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Profile: Warden Grimm

Subject: Governor Warden Grimm

Real Name:Krischen Raef

Callsign: goes by Warden or Grimm

Rank: Governor

Sector: Bakura

Employment History: Originally recruited to Malarackh squadron, then promoted to Smuggler First Officer for his innovative tactics in taking Bnach, and sent to Bakura as assistant to Governor Rush Draconas. Placed in Krayt Squadron and promoted to Smuggler Captain for his help in reorganizing the sector. Promoted to Assistant Administrator Executive after revealing that recent pirate attacks were Imperial-backed. Temporarily transfer to Orto Sector, then transferred back to Bakura to take command as Governor, where he currently serves. Founded Universal Exports, Ltd. which he now owns under the table. Received the Jade Medallion for his dedication and personal actions in protecting Rivertyne VIII and Nakoma from Imperial attackers.


Age: 35

Eyes: green

Hair: white (once black)

Appearance: Handsome, about 1.9 meters tall, lean, muscular figure. Warden favors darks and whites in his clothes, most normally sporting black or blue pants, a white shirt and grey tunic, with a black or dark grey jacket. His clothes are often hand-tailored and expensive, if not obviously so. Unless forced to part with it, Warden always wears a necklace of silver with the figure of a man carrying a sword and a torch.

Psych Profile: Warden has suffered some immense trauma in his past, including torture at the hands of Sith Jedi and the deaths of his wife and her clone. He can be very closed off and secretive. At the same time, he is a loyal friend and an excellent leader. His tendency to use himself as a battleground so that his people may escape harm could potentially be harmful. He is prone to fits or anger, like a kettle slowly coming to boil. He may snap at any time. Recently, Warden was held for several months by the Unity Group and lost the majority of the Smugglers under his command. It is unknown what result these occurences have had on him, but friends and observers have commented that he seems more withdrawn and violent than usual.

Abilites: Force sensitive, though unable to use it for anything non-physical (i.e. no mind-reading or clairvoyance). Excellent swordsman (due to his Force-augmented physical skills) and a superb gunman (he was notoriously fast; see History). Warden's past training includes commando and intelligence agent skills, along with a keen interest in communications and droid technology. Warden's ability to break into and out of secure areas was legendary during his time with the Ubiqutorate. His piloting skills are well-regarded within the Band, a group notorious for its excellent pilots. Before joining the Band, Warden spent six years in the underworld.

History: (Note: After recent events, Governor Grimm has seen fit to provide the database with a more comprehensive overview of his past.)

Warden Grimm was born Krischen Raef, youngest son of Barcataz Raef and his wife, Elledri. The couple had two significantly older sons: Maarken, who at 15 was the eldest; and Kazander, aged 12 at the time of Krischen's birth. Barcataz was apparently an abusive father, whose only true love was money and sex. When Krischen was 10, his father, a Corellian shipping magnate, was killed by a jealous man he had cuckolded. Four years later, Elledri Raef succumbed to cirrhosis of the liver, brought on by years of excessive alcoholism.

The eldest brother, Maarken, took over the family shipping business. The middle brother, Kazander, had entered the Imperial Navy by this time. Currently a captain in command of a Star Destroyer, Kazander Raef is wanted by the Galactic Republic for the slaughter of the entire population of the planet Iddikol, earning him his nickname of "the Butcher." Neither of the brothers could spare the time to raise the adolescent Krischen. His only relative, Jonah Hegail, was deemed an unfit guardian, due to his lifestyle and suspected (but never confirmed) ties to the Rebel Republic. At age 14, Warden became a Ward of the Empire.

For four years, he was educated at the exclusive Thrawn Academy on Corellia, where the Empire's most promising pupils are sent. Krischen earned high marks there, though not at the top of the class. Raef spent a year at the Imperial Naval Academy before being selected to join the Ubiqutorate's Special Operative program. Another two years of the toughest training in the Empire outside of the Emperor's Guardsmen followed.

