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Sarcrament-an Unfinished Script

This is an unfinished movie I have been writing. It will be here soon!
SACRAMENT by James Elliott Fade from black onto The City with a Gothic-New York feel. Gotham from the first Tim Burton Batman or a turn of the century London at night is most appropriate. It is nighttime but the streets are active, as though it were daylight. Indeed, for the denizens of this world, nighttime is the time for activity. As we sweep down into the City, Bach's Troccata and fugue in D Minor plays. The following voice-over occurs as we swoop down, over the music. We see a montage of street scenes: A vampire feeding off the homeless, a magician (a real one, not a charlatan) performing for a crowd, and a man being mugged and shot dead only to get back up after the muggers run off. ERIK (V/O) Things sure have changed in the last three years since the Vampire Citizenship Act. Life for us normals has gone down the toilet. The guy next door drinks blood out of a six-pack, the magician upstairs chants too loud, and the stiff I left in the alley last night is up and walking again. I'll be lucky if I live long enough to collect my dues from the Guild. We come to an apartment building of brick and stone. Follow up the windows to the third story and in through a window. Focus on an alarm clock that clicks to 8:00 pm, setting off the radio, which plays Oingo Boingo's "Dead Man's Party." A hand comes down, shutting it off. Pull back as Erik Sable, every inch the tough-as-nails P.I., something like Bogart with a touch of Douglas Fairbanks, gets up and heads for the bathroom. As we follow, the camera lazily pans over his room, lingering on the coat rack from which hangs a gray trenchcoat and a gray fedora. The sound of a shower running fills the room. Cut to the door. The bolt lock slides back and the door chain falls loose. There is a click and the door swings open. We see a woman enter from the neck down, wearing a simple black dress that screams attractive without showing it. The shower no longer runs but the sink does. Cut to the bathroom. Erik is brushing his teeth, a towel around his waist. There is shaving cream on his ear. The woman comes to the bathroom door, just out of his line of sight. We see her face, and she is indeed attractive. This is Ariana, one of the Guild's foremost magicians. She smiles, amused at the prospect of catching Erik off guard. ARIANA Hello, Erik. Erik starts but waits a moment to wipe his mouth, not wanting to give her the satisfaction. ERIK Ariana. Still haven't mastered knocking, I see. ARIANA And miss this cute picture? I think not. ERIK So, what brings the boss's pet magician to my humble abode? This tweeks Ariana, and she winces. Erik smiles at having scored a hit. We get the impression that this banter is a long-standing tradition, and though they may not particularly like each other, there is no real animosity. ARIANA There has never been anything humble about you, Erik. ERIK True. Still doesn't answer the question. ARIANA Gabriel wants you at the Guildhouse in one hour. ERIK Couldn't you just use the phone like any normal person? Besides, Tuesday's my day off. ARIANA He thinks its important. He...he needs his best. ERIK (Triumphantly) And that means me. ARIANA (The admission is not easy for her) Yes. ERIK All right, I'll be there. ARIANA Good. Oh, and Erik... ERIK Yes? She touches her earlobe, indicating the shaving cream still on his ear. She smiles and turns to leave as he curses and turns back to the mirror. Cut to the front door of the apartment building. Erik exits the building wearing the trenchcoat. He places the fedora on his head. Off he goes, passing bums and revelers and all sorts. The camera mimics Erik's eyes as he walks by, flitting from person to person. The camera will rest on certain people longer, like the magician, and a vampire that is tormenting a hapless couple. These few will stand out brighter than the people in the background. When we come to him, the vampire tormenting a couple, the camera stops, as does Erik. He regards the scene silently for a second and then approaches, face set. ERIK Excuse me, but I don't think these nice people appreciate your interrupting their evening. VAMPIRE And I don't like your interrupting mine, so fuck off. ERIK Oh come on, wouldn't you much rather play with something in your own league, like a cockroach or something? VAMPIRE Buddy, you're getting to be a nuisance, so why don't you just fuck off and DIE! On these last words, the vampire swings at Erik's head, but he is no longer there. He catches the vampire's arm in a lock and swings him about, stopping him at about an inch from a rusty pipe at roughly the spot where his heart should be. VAMPIRE You saw me move! ERIK That and more, asshole. Now, you gonna leave these people alone? VAMPIRE Yes! ERIK Good. Erik tosses the vampire aside and continues on his way, a self-satisfied smile flitting across his features. He comes to an old, run-down cathedral and goes up the steps, pausing only to greet the doorman. ERIK Evening, Tommy. TOMMY Good evening, Mr. Sable. They're all in the back room. (smiles) You're late. ERIK Well, you know me. Cut to a room with a long table in the middle. Five men sit around the table. Gabriel, an older, austere gentleman, stands at the head. Ariana stands by the door. Erik enters and drops into a chair next to his friend Marc. GABRIEL Well, now that you're all here I guess we can begin. Perhaps you have all heard about that