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Meet Howie's Soon-To-Be-A-Superstar Sister, Singer Pollyanna Dorough

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You know him as sweet Howie D of the record-breaking group, Backstreet Boys, but to Pollyanna Dorough he's been a sweet baby brother for the last 25 years. Polly (that's what he calls her) was a big inspiration to Howard (that's what she calls him); as he tagged along to church chior and to her uplifting peformances, the performing bug bit him too. As fate would have it, however, Pollyanna became a teacher and one of Howie's most energetic cheerleaders. She watched him grow musically as he blossomed in the choir, and as he spread his wings by acting. Polly was ecstatic whn he landed a roll in the film Parenthood and then again when he came thisclose to accepting a position with Menudo. But Backstreet Boys it was, and Howie has never looked back.

Since then, Sweet D's love of music and his partnership with BSB has blessed fans worldwide with the sweetest of sounds, and now he's built a studio in the basement of his home in order to write and sing to help other talented performers do the same. Pollyanna, one of the Dorough sibs who helped start it all, is now Howie's Number One protege. Together, they're working on her debut album of mostly English and some Spanish pop tunes.


What made you decide to build a studio at home, Howie?
I decided a while ago, I have this basement in my house here, which is very uncommon in Florida with the water level being right up to the ground level. My house is over 100 years old. It's the same house I've grown up and lived in for my whole life... So, it's always been like my little studio down there. I have my mirrors up for my dance rehersals from a long time ago when I was doing my solo and stuff. I had my kareoke machine down here and practiced down there in front of the mirror. My dream was to turn it into a big studio, to be able to do nice recordings for myself and of other people like possibly my sister. So I finally decided to pursue it and get it going on. Last January I finally got all my equipment down here. It's still pretty much brand new and I'm still to this day learning how to use it. In the last year, I really got interested in writing music for other artists. I did a lot of writing tips with Full Force, Gary Baker, Berman Brothers, Soul Solution, Tony Rich, Stevie J from Puffy's camp and some people from Babyface's camp. Earlier today I was calculating it: I wrote about 30 songs this last year.

Pollyanna was involved in the writing, wasn't she?
Polly was with me as a guestwriter a lot of times. She was't given credit yet, because she was brought along as my sidekick. I noticed as time went on that Polly got better at writing, so I said "I should just put a studio down in my basement and just start working with Polly writing together, since it's been my challenge to get her project going.' And we've been writing together a lot and recording some of her stuff.

Have you and Pollyanna always sung together at home?
Polly and was so wierd. We were just at church the other day and we bumped into some of the people who used to sing with us at our church; this is where I first got started. When I was like six years old, Polly used to be in this youth group at the church. There was like a little youth band that performed at the six o'clock mass. I could hardly even read...I just memorized the words. Then from there, Polly and I used to do tons of stuff together with the church and weddings. A lot of times we would do talent competitions. She'd enter in the adult category and I'd enter in the children's category. So we grew up singing together.

Is it fun singing with her? Are there nonverbal things going on?
It's so funny because when I was young, she was always my mentor. She taught me everything. I would always look to her for guidance. When I was like 14, she went with me to New York and I had a manager at the time. She was like my chaperone. She ended up staying there and she spent about six years up north...So we missed out on a bit with each other. At that point I had really gotten involved in voice lessons and was heavily into my career. So when she came back, I was involved with the Backstreet Boys, I've been very fortunate, being around people and soaking up a lot of this information. So now, it's like the roles have reversed. Now she's comming to me for guidance. It's wierd for me, especially looking at my sister. I think at first it took her a while to get used to it. She's like, "This is my baby brother who I taught everything to and now he's sort of surpassing me..." And now she comes to me. It's very flattering; it's cool feeling. It shows she respects me as an artist...She really respects my opinions, especially with writing, because I've been around these great producers. My ears have developed a lot more since growing up.

Pollyanna wil be recording some Spanish lyrics. Are you helpful when it comes to writing in Spanish?
That's her forte. I know basic Spanish...When it comes to Spanish and rhyming, I don't have the rhyming totally down.

Is it more fun to work with two languages?
Yeah, I think so for me. It definitly opens my eyes to the Spanish languages. I'm constantly encouraging the guys to think about translating songs here and there into Spanish. We have a song on this album [Millennium] called "Spanish Eyes," which is dedicated to the Spanish fans. It's one of the songs that I've talked about doing something like a Spanish/English thing. It's like Ricky [Martin] totally opened doors for us.

How would you describe the music that Pollyanna's recording?
Like a crossover. Sort of like a girl version of Ricky [Martin]. Or like Gloria Estefan.

When you and Pollyanna work in the studio, do you find yourself taking lots of breaks?
Polly and I, we're like workaholics. We would go to these different producers and we would literally write two songs a day. We'd start early, like 10a.m. and sometimes go up to 3a.m. We could even get in the recording of the vocal at the same time. A lot of times, I'll do my own demos of the songs. I'll do the background vocals, sing the leads on it and some of the people are like,'Are you tired yet?' and we're like, 'No.' I love what I do so much, to me it's just a lot of fun. I never really get tired that easy. Like Polly just came right over now a few minutes ago. We're just starting at 10p.m.

This takes up a lot of your free time...
Yeah. I love it so much that whenever I have free time from the group, I'm constantly trying to develope myself as an artist. Writing, producing, singing... I love the business so much, I want to have a long career in this like Michael Jackson and Madonna...people like that.

Meet Pollyanna Dorough... She is Woman, Hear Her Roar

Pollyanna, it's easy to see you're a high-energy person. Where does that come from?
I think you're born with certain personality traits that God's given you. Because all of my siblings, we're all different... I've always believed in myself. Even when other people around me haven't

You sound like a risk-taker.
Yeah, with only my life though. Not if it affects other people. That make sense?

Sure. How would you describe Howie?
I think my brother is calmer than I am. He gets embarrassed sometimes with me, 'cause I'm high-energy, high strung and I'm crazy. I'm not afraid of looking ugly...I'm kind of like a female version of Jim Carrey...I think [Howard]'s proper. But he enjoys life. That's what makes the world so beautiful-because everyone's different...

Speaking of everyone, everyones really looking forward to hearing your music.
Thank you. This is original stuff, but all collaborated...It comes from my heart, my style. I love to sing and I love to dance... It has Spanish flavor to it, but...mostly it's in English.

Do you and Howie ever go to clubs to dance?
Oh, yeah. He's more conservative than I am...I like to take him to the Latin clubs and then we'll dance Latin. I kind of got him into that...he's doing really well! Yeah, he picks up quickly; he's very good.

Sounds like a lovely relationship...
Yeah, of course... With the rest as well, we're all very, very close...

Are you creative in ways other than singing?
Yeah, I do paint and stuff, when I have time. But in college yeah, I was actually studying art as well... I love making things, I love renovating, yeah, and I stay busy...

Are you a big family when you're all together with neices and nephews?
Oh my goodness yes, we are... When we have a picnic, we have a full house. And everyone seems to have kids except Howie and me. I'll just bring my dog...

Are you involved with anybody
Nope...I've been in a relationship before, and that's probably one of the reasons why my career has taken so long... It's like, you try to make the relationship work, and so you give up your dream.

People do that sometimes, but it usually doesn't work...
Right...well, I found out the hard way. And so I've been there, done that, and now at this point, it's been my turn. I'm gonna be doing what I decide to do...

So what happens next?
I'm going to New York and I'm going to be recording...I'm going to finish my demo-and then I'm going to say a prayer and keep my fingers crossed.
