Introducing David.... In his own words...

Interview Questions

1. What is your full name? How old are you?
David Lee Cantor. 20.
2. Where do you live?
Santa Monica, California
3. Where were you born?
Santa Rosa, California
4. What college do you go to (that is if you go to college)?
Santa Monica University. I’m in my 3rd year.

5. What is your favorite memory when you were growing up? Explain.
I don’t really have a favorite memory. Probably holidays when the whole family got together.

6. How was your environment at home (did you grow up with both parents, single parent, etc...)? Do you have any siblings? If so, how many and how are your relationships with them?
I grew up with both parents. I have 3 younger sisters (Mary, Jessica, and Beverly) and a younger brother (Eric).

7. What was your least favorite memory? Explain.
When I was almost suspended from school. I had been getting bad grades in school and my “punishment” was suspension, but for some reason they didn’t give me it.

8. What do you plan on doing after college? How will you achieve your goal?(Answer only if you are in college)
I plan on getting a job. I haven’t quite decided what but I have a year to debate on it.

9. If you are out of college what are you doing now? Do you have a job? If so, what do you do and how long have you been working there?
(No Answer)

10. Why do you want to be on Real World? What do you plan on getting out of this experience?
I want to be on the Real World because it will give me a chance to sort out my life. I don’t want to have any plans on what I will get out of this trip, but I hope to reach a decision on what to do after college.

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