madness at city hall, where several vampires tried to eliminate the mayor and caused widespread carnage. Well, we have located their den, on the East Side. The city and the Guild Council want these miscreants eliminated. Tonight. MARC Just out of an overwhelming curiosity, how many is "several?" GABRIEL Four. MARC Four?! And only six of us? What brand of stupid are you? ERIK Oh that was tactful. And they call me the loudmouth. GABRIEL As I was about to say, before I was so rudely interrupted, these four fed very heavily last night. All indications from previous vampire behavior show that it will be almost impossible for them to stay half-conscious today. Now, pay attention... Cut to an old townhouse as two nondescript cars pull up. The music is suitably hardcore, perhaps Prodigy's "Narayan" or Life With the Thrill Kill Kult's "After the Flesh". Out of them pours the Guildmen, wielding various grisly implements of vampiric death, including crossbows and even a flamethrower. Without any preamble, the door is kicked in. As the Guildmen rush in, we see a pale and inhumanly cold-looking woman descending the staircase. WOMAN Who... What the hell? She gets no farther as Marc launches a crossbow quarrel into her chest, dropping her. Erik rushes past, and the man behind him pauses to decapitate the vampiress. What follows are the efficient deaths of two more vampires. The fourth, which we shall know as Lucian, proves to be a harder kill. The chase ends with him being caught by the flamethrower and hurtling his flaming body out the window, disappearing in the billows of smoke. Cut to the building front. The Guildmen are departing, ignoring the small crowd that has formed. GUILDMAN #1 (to Marc) That last one must have been pretty old to have just disintegrated like that, huh, guys? MARC Yeah, well we got lucky then. Who's up for a few rounds at Harry's? Erik's treat. This meets with general approval. Erik merely shakes his head, glances back at the townhouse and then leaves. Cut to Harry's, an old-fashioned bar of the forties type. The Guildmen are enjoying a few rounds. Everyone except Erik is doing a good job of getting properly inebriated. He just sits at the bar, facing the door, nursing his drink. MARC What's got you in such a pissy mood, Erik? ERIK It's that last vampire, Marc. It was too easy. Nothing just disintegrates like that. Believe me, I know. MARC There's a first time for everything. Come! Drink! Be merry! Cut to the door opening. Music plays: it is Beethoven's Egmont Overture. Cut to a very drunk Guildman #1. GUILDMAN #1 This party's private, pal. Cut to Erik's head lifting, almost like it was in slow-motion Cut to the door as the figure becomes more distinct. It is Lucian, revealed in the clear-cut way of the vampires illuminated by Erik's vision earlier on. He is charred and in a rage. Cut to a shocked and rapidly sobering Guildman #1. Cut to Lucian leaping for the Guildmen, hands distorted to talons, roaring his fury as he efficiently butchers the four unnamed Guildmen. Cut to Erik reaching for his gun, only to realize he's not packing. Cursing, he grabs Marc and makes for the back door. The Guildmen are too drunk to fight and Erik knows this. He and Marc run away, followed by the victorious howl of Lucian. Cut to the Guild Cathedral as Mac and Erik stagger in, eyes red from weeping. MARC Shit, Erik! They're all dead. Fuck, but we should be too. How'd you know it was him? ERIK I didn't know it was him. Just that it was something. MARC How? ERIK I always know. Always have. Gabriel comes out of the back room, followed by Ariana. Neither is aware of what has come to pass. GABRIEL Erik! Marc! What is the meaning of this? Where are the others? ERIK They're dead, Gabriel. All of them. GABRIEL How? You're phone call said all had gone well. Ariana, meanwhile, shocked to the core, has sat down next to Marc and put an arm around him. ERIK So we thought. The last one was more resourceful than I thought. Why didn't you tell us an elder was in that pack?! Christ, Marc and I are lucky to be alive. GABRIEL We didn't know. How is it you are still alive? Is the elder dead? ERIK No. We ran. GABRIEL What? ERIK My decision. He didn't follow us, and that was his mistake. Mine was assuming he was dead. Well, I survived my mistake; he won't. GABRIEL Erik, our first priority has to be bringing down this elder. I don't care how, but he must be stopped. We can't let a cloud of failure hang over the Guild. MARC Failure?! How about our dead friends. I think their DEATHS get first priority here! ERIK I have free rein then? GABRIEL Yes. I'll place some calls, see if I can get some help. ERIK Fine. Marc? You in? MARC Hell, yeah, I'm in. ARIANA Me too. ERIK Sure you want to get dirty like that? ARIANA Yeah, I'm sure, Erik. GABRIEL One more thing. Hannibal wants to talk to you. ERIK Can't he wait? GABRIEL It's about tonight. ERIK News travels fast. He'll keep. GABRIEL Erik. ERIK He'll have to wait! Cut to Erik's apartment interior. He sits, loading clips with silver bullets, a recently cleaned gun beside him. Marc reclines on the couch, drinking water. The music is Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. Erik has just finished the last clip when a knock sounds at the door. Marc rises to answer it, but is stopped by Erik. ERIK No buzzer. Marc nods and pulls a fighting knife from under his jacket. He places himself to one side, out of sight. The knock comes again, more insistent. VOICE Mr. Sable? We know you're home. pause. Hannibal would like a word with