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Demos Shipwright Engineering Corporation Military and Commercial Starships

Military Vessels

All DSEC Warships are designed to be more compact, faster, and pack a greater punch than their cousins from other manufacturers. With the new TSC power cores (licensed from TSC) and Uncle Jonah’s Droid Warehouse Droid Brain Suites, systems are more efficient and take up less space, because they are integrated into the components of the ships from the ground up, not added in like non-Demos vessels. Each capital scale vessel has droid workers hard-patched into its maintenance system, cutting the necessary crew to one-third that of another ship its size, allowing the ship to decrease the necessary internal space- Droid alcoves are integrated to be unobtrusive and for maximum utility.

In addition, All DSEC Warships come with two special Demos features: Demos Engineered Alloy 1 and Demos Engineered Molecular Phase Shielding. DE Alloy 1 is a self-healing (based on replicated Balmorran technology), composite polymer alloy built around a hexagonal, honeycombed lattice. This allows the armor to have excellent heat dispersion, and is very resistant to ionization and cuncussion damage. DE Molecular Phase Shielding (DE MP) is another Balmorran-based design, which is capable of taking the energy directed at it by attacking weapons and channeling it to ship’s systems, weapons, or a special capacitator.

All prices reflect standard armament and equipment. Starfighters and shuttles do not come with the vessels. Droids for the crew must be purchased separately, though bulk deals are available through Uncle Jonah’s Droid Warehouse. Droid crew sizes are recommended values based on the nature of the ships design, and are geared towards two 12-hour shifts. Crew sizes are based on three eight-hour standard shifts (with the exception of the gunship class). "Mainenance" is used as a catch-all phrase for general duties not covered specifically. Special modifications are available, but are subject to contract. All Smuggler’s Band Members receive discounts on starfighter scale vehicles as de facto employees.

1. Vornskr Attack Craft

Demos Shipwright Engineering Corporation Gunship-Class

Scale: Starfighter

Length: 35 meters

Crew: Skeleton 3; Total 7

Droids: 0

Passengers: 3

Droid Suite: Sensor/Tactical Sub-Brain

Nav Computer: Yes

Hyperdrive: x1.5

Hyperdrive Backup: x12

Speed: 80 MGLTs

Atmosphere: 950kph

Armor: DE Alloy 1

Shields: DE MP Shielding


6 Proton Torpedo Launchers (4 torpedoes each)

4 Quad-laser Cannon turrets

2 Fire-linked Ion Cannons

2 Turbolasers

1 Tractor Beam (for towing purposes)

Complement: N/A

Description: The Vornskr is designed to perform a myriad of roles, such as system patrol, escort, strafing, and combat. The ship has high speed, and is well-armed enough to be more than an annoyance to larger vessels, who could find themselves with some serious damage if they ignore this deceptively small vessel. Vornskrs utilize a classic disc-shape to allow the quad laser turrets (top, bottom, left, right) maximum fire arcs. The turbolasers and ion-cannons are fixed forward. The turbolasers are on either side of the somewhat prominent cockpit, which juts forward (picture a sleek YT-2000). The fire-linked ion cannons are just below the cockpit, with the torpedo launchers in a swept-back “V” on either side. The ship can operate with only a pilot, co-pilot, and sensor/comm tech, with the turrets controlled by the tactical sub-brain, but the turrets are also capable of manual-control.

Variants: No variants exist at this point.

Price:10,000 credits/ 1,000 credits (Smuggler's Band)

2. Dervish Corvette

Demos Shipwright Engineering Corporation Corvette-Class

Scale: Capital

Length: 100 meters

Crew: Skeleton 11; Total 33 (18 maintenance [ship, droids, gunners, etc.], 6 pilots/co-pilots, 3 sensor/comm techs, 3 tactical, 3 command)

Droids: 82 (80 maintenance, 1 cook, 1 medic)

Passengers: 400

Droid Suite: Full suite

Nav Computer: Yes

Hyperdrive: x1.5

Hyperdrive Backup: x10

Speed: 80 MGLTs

Atmosphere: 950kph

Armor: DE Alloy 1

Shields: DE MP Shielding


10 Quad-laser Cannon Turrets (2 each: top, bottom, left, right; 1 forward, 1 rear)

4 Fixed-forward Turbolasers

4 Double-turbolaser with Ion Cannon Turrets (top, bottom, left, right)

1 Concussion Missile Launcher (bottom; 10 tubes each)

1 Tractor Beam Projector

Complement: N/A

Description: Dervish Corvettes are fast, maneuverable, and are capable of punching a nice-sized hole in any enemy picket line. The Dervishes were conceived as fast-response escort vehicles at first, but testing has revealed excellent hit-and-run, blockade running, and reconnaissance capabilities. Their small size and configuration allows for a smaller sensor-profile.

