Introducing Callie.... In her own words...

Interview Questions

1. What is your full name? How old are you?
Catherine Elizabeth Aguero. 19.
2. Where do you live?
San Diego, California
3. Where were you born?
New York City, New York
4. What college do you go to (that is if you go to college)?
San Diego University

5. What is your favorite memory when you were growing up? Explain.
Playing in the snow with my mom and dad. I remember once when I was ten, well it was Christmas time and my dad and I made a big snowman at the park. When we were finish my dad was looking at it. He was walking around it for some reason and tripped. He fell into the snowman and completely ruined it. We weren’t upset because we were both laughing too hard.

6. How was your environment at home (did you grow up with both parents, single parent, etc...)? Do you have any siblings? If so, how many and how are your relationships with them?
I had both sets of parents. My mom was away a lot at times because of her job (she is a reporter). No I don’t have any siblings.

7. What was your least favorite memory? Explain.
When my mom was away for my 16th birthday. Since my mom is a reporter she’ll sometimes have to go out of town suddenly. Well, it was nearing my 16th birthday and my mom and I were planning a huge party. My mom got a call about having to go on an “urgent” story and missed my birthday. For a while I was upset, but over time I understood it was her job and she had to do it.

8. What do you plan on doing after college? How will you achieve your goal?(Answer only if you are in college)
I plan on continuing my Journalism career. At the moment I am interning at the local station. I want to do reporting and by interning I can further my chances of achieving my goal.

9. If you are out of college what are you doing now? Do you have a job? If so, what do you do and how long have you been working there?
Doesn't apply to me.

10. Why do you want to be on Real World? What do you plan on getting out of this experience?
I want to be on the Real World for experience. Just as I decided to go to California after living in New York all my life, I need a change. I want to meet other people who may or may not be like me. I don’t plan on anything for this experience. All I plan on is I’ll be having fun.

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