you, sir. MARC How do we know they're from Hannibal? ERIK We don't. Erik flings the door open, revealing two surprised vampires. ERIK Hi. He sticks his gun in the face of the nearest one. VAMPIRE Um...hi. We...uh...we have a car waiting. Hannibal would like to see you. ERIK I'll see him when I have the time. I'm fairly busy right now. VAMPIRE #2 Mr. Sable, one does not refuse a summons to the Regent of a city, no matter who you are. Please put down your quite useless weapon and come with us. Erik merely smiles and cocks back the hammer. VOICE (O/S) Erik, please put your gun down. And Hannibal steps into view. He is middle-aged and very handsome, every inch the modern European aristocrat. His suit is amazingly tasteful, every wrinkle and crease seems like it was meant to be there, all of it complimentary. ERIK Hannibal. I figured you'd be around. HANNIBAL You really are quite rude, you know. It is quite unseemly for the Regent to have to come and visit a mortal, instead of the opposite. Think of what you're doing to my reputation if it gets out. ERIK You'll live. HANNIBAL May I come in? ERIK I didn't think your kind had to ask. HANNIBAL We don't. I was being polite. ERIK Well then, please, come in. Erik tucks his gun into his shoulder holster. As Hannibal enters he sees Marc detaching himself from the wall and tucking the knife away. HANNIBAL He was there the whole time? Humph. Hello, Marc. MARC Hello, Hannibal. ERIK We're very busy, Hannibal. The two flunky vampires do not appreciate someone speaking to their boss this way, and they approach menacingly. Hannibal raises his hand and stops them. HANNIBAL You know how I feel about your Guild killing my kind unsanctioned, Erik. ERIK We were within the charter boundaries. We- (he is interrupted by the sound of loud chanting from above. He is forced to raise his voice.) Christ Paul, it's four in the fucking morning!- We handle what the police can't. You know that. It's all very legal. HANNIBAL Legal or not, it has always been common courtesy to tell me first. If you had... MARC Why don't you take this up with Gabriel? HANNIBAL ...if you had, your comrades' deaths might have been avoided. MARC What are you talking about? ERIK You know who the elder is? Tell us. HANNIBAL I merely meant that I might have been able to find out who they were, and thus you would have been better prepared. MARC Who was he? HANNIBAL I don't know. ERIK You're lying. HANNIBAL I beg your pardon? ERIK You are lying. HANNIBAL I will not be addressed in such a way... ERIK Then get out. HANNIBAL I believe I will depart now. (and he does) ERIK Don't let the door hit you on the ass as you leave. One of the vampires looks murderous, but he merely follows Hannibal out. MARC And you call me impulsive. Pissing off the Regent of the city. God, I don't have the nads to do that, and I'm one hell of a sarcastic SOB. ERIK Yeah, well I'm impulsive like that. MARC What's our next move, kemosabe? ERIK We'll swing by the Guildhouse at eight this evening and then head over to Dreamland. MARC Dreamland? To see Liz? I'm all for last good-byes and all that, man, but don't you think we'll be a little busy making sure it's not a last goodbye. We don't have time for true love, dude. ERIK Liz is a vampire and she owns the premiere gathering spot in the city. What do you mean true love? MARC Oh come on. You know exactly what I mean. ERIK She's a vampire. I kill vampires. Ain't that one hell of a conflict of interest? MARC It's not like you'll ever have to kill her. Besides, who said love made sense? ERIK Shut up and go to sleep. I'd offer you the bed, but you're a guy and you just pissed me off, so there's the couch. MARC Yeah, who's closer to the bedroom? So saying, he bolts, making it in and shutting and locking the door in Erik's face. Fade to black. It is now late afternoon, and we see Marc and Erik heading up the steps to the Guildhall. MARC What's the matter, Erik? Didn't sleep well? ERIK Fuck you. That couch is damn uncomfortable. MARC I know. They acknowledge Tommy as they pass into the Guildhall. Gabriel is seated at the head of the table, his smile seems fixed. GABRIEL Marc. Erik. Please sit down. (They do.) I have been up all day tracking down the name of that elder, given your description of him. All I could get from the database was a name. ERIK Well? GABRIEL His name is Lucian. He's a known vampire, but that's about it. Nothing on his past, his allegiances, or his whereabouts. MARC Well, I'd say we know a little bit more than that. He's in town, he doesn't like the current government, and he sure as hell is pissed at us! ERIK That's putting it mildly. This guy needs a takedown real fast. So, who have we got to go after him? GABRIEL That is problematical. I was forced to send most of our hunters to Los Angeles to deal with the current insurrection there. Our recent losses have left Vagassia incredibly understaffed. I contacted the Council, and they seem to feel all we have is a "little" problem compared to Los Angeles. And with the "Slayer of Radu" here… ERIK I knew that reputation was going to bite me in the ass someday. GABRIEL The Council feels that we have enough to handle the current situation. They are sending someone, at my insistence. MARC SomeONE? Oh great, I guess then we're all set! Let's go kill us a madman vampire capable of ripping four hunters to fish bait! Ariana enters the room and takes a seat across from Erik. ARIANA Calm down, Marc. Panic won't get us anywhere. MARC

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