Variants: No variants exist at this point.

Price: 135,000 credits

3. Argos Frigate

Demos Shipwright Engineering Corporation Frigate-Class

Scale: Capital

Length: 700 meters

Crew: Skeleton 49; Total 147 (6 pilots/co-pilots, 3 command, 3 sensor techs, 3 comm techs, 3 tactical, 9 engineering, 12 starfighter pilots, 108 maintenance)

Droids: 494 (480 maintenance, 12 security, 1 cook, 1 medic)

Passengers: 1,000 to 2,400

Droid Suite: Full

Nav Computer: Yes

Hyperdrive: x1.5

Hyperdrive Backup: x10

Speed: 65 MGLTs

Atmosphere: 800kph

Armor: DE Alloy 1

Shields: DE MP Shielding


15 Quad-laser Cannon Turrets

11 Double-turbolaser with Ion Cannon Turrets (2 top, 2 bottom, 3 left, 3 right, 1 nose)

3 Concussion Missile Launcher Turrets

2 Fixed-forward Heavy Particle Beam Cannons

2 Tractor Beam Projectors

Complement: 1 starfighter squadron (12 starfighters), 1 shuttle. Docking collars for up to four dropship/shuttle sized craft.

Description: Frigates are the work-beasts of any fleet. They can be called upon to escort other vessels, perform combat roles, or to deliver troops on-planet. The Argos frigates were designed with all of this in mind. Therefore, they are quick, fairly maneuverable, and carry enough firepower to perform any of their assigned tasks. The starfighter squadron is held in two launch bays, one on either side of the frigate. The shuttle is held beneath in it’s own docking bay, which connects to the cargo hold.

Variants: No variants exist at this time.

Price: 210,000 credits.

4. Rapier Destroyers

Demos Shipwright Engineering Corporation Destroyer-Class

Scale: Capital

Length: 1400 meters.

Crew: Skeleton 747; Total 2,240 (8 pilots/co-pilots, 3 command, 6 sensor, 9 tactical, 3 communications, 36 engineering, 60 starfighter pilots, 600 garrison, 1625 maintenance)

Droids: 1212 (8 cooks, 4 medics, 200 security, 1000 maintenance)

Passengers: 2,000 to 3,600

Droid Suite: Full

Nav Computer: Yes

Hyperdrive: x1

Hyperdrive Backup: x10

Speed: 60 MGLTs

Atmosphere: 750kph (not designed for atmospheric flight)

Armor: DE Alloy 1

Shields: DE MP Shielding


44 Quad-laser Cannon Turrets

14 Double-turbolaser Turrets

14 Fixed-forward Turbolasers

14 Deca-tube Proton Torpedo Launchers

5 Heavy Particle Beam Cannons

4 Quad-turbolasers (sweeps)

4 Tractor Beam Projectors

Complement: 5 squadrons (60 starfighters), 4 shuttles, docking collars for 1 corvette-sized ship and 8 dropships.

Description: If the Argos frigates are meant to be the work-beasts of a fleet, then the Rapiers are meant to be the powerhouses. Each one is quite capable of taking on a Star Destroyer head-to-head. Between its shields and the devastating punch it packs from a forward-fire position, in its class can hope to survive a stand-up fight. And with its agility and speed, the Rapiers never have to sit still during a battle. Devastatingly powerful, elegantly designed- the Rapiers are grace and death personified.

Variants: The prototype for this class was similarly armed, though with less turrets, and only 1000 meters long. Currently, it serves as Warden Grimm’s personal ship, The Rapier. The Rapier also had a cloaking device and droid “feelers” outfitted. Some versions of the Rapier Class have replaced the quad-turbolasers, the ion cannons, and the particle beams for the devastating EMP Shock Cannon.

Price: 500, 000 credits

5. Horizon Cruiser Unavailable

Demos Shipwright Engineering Corporation Cruiser-Class

Scale: Capital

Length: 2800 meters

Crew: Skeleton 1500; Total 4500 (6 pilots/co-pilots, 3 command, 9 sensor, 3 comm, 9 tactical, 9 flight control, 45 engineering, 84 starfighter pilots, 32 shuttle pilots/gunship crew, 900 garrison, 1,300 maintenance)

Droids: 3,044 (2400 maintenance, 20 medical, 24 cooks, 600 security)

Passengers: 7,000

Droid Suite: Full

Nav Computer: Yes

Hyperdrive: x1.5

Hyperdrive Backup: x12

Speed: 55 MGLTs

Atmosphere: N/A

Armor: DE Alloy 1

Shields: DE MP Shielding


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