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Backstreet Quotes!!

Just listen to what the guys have to say, they will make you laugh!

Nick's Quotes
Howie Quotes

CUTEST QUOTE~"Yesterday was the past, tomorrow is the future, but today is a gift, that is why it is called the present."
"There is so many people here!!"~When I met him! :)
"When you like someone put their name in a cirle, not a heart; cause hearts can be broken, but circles go on forever."
"I'm a Barbie Girl."
"Y'all ready?"
"I feel like a corncob right now..."
"I remember once, I went down into the audience and sang to this girl who'd been staring at me the whole time. I went to give her a kiss on the cheek, but she tried to slip her tongue down my throat! I was completely shocked!"
"Can't hear me, can ya?"
"I still have times when I feel shy, but when I'm onstage, I'm not allowed to be shy. I have to put on a performance because all the fans have come to see us. There's just no room to even think about being shy."
"When I left high school, I worked at McDonald's and had to watch every penny. That's the main reason I appreciate everything I have now."
"Our friends and family help keep our feet on the ground. And with each other, we make sure to keep each other in check, so none of us develops a big head. We have to remember that our job is to give our best all the time, and not to get caught up in egos or anything destructive like that."
"Yeah, you know Nick."
"The other guys make fun of me because I wash my car at least once every week. But after all, it is my first car!"
"As a kid, I always had to sleep with my collie dog Lassie. We called her Lassie because I really loved the TV series and the films. I was gutted when she had to be put down 'cause she had cancer."
"I wished I looked a little older, but right now there's nothing I can do about that."
"When I joined the group, I had no expectations because I had no idea what I was getting myself into."
"People look at us and automatically stereotype, but once they hear us and see us perform live, they know we're for real. It's important for us to be recognized for our music. I think it speaks for itself."
"I carry our CD around everywhere we go. I listen to Darlin' a lot from our first album plus I love I'll Never Break Your Heart and Quit Playin' Games."
"I still think we would have had success whatever we looked like, although it might have taken a lot longer."
"Boner, that's what we call him."
"How y'all doin, y'all doin alrite?"
"Philly Knows How To Party!!"
"I Love Girls Who Are Shy At First, Then Become Outgoing As You As You Get To Know Them. It Makes Me Feel Like She's Revealing Something Special Only To Me. As For What I Notice- There's Nothing In The World Like A Beautiful Smile."
"Canada's got it goin' on!"
"I have to know someone really well before I'd even kiss them."
"I'm married to these guys."
"We're not perfect."
"When we first started touring, it was quite a shock to hear how loud the crowds were. At first we couldn't really hear ourselves singing. But there are certain points in the show where everyone gets quiet and they listen to your vocals."
"Jam on the Gap has got it"
"Oh Kev, you're so sweet"
"I've been offered several solo projects but the simple truth is I'm happy where I'm at. There's still so much for us to achieve as a group!"
"Sadly, I haven't found the right girl. But my dream woman would have to be a blonde with the prettiest eyes. It's the eyes that attract me to a girl in the first place."
"We meet girls everywhere but it's hard because we don't have the time to get to know them. I had someone at home but it didn't last. It was a mutual thing."
"I think I'd make a loving, caring, understanding boyfriend, who's in touch with his emotions. Or at least, I'd like to be."
"I have two scars where I had my appendix taken out, but only people who know me really well get to see them cause they're at the bottom of my tummy!"
"They go on about the size of my nostrils and about them sucking things up."
"I love steaks, fries and salad."
"If you get a coke out of the mini bar, it's gonna cost you an arm and a leg."
"I feel like a cornball right now."
"This is called the retro Cowboys-R-Us AJ look alike."
"Facts are facts, you guys said 5 minutes and it's been 5 minutes and 35 seconds."
"My ideal Saturday night would be to go to a park, play some basketball for an hour until it gets dark, then go back and have a shower at my house. I'd go and pick up a friend, not anyone in particular, and go to the movies, or out for dinner like a date."
"I'm a manly man."
"Yeah... I get bras sent to me all the time...I dunno what to do with them cause I can't wear them!!!"
"I Try To Be As Sane As Possible!!"
"The Last Time I Was In Church I Was Signing Autographs."
"Once, We Threw Him Out Of The Dressing Room In His Underwear In Front Of A Bunch Of Girls. He Got Really Mad But It Was Funny!"
"AJ Is To Blame For This!"
"Might I Show You The Backstreet Boys Drawers?"(and he did)
"The Only Person That I Would NOT Want To Loose To Would Be That Marilyn Manson Dude"-Talking About MTV Awards In Europe
"This Is A Hard Day At Work!"


