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PC's Meet and Greet!

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I just met my favoritest group today, No Authority at Arden Fair Mall. My best friend and I left her house like at 9:30...and we were just like wandering around at the mall...and then we saw my friends Cho and Sam...cause they were there to see No Authority also. Anyways...we went outside and we got inline with Sam and Cho, because we didn't wanna go to the back of the line. Anyways...I guess that Reebok was hosting their autograph session and stuff...but anyways...we all had to try on a pair of Reebok best friend tried on shoes that were were signed by Tommy Boy!!!!!! Can you believe that. went waited inline...for like over 2 hours...for them to get there. This guy who was like incharge of the Reebok thingy...came over and talked to us about No Authority...and Sam and Cho were just like soo totally gettin in that guys face about this whole thing. And I'm like they are N/A posers...they don't even know their names, but yet...the have signs and posters...and he's like how do you know they don't know their names...and I'm like look at the doesn't have their names on it. Anyways...while we were waiting in line...this bitch who was standing infront of us...kept whining shit about Christina Agilera...and No, she needed to be bitch slapped. So finally after waiting in line forever...No Authority pulled up in a limo...and I just started hella screaming and shit...because I was soo excited...that I started shaking. My friends just moved away from me, cause I was soo fuckin loud and shit. So I just started to yell out Tommy, Tommy...and he looked over at me and smiled and I got a picture of I did the same to Ric...and he looked over and smiled at the camera. Then finally I got to the front of the line...Danny looked at me and smiled and I'm like hi, this is a letter for you. He smiled and gave me a hug, because I think I was the only one who had given him a letter. So he signed the CD jackets and stuff...and so I had the security guard take a picture of me with Danny...and then...I moved on along to Tommy...and he is just the sweetest...he signed the CD jackets and I'm like...Can I have a picture with you...and he's like sure, sweetie...and so the security guard took another picture...then I moved along to Ric...hee hee hee. He signed the CD jackets and so on...and he's like what's your name...and I'm like...ummmm...ummm...Pritika...and he's like Pritika...and I'm all yea...and he's like wow, that's a pretty name. And I'm like thanks. He's all do you want a picture with me also...and I'm like uh-huh...hahahahaha. So the security guard took another picture...and then I moved down to Eric...and he signed it and I took a picture with him...then like my friends and I went to the mall to buy them all friends and I bought something for each of them...My friend and I bought Ric a Babe mug...I bought Danny a Chucky doll from the Rugrats...I also bought Tommy a Tommy doll from the Rugrats...and my friend Sam bought Eric a bouqet of we went back and waited in the line again. And let me tell was sweltering out there. So we got to the front of the line...and the lady said to me...she's like...haven't you guys already waited in line...and I' So we all got in...and when I got to the front of the line...I handed Tommy and Danny the Sweet Factory bag...because that's where we bought the stuff from...and I'm like...this is all from the five of us...and he took the out the stuff and he kinda started playing with the Tommy and Chucky doll...and Tommy is guys are soo sweet. And so he asked Danny which one he wanted...and he took Chucky...Tommy took Tommy...and Tommy handed Ric the Babe mug...and my best friend is best friend and I paid half for it...and Ric gave both of us a hug. And then the security guard said to me...he's this your second time...and I'm, this is my first...I was hella lying and you could also kinda tell...and then he's all no it's not...I never forget a face...and I'm all like...well must have gotten the wrong person, and Tommy and Ric were just smiling, because they knew that this was our second time...but he still agreed for taking a group picture with all of 'em. when I left there...I was soo happy. Okay...that's all that I had to say. Danny seemed soo sweet. Bye

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