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Civil Air Patrol

These are some pictures of my sisters and I in our Dress Blue Uniform. We wear these when we have a guest speaker and or testing! I will get us in our BDU's when we wear them and I get around to taking a picture.

This is Kristy, Amanda, and Ann in BDU's 2000 at our old squad... :( ( we moved a new squad cause it was closer to home)

Airman Cresap (Ann) at Parade Rest

Ann at Attention

Ann at Present Arms.

Next Sis

Airman Cresap (Kristy) at Parade Rest

Kristy at Attention

Kristy at Present Arms

Next Sis

Airman Basic Cresap (Debbie) at Parade Rest

Debbie at Attention

Debbie at Present Arms

Next Sis

Airman Basic Tracy/Cresap (Amanda) at Parade Rest

Amanda at Attention

Amanda at Present Arms

That is all for now!! sorry these pictures are so far away I will try harder next time to get closer and just better looking :) thanx for comming luv ya bubye ~Ann~ March-2-01

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