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What Did Nick Say?

"I used to do coke but the ice cubes got stuck up my nose."

"I dunno they just bunched up when I put these spandex things on."

"Love is not something you have, it's something you do"

MMMbop, I got clean socks, MMMbop Clorox rocks!!"

"Everytime I look at magazines in UK, I see pictures of boybands with their tops off. I just feel that I have more to give than that."

"One day, we said that sometimes we would stop at the infirmary after our concerts to say a few words to the girls who were victims during the show. Ever since that day, some girls pretend to be hurt so that they can be taken to the clinic! That showed us that we have to be careful about what we say."

"When I come off stage I go straight back to the hotel. I love to take a long shower and then go to sleep. I never seem to take too much time to drop off after a show. Generally, I'm always very tired and can sleep anywhere."

"I'm addicted to Nintendo! I play sports games and adventure games and role-playing like Final Fantasy 3. I can't always do what I want to do, like play basketball, because I can't go outside the hotel. So when I play Nintendo, I enter a different world and relax."

"One time I forgot to button my pants all the way up. Bummer! We danced pretty wild at the show and when we did "I'll Never Break You Heart" my pants started slipping down and showed my boxers. But the girls seemed to like it!"

"Before showing the film to our parents, we cut out the bits where girls throw condoms and underwear at us on stage."

"I've been seeing some stuff on the internet. . .like, funky stuff."

"Nick's a real prankster. Last tour, he put a sock filled with different odds and ends that really stank (he won't reveal the exact contents) behind the drums, and during the show, it started smelling real bad. Revenge is being plotted as we speak."

"Hopefully they like my voice and personality - I'd rather it wasn't just because of the way I look." - when asked if he is amazed that so many girls fancy him.

Have you ever cheated on a girlfriend? "Hmm....I'm not gonna say yes, and I'm not gonna say no."

"Oh Kev, can I tell them about that time in the truck - it was so damn cool!"

"I don't swear that often. My parents brought me up to think it's a bad thing and usually it never even crosses my mind. The strongest I get is shouting, 'Darn!' or 'Shoot!'"

"We want to alwyas be a group, no matter what happens."

"Faithfulness is very important to me... I would be incapable of cheating on my girlfriend. I couldn't look at her straight in the eye. If I had a girlfriend, I wouldn't even need to look at other girls."

"I can be shy around girls. The other guys have got far more experience."

"I've had girlfriends, but that was before the group became so successful. Now having a girlfriend would be really crazy."

"Character is far more important than appearance. I like a girl who's honest; that's very important. She has to have some grit in her, be able to stand up for herself. But most of all she has to love me, of course!"

"I'm a camera hogger."

"Okay my bad."

"You're not funny."

"Me and Puff [Daddy] go way back."


"This is a true story. My dad cut down a tree in my yard, and I would stand on the stump and look at the blades of grass and pretend they were people. My mother caught me there singing one day and she thought I should expand on that a little so that's when I got voice lessons."

"We sometimes get knickers thrown on stage, but they're not very aerodynamic so they don't travel very far. We mostly get cuddly toys with phone numbers."

"Sometimes we get fan mail... I try to reply to mine personally."

"We've learned that our performances make people happy, that's what we're here for."

"Backstreet Boys is the most important thing in my life. My life revolves around the group. We are very close, simply because we seem to spend so much time together."

"If you're a real group, you'll come out true to yourselves and you'll be together for a very long time. We feel that we are a real group and we will be together for a very long time."

"I don't get chatted up much. We're very busy all the time, so no one gets the chance to talk to us that much. That's ok, it can be cool to have a little bit of privacy."

"I think we've all learned that this business is not as easy as it looks. It's a lot of hard work and you know, and hopefully in the end things will pay off. But it's not as easy as it seems."

"I've been seeing some stuff on the internet... like, funky stuff."

"Just me, myself. I'm a very ordinary, down to earth kinda guy and I hope that's all my girl would need."

"I want to play the drums."

"So I went on TV and made a fool of myself."

"I am the Terminator."

"We are the bug men!!"

"I'm not quite as grown up as I could be. Whenever I get the chance to hang out with my family, I head straight for my little brother Aaron's room, to play with all his toys."

"I trust my mom 100%. She knows me very well and is capable of guessing my thoughts. I love when she's there."

"The traveling does kinda get gruesome sometimes. I'm away from the rest of my family, and I miss them."

"Busy, busy, busy..."

"Being on my own, with just the silence of the sea, is such an escape from the constant screaming of fans on a Backstreet Boys tour. Its something I need to do, just to get away from it all."

"I'm addicted to Nintendo! I play sports games and adventure games and role-playing like Final Fantasy 3. I can't always do what I want to do, like play basketball, because I can't go outside the hotel. So when I play Nintendo, I enter a different world and relax."

"When I come off stage I go straight back to the hotel. I love to take a long shower and then go to sleep. I never seem to take too much time to drop off after a show. Generally, I'm always very tired and can sleep anywhere."

"We've been to places like Australia... it's really cool!"

"I don't know what your talking about! I only have two!"

"The New Kids On The Block were their own thing. We think we're totally different. I guess you can see the similarities in a way, with there being five guys with the looks and and all but the music is totally different and we're gonna be around for a long time, TRUST ME"

"I'm very ordinary"

"I can be shy around girls. The other guys have more experience"

"Everday I get a lot of hugs from fans and the guys, but I don't get a proper hug everyday-I wish I did"

"We're very lucky"

"I was asked out by girls a bunch of times when I was at school. I like girls asking you out because it takes the pressure off you having to do it, but it hasn't happened for a while, I'm sad to say!"