From the age of 21 until the age of 27, Krischen Raef was known as the Imperial operative codenamed Grimm. While an Ubiqutorate agent, Grimm smashed not a few Rebel Republic cells and was responsible for the capture or elimination of many of its top agents, all the while evading captors and assassins. After nearly six years of harrowing assignments, Grimm began to burn out. When the Sith approached him, claiming he had the ability to be one of them, he very nearly deserted, and only the intervention of the Czar-General of the Ubiqutorate kept him alive.

Krischen, a major by this time, was transferred to a security battalion of the Ubiqutorate, commanded by a Colonel Aviron Anniyas. They were assigned to pacify the planet Edrezea and its near-human inhabitants, the Edrezeans. During the pacification, Anniyas became enraged when Raef ordered the use of stun-weapons, and not blasters. Raef was relieved of his command. Again, then-Czar-General Collan interceded, sending Major Raef back to supervise the internment camps.

When Raef arrived, he found that Anniyas had opened concentration camps, and was slaughtering Edrezeans by the thousands. Completely enraged, Krischen freed some five hundred prisoners and led them off-planet in a seized Galoffree transport. With the planet's infrastructure destroyed and its environment dying, Colonel Anniyas and his forces left the planet. Raef spent the next three months, with the assistance of his eldest brother, Maarken, ferrying some three million surviving Edrezeans to a safe haven. Five million Edrezeans died to assuage Anniyas' anger at the young major.

Raef decided to spend the rest of his life atoning for his deeds. Before he left the Edrezeans, he swore an oath not to reveal them until he could provide a new home for them. An old woman gave him a pendant of a man with a sword and a torch, telling him that it was a representation of a mythical figure known as the Warden, a protector of those in need. And thus, to symbolize his need to atone for all that had occurred, was Warden Grimm born.

Warden spent the next two years serving as a gunman for Aida Ringe, the notorious criminal queen. In her service, he met Shaina Gershwil, the woman who would become his wife. She was a Rebel Republic spy in the underworld. For eleven months they operated with a band of spice smugglers, independent of, but on good terms with, the Ringe organization. Then his wife was killed, along with most of their band, by the Ubiqutorate on Ord Mantell. Warden turned thirty a few days later.

Before she died, the Empire cloned Shaina Gershwil and kept her fate a secret for years. For the next three years, Warden operated with a group of Wookie pirates, attacking Imperial convoys and supply routes.

This led to Warden's recruitment into the Smuggler's Band two years ago when the Wookie band made contact with the newly emerged power. First assigned to Malarackh squadron, Warden served with distinction under Nathan Ularius in the taking of the Bnach sector. Promoted directly to Smuggler First Officer, he was sent to Bakura sector to serve as Governor Rush Draconas' second in command. Warden was responsible for many of the changes and most of the restructuring in that sector. This earned him a promotion to Smuggler Captain and a position in the then-elite Krayt Squadron.

Following a lead stating that his wife, Shaina, was alive on Goursh, Grimm discovered her clone. He also found that an Imperial Grand Moff, Helsdager, was using pirates to disrupt Smuggler trade. Warden fell into the hands of Helsdager and his Sith assistant, Jinn. It was at this time Warden was tortured, his hair turning white and a scar slashing down his face. Warden escaped with the help of his wife's clone, and with the assistance of Krayt squadron, foiled Helsdager's plans. His wife's clone was murdered by the Sith Jedi Jinn.

After this incident, Warden was promoted to Assistant Administrator Executive. For a short while, he was tutored in the Jedi Arts by the Jedi Knight Jericho, who later fell to the Sith Jinn.

During the period wherein Supreme Commander Com Wedge fell deathly ill and Rush Draconas disappeared, Warden held Bakura together through sheer force of personality. Working with the other sector governors, they held the Band together and weathered the storm. At this time, he founded his company, Universal Exports, Ltd., and merged it with his Uncle Jonah's smuggler's warehouse. Warden led a unit of Band personnel on a daring raid of a Sith compound on Bimmisari, where he fought and killed the Sith Jinn.