*FUNNY*"Sex is not the answer, Sex is the question. Yes is the answer."
"You can take a shower and do your laundry at the same time. . .anyone got any fabric softner?"
"To all the fans in Germany...I'm still alive....but I can't have kids anymore."
"You can take a shower and do your laundry at the same time. . .anyone got any fabric softener?"
"I like it when girls wear tight tops and high boots."
"I think four out of the five Backstreet Boys, everybody but Nick, were born with hernias."
"I don't want strangers taking pictures of my bum!"
"I'd never borrow Kevin's clothes. If I were to ask if I could borrow something he'd be like, 'Yeah, sure you can borrow it. Just don't crease it. Don't lose it. Don't spill anything down the front ...' "
"I'd like to have a run-in with Gwen Stephani."
"I read somewhere on the net that I have 101 tattoos."
"I think I'm a man."
"I used to smoke and that calmed me but I quite 'cause it wasn't worth losing my voice"
"We're really focused on not taking our fans for granted. You can't get caught up with it, because there is no way to please everybody. But when we can, we like to give them some special attention. We're just trying to be nice and give a little something back."
"Touring gives you an incredible feeling."
"I love jewelry. I love all kinds of silver, especially exotic Brazilian and African styles."
"We haven't gotten any clothes ripped off or anything to that extreme. I mean, we've gotten our hair pulled and my earrings get yanked out. But it's all accidental. Fans just want to touch you and get as close as they possibly can. But no one's gotten hurt and hopefully no one will. And we try to make the show really safe, so everyone can stay from beginning to end and be fully entertained with the entire show."
"When I walked out onto the stage, I didn't think about [anything] except me and the fellas making those girls out there smile. I love watching the girls be so happy and just filled with laughter and love."
"Music is love, love is music, music is my life and I love my life. Thank you and goodnight."
"Bass me... I've been bass-ed!"
"I scream, do stupid things, just to get laughs or attention to get the crowd into a giggly, laughing mood. I've had girls come up to me afterwards and say 'You are crazy'."
"We want longevity and we want respect from everyone as musicians and as artists."
"I'm not good at secrets, don't tell me any"
"In Germany someone threw a rock and it hit me in the face during a performance. I thought it was a cuddly toy or soemthing. It caught me just above the eye. It was quite a nasty cut. I had to carry on the show though, as it was part of a pop festival. If it had been our show, I would have got security to find out who threw it!"
"I like the kind of girl who'll let me do everything for her"
"I never used to pray before now I pray every day"
"I really did a lot of talent shows with puppets. I got a major kick out of doing it, and I still do!"
"Everyone was afraid of me ‘cos I was such a freak. No-one would come near me, they were like ‘What the hell’s wrong with him, he’s so weird?’ I didn’t fit in. "
"I know this might sound cheap, but I might take a girl to McDonald’s for dinner."
"I'm the type of guy who likes to be there 24/7. I'm Mr. Roses."
"My name is A.J and I'm gonna always love you"
"I like funny girls who will pop in and say 'Here I am!' It doesn't matter what she looks like though, honestly!"
"I've been flashed from the stage. It happened in London, this girl was watching me when I was singing "Return Of The Mack' and then she reached up under her shirt and made me lose my concentration. Then she pulled her bra out, screamed my name and whipped up her t-shirt up and showed me her breasts. I forgot the words and I stopped singing. I was like: 'you lied to me'. . .and then I saw the breasts and I was like 'Oh!' I do not like men who enjoy looking at women's breasts."
"I had my first kiss wehn I was four and kissed my next-door neighbour's daugher. Her name was Jennifer and then I ran away"
"I think that's me."
"I'm the king of hotels when it comes to not paying my bil. I'll go through the mini bar, take all the cokes and orange juices and tell them I've not had anything at all when they ask the next morning. I do end up paying for it in the long run. I got away with it for a while but then they caught on"
"If I want to kiss [a girl], I'll say 'Can I kiss you?'... I can't just move in, I have to ask, because if the girl's not comfortable, then I'm not comfortable."
"Bring on the women"
"It's Awesome, It's Cool, It's All That!!"
"It's Gonna Be Big!!"
"It's Baywatch, The Sequal."
"I Have No Idea What He Is Talking About But I Am Assuming It's About The Video Shoot!!
"I Don't Miss McDonalds, It's Everywhere In The World."
"When You Get Into The Music Business There Are A Lot Of Sacrafices To Be Made."
"Backstreet Boys Only Sing Live And Do Five Peice Harmony A Capella... We Just Want To Make Everyone Realize That We Are Real, There's Nothing Fake..."
"I Broke A Lamp Once. I Was Just Really Mad One Night And Punched It-It Didn't Hurt My Hand, But It Hurt The Lamp! I've Chucked Fruit At Cars Out Of The Window, Too. Sometimes You Get So Bored You Want To Run Riot For A While!"
"I Shop More Than Most Women!"
"I like the kind of girl who'll let me do everything for her."
"I never used to pray before, but now I pray everyday."
"We'll go anywhere or do anything for our fans."
"I used to smoke and that calmed me but I quit cause it wasn't worth ruining my voice."
"We'll stay up all night and party."
"I'm not good at secrets, so don't tell me any!"
"Everyone was afraid of me cause I was such a freak. No one would come near me, they were like, 'What the hell's wrong with him, he's so weird?' I didn't fit in."
"Welcome to Mr Rogers Neighborhood, Mr.Rogers couldn't be here today, so I'm taking his place."
"Which one is the one that I like?"
"Nick's Gonna Be On A Sugar Rush."
"It's Gonna Be A Kick Butt Show!"
"And That Was One SWEEEEET Video!"
"Ok I Have To Go, I Am On The Toilet And He Has A Camera!"
"And Then We Sacraficed A Chicken!"(What Is He Talking About?:)

