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Part 1: Nothing Good Always Last

Link awoke, terrified. He was having the dream again, the one about Gannon. But he was gone. There was no way he could pose a threat now! Link replayed the dream in his memory, for the hundredth time. Something kept nagging him from the corner of his brain, but he couldn't place it. He started to walk outside his treehouse, but stopped. Ever since he had beaten Gannon in the future, and Zelda had returned him to the past with only memories of his heroism, Link had sensed that some evil presence still enveloped Hyrule in the future. And he had been having that awful dream. He thought for a moment. In the dream, Gannon captured Link when he was young and helpless. He told link that he would put an end to his meddling once and for all. That had to symbolize something...maybe some of Gannon's minions had survived! It surely couldn't mean that Gannon could stop him. Gannon was banished to the Outer Realm, never to come back. Suddenly a streak of light shot through the doorway. Link was startled. He tripped, fell out the door and rolled down the ladder. "Hiya Link, glad you're so happy to see me" came a voice from inside the hut. "I found some delicious nectar in a flower not far from here" said the voice. Link stood up. "Navi! Don't scare me like that" he replied. "Sheesh, of all the Kokori to be with, I got stuck with a grump." "Navi it's not that I was just thinking..." said Link. "Yeah I know the dream. I'm having it too," answered the tiny fairy. Then Link saw something that filled him with horror. Thousands of Deku Baba sprouted from the ground, engulfing the forest. Frightened Kokori ran screaming into their homes and barricaded the doors. Several of the evil plants grabbed Link and started throwing toward their brothers near a portal. "The masssster wantsssss yhhhuuuu sssscum" they hissed. Link under stood what his dream had meant now. Somehow, Gannon had told his past self to kill Link before he had a chance to grow in the Temple of Time and banish Gannon in the future!