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Our Talkeetna, Alaska Cabin


This is my familys cabin.. MY dad built it with some help from us (his family)!! he designed and built it a couple years ago.. more like hmm 6 years ago.. ~ Dad has been working so much at our house and his job that he has not had time to finish the cabin yet.. * we will someday*

In case you are wondering the cabin has 2 floors and 4 doors! each floor and two doors one on each end.. it is hard to see the difference in the left or right side pictures.. this is because dad build the cabin in a mirror form *sorta* ( I can't reall explain anything till I get more pictures up! so enjoy what ya can see.. P.S. I don't have any down-stairs pictures! that is where the kitchen,dinning room and fire place is! *grins* I LOVE Being At the CABIN! *it rocks!!*

mine and Ada's bed *we share beds at the cabin* (for now anyway) the first 3 pictures are of the upstairs bed room ( one room at the moment) right side of the cabin

left side of the upstairs bed room

right side of upstairs bedroom looking from the stair way..

this is the wood shed dad built alone in fall 2000 I think... ( in 01 a bear knocked down Almost ALL our stacked wood!!)

this is our out house we call it *Mommies Office*(for a joke... mom hates the out house)if you are wondering the house is bear and animal proof!.. :P

This is an outside view of cabin comming from wood shed

picture taken on left side of the house it is looking toward the generator shed. this is taken from view point of the out house!..

Ok this is all I have for now I have many other pictures but I need to scan them... Page Created 2-28-02 Updated: 3-1-02