When Supreme Commander Wedge returned, Warden was promoted to Governor of Bakura. This allowed him to expand the Smuggler Alliance infrastructure in Bakura sector, including the ultra-secure shipyards at Demos.

Warden recieved commendation for his quick commands and selfless performance that helped to save the Rivertyne VIII outpost and Nakoma itself from Imperial aggression. During the campaign, Warden orchestrated the capture of the Super Star Destroyer which now serves as his flagship, the Revenant.

It was at this point when Aviron Anniyas, now the Czar-General of the Ubiqutorate, launched a campaign to destroy Warden Grimm. He planted a file in a pilfered Imperial database which incriminated Warden in a plot to betray the Smuggler Alliance. Warden broke out of prison, and, with the help of several friends from his days with Aida Ringe, managed to clear his name. In a daring move, Warden assassinated Anniyas at the Ubiqutorate Headquarters on Coruscant and pulled a file dump, before escaping.

Upon his return, Warden gave the planet of Oberon to the Edrezeans, who now work for Universal Exports and the Smuggler Alliance.

Some months later, during the unfortunate time when Warlord Jade was under the influence of the Unity Group, Warden was captured by his brother, Commodore Kazander Raef, and by mercenaries working for Unity. The governor was held for two months- interrogations of a few captives have revealed that Grimm was tortured almost daily during this time. It has yet to be revealed just what this has done to him, since he refuses psychiatric treatment and will not speak of his experience. He has publicly vowed to smash Unity if it is the last thing he does.

Upon his rescue, Governor Grimm learned that all but one member of his smuggling group had been killed in action. This further trauma seemed to break him for a time. Grimm took his operations underground, severing all official ties with the Bakura Sector government.

Warden is currently involved with Lieutenant Adrea Ordan, who serves on his staff as communications officer. Other staff members include the Wookie brothers Roelstra and Rinhoel, as chief pilots and technicians; Crigo, his personal slicer; and his nine-member Noghri bodyguard.

Known Equipment: This is a catalogue of equipment and weapons Warden Grimm has been known to use on a regular or semi-regular basis.

Out of all of his ships, Warden uses The Corsair the most often. This ship has been extensively modified and is an immensely formidable craft. He also owns an airspeeder he has been known to use, in addition to whatever transportation he feels like acquiring.

Warden is never without his weapons. He wears two blasters (one low-slung on his right thigh, the other riding high on the left hip, butt-reversed), and a backup slugthrower (at the base of his spine). His lightsaber can be attached to his left thigh or ride attached to a special rig under his jacket, at the left armpit. He has been known to carry a backup blaster-derringer up his right sleeve. Knives are hidden up his left sleeve, in both boots, and two are located at the base of his spine. Currently, he has come to favor a collapsable bowcaster, which he normally carries slung on his back.

Other equipment he has been known to carry include a small, personal holoprojector, and a dampener stealth suit. Given his wide range of experience, it is reasonable to conjecture he has numerous sensory, communications, and criminal paraphenalia at his immediate disposal. One such device he is known to have is a wrist-mounted mini-comp which can be used as a communicator, an up-link, a portable computer, and a lock/codebreaker. Warden maintains a constant link with his crew or his ship through a small transponder/transciever kit.

Research has brought to light two rumored projects underway or completed to add to Warden's arsenal. The first is a personal deflector shield that would be wrist mounted and cover a limited immediate area, perhaps one half-meter to a meter in diameter. The other is a small group of nanotechnology droids that can respond to his verbal commands. Each one is supposedly the size of a credit chit, and only a little thicker. These droids are supposedly created out of mostly polymers, and sensor-shielded. Reconnaisance and escape capabilities are the most likely uses they would be put to.