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My BSB Encounter On September 30, 1999

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This is going to be long but %100 truthful, so beware!

Alright 2 nights ago we had limo for the Philly concert on Sept 29. We went to the concert it was all good (if you want to hear about that e-mail or im me at MiRok20 on AIM!) Then after the concert since we had a cool limo driver he took us to all of the hotels in the Philladelphia area to find out just where at they were staying! Well we found where they were they were at the Rittenhouse! We stayed in the limo, and the limo driver knew the bellboy and the managerat the hotel to see if he could get us a meet and greet or anything with the BSB! So then we see about 3 people come over to the car. It was "so-called" the BSB head of security, a police officer, and the head of security for the Rittenhouse. So the limo driver told the peoples that we were models and that all we wanted to do was to say hi and maybe get some pics or autographs. And after taking one look at me, and my friends Raaya, Kia, and Viki that he was going to arrange something for us. So of course we got excited meaning that we were going to meet the BSB. So then the limo driver gets in and says "Be back here at 4:00 tomarrow b/c you are having a private meet and greet with the BSB in their suite!" So we start screaming and we got all excited and starting thinking of what we were going to wear and the whole nine yards! So I get home at like 2:30 that night and go to school the next day! Then the next day(yesterday the 30th) I went to school and all and told my friends all abuot it! So when I got home their was a message on my machine that said we didn't have a ride there to the hotel b/c our limo driver had to go to Atlantic City for something. So we start calling EVERYBODY and their mothers to see if they could take us to the hotel! So finally Viki's dad takes us to the hotel but we don't get there until 4:30! So we go in the hotel and meet up with the "So-called" head security for the BSB and told us to chill for a little bit!! They had to leave at 5:00 for sound checks. So we are sitting there and the guy comes over to us(sorry if I keep saying GUY i don't want to give his name out) and says "Listen AJ is standing right over there, you can go ove to him but don't rush him b/c he doesn't feel good and is sick" so we are like alright. So we go over to see him! OMFG! He is sooo hot in person! I do have to admit that I think that was my highlite of the WHOLE night! He is sooo short and SOOOO skinny! I can't believe it! My friend is like 6 foot and I am like 5'5 he must have been like 5'7 or something b/c my friend was TOWERING over him! So then the guy comes over to us and says "These are the models I was telling you about" and AJ goes "OHHHHH!!" like ohh ok, ya know? So he says "Alrighty girls I know what is going to go on, and I know you want autographs and pic's but come back later after the show b/c I will be here!" I think I heard he was sick and that he had to go to the doctors. But anyway, we got all excited and he shook all of our hands and was VERY nice! So then we go back and sit down in the lobby waiting for anybody else that would be comming down. So then like one by one they would be comming down! I can't remember the order that they came down, but they had to clear the lobby b/c they didn't want anybody in there when they came in. So we had to go and stand outside. And since we were in there for like an hour and a half we didn't even think that they were going to be people outside. So we go outside and people start screaming for US!! I was like "WHAT!?!?" lol It was really funny. So there must have been like 50 girls outside but we were the 4 lucky ones that were going to meet them! So we are standing next to the door where they would be comming out while EVERYBOY else has to go and stand like 100 ft away behind the driveway. I think Howie was the next one to come out! NO LIE! We made eye contact for like 10 seconds. He had 1 bodyguard with him and he was waling through the hallway that leads to outside but while he was walking he was starring at me! But I didn't have a smile on my face or anything I was just playing it cool, ya know? So then I broke the eye contact and said HI! And he turned and said Hi back to me and my 3 friends. He seemed in a VERY bad mood! I know Howie is supposed to be the nice one but I could of sworn he look pissed! But anyway, I think Kevin was next. He had like 2 bodyguards and he was totally ignoring EVERYBODY except for a little girl that asked for an autograph which was very nice that he stopped and did that for her. So then Brian was next, and he was my VERY favorite. He was wearing a jacket but he had it half on! I was like "WHAT!?!" lol it was really funny. I think he was holding Tyke under the one sleeve so that nobody would get him. And he had that jacket on, I know i saw it before in pics it was red and white it might have been a Canadian jacket like a maple leaf thing. I have no idea. So then Nick (aka big boy!) came out and he had no lie 5 bodyguards on him! He was laughing about something b/c I guess he heard a funny joke or something, i have no idea but he came over to us and said hi and blahh blahh blahh, but we didn't get any autographs!! So then he goes in HIS tour bus! He had his own!! It was really wierd, then right after he went in his dad came out and my friend said "Hi MR. Carter" and he turned around and said hi but he was rushing I think b/c it was late and they had to be there at like 5 but i think it was like 6:30. So then after that my friend and I (Viki) went to the concert. This was the one that we spent $180 on. They were really good seats like section 101 or something like that. So we leave after Show me the Meaning. I think the order for the songs was Larger than Life, Get Down, The one, As long as you love me, Quit playing games, Dont'want you back, Everybody and We got it goin on and that's the way I like it were combined, Back to your heart, Spanish eyes, Ill never break your heart, No one else comes close, All I have to give, Show me the meaning, It's gotta be you, and I want it that way. So we left after show me the meaing. And got back to the hotel at around 10:45. We walk in a no lie like 10min later we see AJ walk in. And they still had their clothes on from I want it that way (BTW I loved the pants with the dragons on them! LOL) So AJ says to us "Alright Ill be right back down" So of course we got excited. And then Kevin walked in and his bodyguard said "He is all wet he has to go and get clean!" It was so funny, and then I was like "EWW you smell!" LOL it was really funny. So then Brian comes in and he was in such a good mood. He said "GOD there are so many people in here!!" It was so cute and he said it in that voice that he sounds so cute in! So then Howie came in but