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Aj's Crazy Story

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Orlando, FL- Alexander James McLean, member of acclaimed vocal group, The Backstreet Boys, was arrested in downtown Orlando Saturday on charges of indecent exposure, and sexually assaulting two tables, three chairs, and a life-size Ronald McDonald statue.

A witness tells the Backstreet Jungle News department that McLean was dancing lewdly in the middle of a crowded McDonalds restaurant, shaking his butt and thrusting his pelvis against the hard floor. After being asked to stop by the people eating at a nearby table, McLean screamed in their faces then hopped on their table and began doing what one witness described as "a weird version of the worm, but dirtier". Stunned people watched as McLean gyrated above their burgers, swinging his clothes off and licking his lips.

The manager of the restaurant called the police when Mr. McLean refused to get off the table, telling the police she believed he had a gun in his pocket, although when searched no gun was found. (see smile on Police woman's face above)

It was also reported to the Backstreet Jungle news department that McLean had stripped down to his underwear and asked the female staff if they wanted to see his Big Mac. Although most refused, one asked him if she could have fries with that!!!

When policewoman Bambi Bigboulders arrived, she told McLean he was under arrest. McLean protested, however when he saw her handcuffs, he willingly stuck his wrists out and gave her a big wink. Constable Bigboulders cuffed the singer and lead him away to lock him up in her dungeon, er I mean police station. The reasons for his actions are unknown. A spokesperson for the Backstreet Boys declined our interview telling us "AJ is AJ, we never know what (or who!) he'll do next!".

No further news on McLean has been forthcoming, however The National Enquirer, a reputable and widely respected news source, has told us that the Ronald McDonald statue is deeply traumatized and is in intensive clown therapy. A tell-all book by the statue will be released in two weeks.
