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Lynne's Concert Review

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hi! i went to the all that concert on july 25th, 1999 at irvine meadows. we got to the venue at around 3. standing in line, we got all these sampler thingys for bwitched, eyc, etc.... but i didn't get no authority! :O( so if anybody wants to be super nice and get some no authority sampler stuff (the promo pics and cd/cassetes that they pass out) for me, i'll be ever so grateful! and i'll trade or something for it. email me k? thanks! anywase, we finally get let in at about 4:30 or 5...... i'm not sure 'kuz i was too excited. we walk inside and this lady goes, "no authority's gonna have an autograph signing in 5 minutes over there" so, me and my friends ran and got in line. i was looking through my bag trying to find my na single for them to autograph, then i look up and tommy's leaning out of the tent. we make eye contact and he waves hi! so i waved hi back! before we got to the tent, they were selling no authority merchandise, so i bought 2 pics and a poster. me and my friends bought stuff for no authority and put 'em in bags to give it to them. i was givin' a bag to danny, ashley-tommy, danielle-eric, and melissa-tommy. so, melissa goes through the line gets the autographs and gives the bag to ricky. (order, l-r ricky, tommy, danny and eric) me, ashley and danielle took our time going through the line. no authority's soooooooooo nice! they all gave me hugs! and eric remembered danielle 'kuz he and danny go to the same home school with her (but eric dosen't anymore 'kuz he graduated this year) and she had his school pic. (the homeschool she goes to doesn't have a yearbook or anything, so the teacher took pics of each of the students, gave each student a copy of their own pic, then put the other pic on a bulletin board in the class. danny took his home, but eric left it, so danielle asked the teacher for it and the teacher called eric's mom and asked if he could give it to danielle and she said yeah, so danielle has his school pic! she's letting me send it to ya'll after she puts her name on it. warning! when i send the pic, you are not to send it to any lists or put it on any websites! only danielle and eric have this pic! and the teacher who has the negative! we don't want it all over websites and stuff so please respect that.) danielle showed it to him and he was like,"ohmygosh. i have that pic in my car!" so eric and danielle started talking about school and eric nudged danny to show him the pic. so, eric, danielle and danny were talking and i talked to tommy for a lil' bit, then i got down to ricky who just opened the bag that we gave him and pulled out a squirt gun. he yelled "ooooo..... guys, we got squirt guns!" i backed up 'kuz he had a water bottle in his hand and i thought he was gonna pour water in the squirt gun and squirt me! he laughed and put both down...... and that's when i realized i didn't give the bag to danny! so i went back to him (but not all the way 'kuz ashley, danielle, and a couple girls behind them were in front of tommy and eric) so i tossed him the bag, then i threw the lei at him trying to get it around his neck, and it went around a couple of the spikes in his hair. he laughed and said "nice try, thanks!" lol i felt like such a dork 'kuz i forgot to give him his bag, but its cool.(lol ambition (me, ashley, and danielle) lei'd no authority! we gave them hawaiin leis as well) so then i go back to ricky...... that boy has the prettiest eyes i ever seen! they are crystal blue! i asked him for a hug, and he gave me the sweetest smile and said of course.he leaned over to hug me, put his arms around my waist, and slid his hands down. lol he was tryin' to touch my butt! ( ricky loves butts lol ) he did the same thing to ashley. so then, they're gettin ready to leave. all of them except tommy were wearin' the lei's that we got 'em, so i yelled tommy! and he stopped and smiled and i was like "tommy, you gotta wear your lei! we're wearin' ours!" so he's all "oh, ok, sorry" he put on the lei and gave us the sweetest smile! no authority is soooooooooooooooo nice and hot in person! i don't have a favorite anymore man! i love 'em all! so, the concert's about to start and we go to our seats. we had 14th row and 8th row. we got 2 8th row tickets from a girl named rebecca that we met before the concert. she works with a mag and gave us the two tickets, so for half the concert, ashley and danielle sat at 8th row, and for the second half, me and danielle sat at 8th row. but, the first half, i ended up in 8th row anywase 'kuz they was nobody in front of me in my section so i just kept hoppin' over seats when the security person wasn't lookin'. when i hopped over a seat, tommy saw me so i stopped and sat down into the seat that i just hopped into and he sang to me! lol he sang the line "i never met a girl like you before" from na's song can i get your number to me. i was like, ohmygosh! lol unfortunately, no authority only sang 2 songs (what i wanna do and can i get your number) 'kuz the concert started late. i was really mad too 'kuz bwitched and monica sang like seven songs! i was like, couldn't they have taken some out of theirs! 'kuz it was no authority's homecoming concert and all ya know? anywase, after no authority performed, we left and walked around. then came back to watch eyc, then left again 'kuz no authority was having another autograph signing, but the line was huge, so we didn't stand in line. we just stood in front of the tent and took pics of them. we ended up gettin' autographs tho 'kuz the bodyguard was nice and gave stuff to no authority for them to autograph for us. they are so nice! they were all "we only got to sing 2 songs which really sucks, so we decided to do a lil' acapella for ya." they sang what i wanna do and i'm telling you this. it was so cute 'kuz they couldn't hear each other so they were all looking at each other all confused! lol ohmygosh! everyone screamed so loud 'kuz when they sang what i wanna do, ricky goes "that i wanna kick it with you let's get sexual" (instead of lets get personal) and lifts up his shirt and starts dancing like crazy! lol they are sooooooooo cute! ohmygosh! me and ashley sang our lil' no authority remix during part of the chorus, and we forgot that they didn't have their ear pieces in, so they heard us! we were all "you blow my mind, everytime you're so sweet, so divine, we won't lie.... no authority is soooo fine!" lol then they all looked down at us and we were like "crap! they don't have their ear pieces in!" lol it was so cute! before they sung accapella, eric grabbed onto the top of the tent and did a lil' flip thingy, showing his butt and (lol) joe boxers to all of us! we were all screamin' like crazy! they are such flirts! but they're the nicest, sweetest guys in the world! they were like,"its good to be home! we love our cali fans so much!" after that, we go back to the concert and watched the rest of it. now i was sitting in 8th row with danielle. ohmygosh! when 98 degrees performed, nick and drew serenaded us (me and danielle)throughout the whole time they were performing! lol i took so many pics of them 'kuz they kept singing to us. (we were like the only teenagers in our section) lol drew lifted up his shirt and i was all starin' at him through my camera and i all zoomed in. i was starin' at his chest and i like froze! lol i couldn't take the picture. danielle was like, "take the picture!" but then when i finally snapped out of it, he put his shirt down! :O( (sorries danielle! like i said before, you should've seen his chest through a zoom cam, you would've froze too! lol that boy look good!) after the concert, we saw all the tour buses leave. we had the greatest time! i have more lil' stories to tell ya, but i'll just save it for next time 'kuz this is already extremely long. oh! wait! a quickie one! lol ashley was trying to get danny's attention, she kept saying danny, he'd look up, look around, shrug then look down. she did this like 3 times, then she yelled you stupid head look up! and he heard her and did! she was like oops! sorry! he smiled and said its ok, then she took the pic. lol anywase, sorries that this is so long, but i just had so much to tell ya'll! lol if you have the chance to go to an all that concert, go! its the best! and meet no authority! they are so nice and sweet! lol anywase, i'll send out the review for the autograph signing they did at galleria mall in redondo beach in a lil' bit. that one's awesome too! take cares, bye!

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