya (RAY ah)
Stari (STAR ee, "starry")
Sanaro (suh NARE oh)
Leis (LEES, "lease")
Maricut (MARE ih cut)
Haley ("haley")
Marino (mah REEN oh)
Corusca (core US ka, from "coruscate")
Ty (TI, "tie")
Marsie (MARS ee, from "marci")
Kesra (KEZ rah)
Kristet Sinai (CHRIS tit SI ni)
Kinwon Obekai (OH buh ki)
Rayna Selmir (RAY nah SELL meer)
Myri (MEER ee)
Cara (CAR uh, "cara")
Kinsey (KIN zee)
Leigh (LAY)
Rill ("rill")
Kaeth (KAYTH)
Saryn (SAY ren)
Jenna ("jenna")
Lyris (LEER es, from "lyric")
Kris (CHRIS, "chris")
Timmin (TIM in, from "tim")
Mirine (MEER in nay)
Raine ("rain")
Azmuth (AS muhth, from "azimuth")
Kyril (ki RILL)
Zelashei (ZEEL ah shay)
Jenkarta (jen CAR tuh)
Kayatachi (ki ah TAH chee)
Targa (TAR guh)
Sayzie (SAY zee)
Natani (nuh TAHN ee)
Elisia (ee LISS ee ah, from "elysian")
Rayven ("raven")
Calyjit (kah LEE jit)
Aron ("aaron")