"I like it when our concerts are really hot, we're all sweaty and the fans are pumped."
"When all else fails you just gotta grab it with your fingers."
"Isn't that 'N Stink?"
"I sang into a hairbrush in front of my bedroom mirror."
"Brian and I used to harmonize all the time."
~"The lonliest times are when you're lying in your hotel bed late at night and you wish you had someone there to cuddle and watch TV with you."
"I Am So Happy What I Am Doing Now, I'm Finally Getting The Opportunity To Do What I Always Dreamed About."
"I'd Deffinitly Date A Fan, If She Was Someone Who Really Liked Me For Me. The Hard Thing About This Business Is, You Can Never Tell If Someone Really Likes You As A Person, Or If They're Waiting For 'Kevin Of The Backstreet Boys' To Make An Appearence. It's A Hard Thing To Get Used To."
"Makeup And Hair, Good Morning!!"
"I Got A Question. Is There A Big Towell Cause I Got To Stick My Head Inside The Sink!!"
~About The Video "Anywhere For You"~"The Song Is A Love Song, The Song Is Called I'd Go Anywhere For You, And It's About A Guy, Uhhh Well, Us Telling Someone That We Care For Them We'de Go Anywhere, Do Anything For The One That We Love."
"It Depends On Whether I'm Sleeping Or Not"Kevin Talking About His Underwear.
~"You know I think that if we as a nation look at our President to be a moral leader, and obviously he’s messed up, but if we’re just looking at him to lead us and do foreign and relations and all that stuff, then he’s doing an okay job."
~"You know, I used to have a fake Rolex watch that was worth £25. People would comment on how nice it was and I'd just smile and tell them it was a fake."
~"I jumped in the shower, and scalded myself really bad with hot water to wake myself up, then I turned it really cold so to help get over the jet lag, good for the circulation"
"Yeah I slept for, like, an hour and a half, it was great"
"Apperently The Producer Didn't Like My Voice." On Why He Didn't Sing 10,000 Promises.
~When Was The Last Time You Were Rude To Somebody? "We Were At The Airport In Philadelphia Trying To Catch Our Connection Flight And This Lady Wouldn't Let Us Board The Plane. She Was Really Rude To Us So I Said,'May I Have Your Name?' And She Said,'You May Not!' Things Kinda Got Hairy.
~Describe Your Shower Time Routine. "The First Thing I Do Is I Wash My Hair And Un...(Goes A Deep Shade Of Crimson)Take Care Of Everything Else. Then I Hop Out And Shave."
~Do You Ever Think That The Backstreet Boys Are Being Too Childish? "Definitly, It's Usually Brian And Nick. I Have A Go At It But It's Just A Bit Of Fun. They Expect It From Me-I'm An Old Man!"
~"I Don't Know why They Call Me Train, I'm Probably More Graceful Than All Of Them"
~Talking about Brian~"When he went into the hospital, it really hit home. It was a wake-up call to make me appreciare every day that I have and to never take things for granted. I'm so thankful he made it through." Pardon my French - 'If you're gonna half-ass it, don't do it at all.'"- Kev talking about what his Dad used to say to him
"Canadians have those cute little accents, eh?"
"Do my laundry."
"No, I did not open my mini bar."
"Yeah I slept for like an hour and a half, it was great!"
"Be quiet, Nick!"
"I love Chinese food."
"Nobody will put up with our schedules."
"I need love."
"If a girl's too loud and tried to get too much attention it kinda puts me off a little bit. And if they don't have very good manners, or if I hear them swearing, then that turns me off too."
"It's Just Me And You...I Got My Own Show, Sup?"
"I Know My MYV Trivia!"
"My Brother Used To Scare Me With KISS!"
"I Fall In Love Very Easily."
