Schala Zeal

- Player Information
- Name (or alias) : Magus
- Age : 17
- Sex : Male
- E-mail address :
- Character Information
- Name : Princess Schala Zeal
- Age : 17
- Race: Enlightened One (human)
- Birthday: August 26th
- Home Time Period: 12,000 BC
- Sex: Female
- Height 5'6
- Weight: 122
- Hair (Color / Style): Lengthy, waving blue hair
- Eyes: Soft, blue eyes
- Complexion: An innocent white
- Voice: Soft
- Build: Sleek, slender, ethereal
- Identifying Marks: None
- Dress/Clothing/Jewelry: Two simple, golden earings. She also has a pendant remarkably similar to Marle's .
- General Appperance: Very slender... she flows almost like an angel from place to place, her long blue hair trailing behind her. A soft face, soft appearance, bespeaking both innocence, or perhaps purity, and wisdom.
- Personality: Very kind hearted and wise, as well as compassionate to all she knows
- Occupation: Princess, as well as Zeal's primary officer aside from Dalton
- Magic/Skill: Mainly the light side of things, though undoubtedly some offensive power as well
- Hobbies: Visiting with the Earthbound ones, talking and communing with those around her, taking care of her little brother
- Background/Past: Born in the floating land of Zeal, Schala never knew the hardships her people had suffered and what the Queen had brought them out of... that is, until one day she went through the forbidden portals down to the Earthbound ones and saw the horrid life they lead. Since then she has only grown softer and kinder, taking care of those less fortunate than her at any possibility. She holds a fierce loyalty to her mother, and an even fiercer, almost paternal love for her brother.
- Family Members: Queen Zeal and Prince Janus
- Birthplace: Zeal Palace, Kingdom of Zeal
- Weapon(s): none
- Other Notes/Qualities: Compassionate and caring beyond her years