"I hate flying"

"I've never been drunk. I'm under age, so I'd get myself in trouble if I drank. It's never interested me. I've heard from some people that drinking isn't bad for your health if you keep it in moderation, but personally I don't like it.

"People think I'm perfect"

"I'm not very good with words"

"You've all gotta support us"

"People don't treat me like a normal person"

"You should always be yourself. Never try to be someone your not"

"I just shave a small amount about once a week."

"I am addicted to Nintendo!"

"Live life to the fullest. It's too bad we're not cats...we only have one life"

"Sometimes we get fan mail, I try to reply to mine personally"

"We once sang at the opening of a pet store."

"Busy, busy, busy"

"As long as there is music, we'll be coming back again"

"Keep the Backstreet pride alive"

"I used to stand on a tree stump in our back garden and sing, pretending the flowers were my audience. One day my mom caught me and enrolled me in singing lessons right away."

"We live on pizza"

"Love has no age..."

"Tattoos are sexy"

"I’m usually the mature one who’ll sit back and not apologize!"

"I's Hard Having A Relationship Right Now, Because I'm So Busy. I Think Any Girl Would Be Pretty Mad If I Was On The Road All The Time And Couldn't See Her."

"I Started Doing Commercials-I Did The Florida Lottery, Sears, And NASA. Then I Sang In The New Original Ammateur Hour, And Won.

"Here's my favorite joke: Yesterday I flew from Florid to Europe, my arms are still hurting."

"Sometimes good looks come in handy."

"I'm so lucky. This is something I've been wanting to do ever since I was really young, and it's something I've worked for a long time. I think anybody can pursue their dreams, no matter what they do; they can achieve what they want to achieve."

"Live life to the fullest. It's too bad we're not cats...we only have one life."

"Music is our love."

"I want a girl who'll let me hold her so tight and let me kiss her, and kiss her, and kiss her and kiss her."

"Hey, I heard that."

"Sometimes I Shut Up Cause I'm Afraid I Don't Have Anything Interesting To Tell Anyway."

"I Don't Believe In Being Mean To Anyone. I'm Really A Peaceful Person."

"I Can Be Shy Around Girls."

"Personally, I Like It When Fans Do Crazy Things! It May Sound Funny, But I Got a Thrill When I Was Pulled Into A Crowd Once. It Was Like 'How Am I Going To get Out Of This?!"

"I Like To Do Anything I Can Think Of To These Guys."

"He Really Struts His Stuff."~Nick's Uncle

"I Never Hang My Feet Off The End Of The Bed - I'm Afraid Little Gremlins Will Bite My Toes! Really!"

"I Always Like To Know What The Time Is. Especially Break Time - Cause Then I Can rush Off And Play My Nintendo!"

"I'm Not Making any. I Don't Believe In Them. Just Take Things As They Come!"~On New Years Resolutions

"I Hate Flying... But I've Gotten Used To It. I Just Try To Sleep Through The Whole Flight."

"Personally, I Love Girls, But The Fact Is That We're Always On The Road. It's Hard To Actually Stay Down With One Girl and go away."

"I Think Everyone Has A Dream That They Want To Fulfill In Life And I Think This Ss Our Dream. We Wanted To Make It Happen and that's what we did. And we enjoy every minute of it and we take every day like it's our last."

"My Range Is From Old Rock To Alternative Rock. I Love R&B, Too, Because That's What We Sing And Then Pop And All That Stuff." ~On His Musical Style

"Okay My Bad."

"I Think About What I Ate."~What He Does Before A Show

"I Want To Play The Drums."

"So I went on TV and made a fool of myself."

"I'm sorry...Brian and Howie won't let me."

"We're gonna star in the next movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger."

"I Don't Have A Sex Life Right Now."(Laughing)

"I Am Really Into The Beach"

"Whats Up??

~Singing~"Together Forever!!"

"Anybody Can Pursue Their Dreams No Matter What They Do... They Can Achieve What They Want To Achieve."

"Hi, My Name Is Nick"

"If I Could Create A New Category For The Smash Hits Awards, I'd Be Smallest Pop Star-Then Aaron Could Win. Best Basketball Victory Over *N Sync Would Be Cool, Too!"

"I Feel All Mushed Up In These Spandex Things!"

~Tell US A Joke-"How Did The Dairy Queen Get Pregnant? The Burger King Showerd Her His Whopper!"

"Ok Thats Enough Guys Let Them Go To A Commercial!"

"Man, This Ain't Fair, Man!"

"This Camera Has Followed Us Everywhere!"

"The Caring Is The Most Important Thing When A Girl Gives You Her Heart."

"I'm Gonna Kick His Butt In Pool!"

"I Would Never Sky Dive!"

"I want to be crazy even when I'm eighty!"

"I DO NOT!!"~Their Manager Saying That He Whines Too Much!

"It's funny to sing in the middle of so many bras!"

"A fan in Japan took me on for Nintendo and made me look like a beginner!"

"I wouldn't pose nude for Playgirl or shave my head."

"I would never steal Brian's girlfriend (if he had one)!"

"I was quite a cool guy." --referring to his school days.

"Cheerleaders dispised me back then!" --his middle school.

"The first autograph I signed was when I was eight."

"I like my artistic nature the most."

"I Rate My Self A Seven and 1/2."

"No matter what happens, if any of us go off, we're always going to come back together. The Backstreet Boys' name will always be there, no matter what. "

"When we sing live we have the battery packs for our headset microphones fastened to our backs. Mine fell off when I was performing PARTY recently and the others had to sing it for me. When we came off stage I lost it and started throwing things at people on our tour bus!"

"A present will grab my heart..."

"Non of us do drugs. The only way to get high for us is to be on stage, performing for the fans. We like that."

"We're 'Desert', not 'Oasis'."
