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Howie Said This...

Howies Message To His Fans~"Thanks For Always Being There For Us! We Will Never Forget You!"

"When I was younger, my dad told me to clean up the back yard if I wanted to go out and play. So I raked all the leaves, but I didn't know what to do with them. I really wanted to go out, so I just threw them over the wall into our neighbor's yard. The thing was, the woman from the next door was standing there and the leaves went all over her!"

"I like a girl who is always looking at things in a positive way, someone who knows what she wants in life and how to go about getting it."

"I'm The Most Conservative Dresser, I Like Slacks And Nice Shirts. I Have To Admit, I'm The Type Of Guy Who Really Makes An Extra Effort To Put Together A Nice Outfit. It's Just Important To Me."

"When I Know I Really Like A Girl, I Immediatly Introduce Her To My Family, And I Start Looking Forward To Meeting Her Family. I Think Families Are So Important, And I Don't Think It's Ever Too Early To Get To Know Everyone."

"He's Only 15, He Doesn't Know His Words Yet!"-Howie Talking About Nick

"We Like Girls!!"

"I Haven't Gotten Used To Baked Beans In The Morning Yet!"

"Out Here On The Road I Live Out Of A Suitcase."

"A Very Big Influence On Me Is John Secada."

"Here On The Road It Gets VERY Lonely."

"I Am Turning Into A Gummy Bear"

"Brian Is A Five-Fingered Discount Man!"

~"I'm Trying To Think Of The Last Time Nick Was Nice To Me...Hmm...He Bought Me Lunch The Other Day. He Doesn't Help Old Ladies Over The Road And Open Doors." Talking About Nick I'm A Little Nervouse, Actually Really Nervouse, And An Hour From Now I'll Be REALLY Nervous!"

"You Need A Hairdo Like This To Attract Women!"

"We're Back, And We're From The Street, And We're Boys!"

"I'm A Devote Catholic."

"Those Are Stolen Towels."

"I Love Oriental Food."

"I Am Count Dracula!"

"I'd Take My House With Me If I Could."

"Hey, I'm Mr.Romantic! I Have Spanish Relatives, So Romance Is In My Blood!"
