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Man and Manowar


Oh my Gosh! Do these guys SUCK! Man and Manowar are a 4 piece ensemble of off beat keyboard drums, guitar chords of unknown origin, chunky bass lines that are at times so distorted that you can't make out what the heck is being played, and in some songs there is even some really gay sounding keyboard effects, and vocals that come in every once in a while with some pointless phrase which usually has to do with the name of the song; and when these bad musicians all come together, they produce some hilarious, trashy pieces of crap songs that, oddly enough, are kind of catchy. Check out their full length(s) and you can see for yourself what I'm talking about

RIYL: really sucky crap!


"Product Endorsments"


  • 3 Twelve sampler 1,2
  • 3 Twelve Christmas comp vol.1