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Tactics Against...

Dwarfs are a slow and stubborn race. Their main advatages are tough hand to hand troops, runes, and magic items. Their weaknesses are slowness, no mages, and no calvary. They want to fight a battle with prolonged combats that you can't win and will eventually lose. They have great war machines that can demolish your treemen so watch out. The first step to beating the dwarfs is to take out the war machines. Fortunatly, the wood elves are the best army at taking out war machines. Taking out their war machines is easy and can land you some good victory points. When you fight dwarf units in hand to hand always try to flank them so they lose their rank bonus. Use your speed to your advantage. You can often fight one dwarf unit with 2 or 3 of yours and kill it before he can get other dwarfs to join the combat. Against dwarfs, all your units are useful. Treemen, Dryads, and Wardancers can kill them in hand to hand. Glade Riders and Warhawks can flank enemy units and scouts and waywatchers can kill warmachines. Archers can take out warmachines and thin his units down.
I don't have the new Chaos set, but I know some about it from White Dwarf. The Chaos army now has many different army lists in it:Beastmen, Warriors, Daemons, and monstrous hosts. They all are offensive so my preferred tactic is to sit back with archers and thin his units down. When he gets close use chariots, treemen, wardancers, and dryads to crush him in hand to hand. If I were you I would leave my glade guards and glade riders at home, as any chaos unit will kill them without breaking a sweat. As for characters remember that most Chaos characters will eat yours for lunch so avoid most challenges. In my experience some things which are power gaming against other armies are fair against chaos such as the Black Gem(you sometimes need it to keep those Lords of Khorne under raps), dragons(as powerful as a greater daemon), etc. Lastly remember that if you are being charged and it will be fight you can't hope to win flee! Good Luck!
Dark Elves
Our evil cousins the Dark Elves are a good army. They can play offensively with witch elves, cold ones, and black guard or play defensively with bolt thrower, crossbowmen, and city guard. Your opponents prefered style of play will dictate how you respond, but I'll give you some advice here. First off, it is a safe bet that your opponent will get repeater bolt throwers. To counter this you can use warhawks, great eagles, scouts, or waywatchers. Witch elves are great so he will probably get some. Their main weakness? Low armor save- just keep shooting them or use the hail of doom arrow and they will die. Cold Ones are a bit harder to kill. One tactic is the use glade riders and scouts to draw them away from the fight. This however will not work against an experienced opponent. against them you need to get rid of their armor save so use chariots, treemen, and dryads. Wardancers are useful to keep them from attacking. In the end if you know that your opponent will play offensively then sit back with archers and kill him. If he is defensive then it get's a bit tricky. I would suggest you creep through the wood to keep him from firing at you. When you are close-charge !
Chaos Dwarfs
The Chaos Dwarfs have a good offensive and defensive army. Their main threats are the Bull Centaurs and the Earthshakers. All the rest of their units are prime targets for shooting and can be derstoyed by treemen and dryads. The Bull Centaurs will not be stopped by missle fire. The best way to detroy them is with a chariot, treeman, and wardancers. Shadow's Coil em' and have the chariot and treeman do the work. The earthshakers can be taken out by scouts, warhawks, and waywatchers. As a final note, Chaos Dwarks have some of the most fire weapons in the Old World so when bringing treemen be careful. Against fire they only have 3 wounds and that isn't hard to kill.
I find the Undead to be a very strange army to play and to play against. They're not really offensive and not really defensive. Their main tactic seems to be wipe the enemy out with magic, which they can do without any problem. Thus, your first step to beating them is to limit their control of the magic phase. Take at least 2 dispel/destroy scrolls and possibly more. Take the rod of power and the banner of sorcery on a unit of archers so you will have an overabundance of cards to pump up dispels. I also find the skull staff to be great against the Undead. As for your units I would give all the ones you plan to get into hand to hand someting that causes(units that cause fear are immune to fear) or negates fear because your units are small and any unit that causes fear and outnumber their opponent and wins the combat automatically breaks their enemy which is something you don't want to have happen. As for what units to take I would definately take a treeman, drads, and wardancers. I would suggest some warhawks or great eagles to take out war machines and keep the carrion at bay. Archers are a good choice as they will thin down the ranks of the fear causing units. This is one time where I would suggest getting glade guard which are a match for most undead units.
Orcs and Goblins