he walked right past us all and didn't do anything. Like I said before I think Howie was in a bad mood or something. So then we were waiting for Nick when somebody said "Nick isn't comming he went to Columbus" So we all got upset especially my friend Viki b/c she totally LOVES nick! So we go back and sit down, but in the mean time all these people are comming in and hoping to meet the BSB when really it was only going to be us four that were going to. So then the head secutiry guy (a diff one from last night) says "Alright all you people have to leave!" We were like "Well we are meeting the guys so we are staying!" and then the guy was like "No you have to leave we are getting complaints from the people that are here" So we have to go and stand outside in the fricken cold! So then Rocko (a VERY hot sectirty guy) was talking to us and he knew that we were supposed to be in there with the BSB was keeping us company, b/c the guy that works for the head security for the BSB wasnt there yet and he was our way in! So then he comes and he told Rocko that he was going to go up to their rooms to see if they still wanted the meet with us b/c it was late when we got back. So then the guy goes in, but NEVER comes out to tell us what was going on! Ohh were we pissed! So then we start seeing some Hoochie looking girls walking right on in to the hotel and sitting in the resturant! It was sooo cool! And I had a sleevless dress on! So then later we see Rocko leave and comes around and tell us to watch out b/c he has seen guys like him before and he is probably a pervert and just wants you to come up! And i totally believed him at that point b/c he was with us for like 4 hours that whole day and never let us down! So then it was like 12:30 and he left and then we start running out of ideas of how to get in there! We knew what name the guys were staying under in the hotel but they wouldn't connect us b/c I think so many people knew and they were getting fed up with it! So that was a possible thing to run out of! So then we run over to the bar and start screaming at the guy in the bar, while he is friggin' drunk off his ass with 2 girls sitting next to him! So then I was thinking earlier that night they asked us how old we were and we said like 16 and 17. So then I thought well you have to be 18 to get into the afterparty and since our limo driver wasn't there (the dude that got us this opportunity)that we were pretty screwed over and wouldn't have the meet and greet that we were told we would have! So while we are standing over at the bar we see some guys walk over but they were walking FAST! So then my friend goes "EYC!" So they all turn around, I think there were 2 guy dancers and then 2 guys from EYC! Then right behind was the cool dude from EYC ya knwo the one with the dreds! He was soo awesome and I think my friend scared him b/c he was like "AHHHH!!" And screamed! It was sooo funny! He took pictures with us and all and that was good, and in the meantime my friend called her mom and she came within like 2min. So we are standing next to the bar window outside and then the guy holds up his cell phone like he was calling my friend and said "Listen the guys couldn't do anything tonight but they are leaving tomarrow at 10 and if you get here early you will meet them! So then I say something I was like "Well why didn't you come out here you ass and tell us this!!" i was Pissed off! He told us that AJ ordered like 12 pizzas, Brian was in bed sleeping with Leighanne (Spl?) and Nick really was there!! He went in the back entrance! So I figured if we said that we were 18 and that if our limo driver was with us we could have been in there with the guys! So then, my friend was like "WHATEVER!!" and hung up on the guy and now the guys at this moment are probably in another town doing the same thing to some girls there! So my point here for this story is don't trust anybody!! Don't even trust the BSB b/c AJ lied to us 2 times and only said that he was going to be back down to be nice! So while we were outside before we saw EYC and all we met these 2 girls. The one looked like she was 40 but she was really only 20 and she is a groupie and she follows them around every city! I was soo surprised b/c she knows Tommy and Guy the 2 guys in the band personally! And then we were telling us this stuff that we just couln't believe! She says that Nick has a different girl in his hotel room every night but the same one has been with him since the DC concert! AJ broke up with his girlfriend and he has girls up there with him, or why then would he have ordered 12 pizzas!?!?!? So basically I think SOO much different about the BSB after what I heard. And I knew they were telling the truth and I am a really hard person to make believe if you tell me you met the BSB I wouldn;t believe you! But I believed these girls. They weren't the prettiest girls and they said that Brian is really the only one that is nice and that is truthful! I also saw leighanne that night from the back and i think she was holding tyke, but I am not sure. I now think that Brian is a very lucky person to have a girl like Leighanne, b/c they have been together for what like 3 years and she has been with him through everything! I wish that I met her to tell her that, but I didn't. And I am not going to say that I met all the BSB b/c I really didn't. The only one that we really talked to was AJ and he basically lied to us! the other ones seemed to busy to even want to talk to us, although Brian was very funny when he said "GOD there are so many people in here!" he sounded very cute! So what I want to tell you guys is to watch out what people in the business say to you. And I think that Nick has a big head, b/c he has really grown up in this business and I personally don't think he knows how to handle it! I give mad props to Brian b/c I think he is the only on that really knows what he is doing and he seems to be the only sane on in the group! I know that my friend HATES nick now (viki) b/c of what she heard about having a diff girl in his room every night. Ohh yeah and we met one of BSB dancers I think his name was Chico or something like that. But he went up to like EVERY girl there and we KNOW that he was trying to get some! He went up to this girl that must have been like 15 and said "do you want to come up with me?" and she said "Yeah but I have my friends with me" and he said "WELL DO YOU WANT TO COME UP!" and she was like "NO!" So, there is one person that I SAW try to get a girl in his room! I am not saying that all the BSB are the same and all the people in the industry are the same but just watch out! I thought meeting the BSB would be a dream come true, boy was I wrong!! If you would liek to talk to me, or if you have other view points then please e-mail me! Thanks for reading!


PS~>I know that this isn't the best fan encounter in the world, but I do consider myself a fan still!
