Episode One

-Location: Miami, Florida-
Party in the city where the heat is on
All night, on the beach till the break of dawn
Welcome to Miami
~Miami by Will Smith

A hand ran through brown hair. Followed by a grunt. A young, beautiful girl tugged on one of her many suitcases. ‘Never again will I pack so much,’ the girl thought to herself. She placed another tag on her last of 6 suitcases. Her name was neatly typed on it, Sarah Tentor. She gave a smug smile as she loaded it into the van that would take her to the airport. She pulled out a rubber band from her denim skirt and tied her hair into a neat ponytail. She hopped into the van and watched as the scenery passed her by. She was running behind on schedule. She was headed to the airport, on her way to Malibu, California. She placed her purse gently on her lap and pulled out her mirror and lip-gloss. She quickly placed on a layer before turning her attention to the driver.
“Could you please hurry up. I need to make my flight,” she barked, rolling her eyes at the driver. A ringing broke through the cab. Sarah dug through her purse and answered her phone. “Hello, Sarah speaking.”
“Hi, Sarah. This is Brandon. I’m your new roommate. I just wanted you to know that I will be picking you up at the airport. I’ll see you in 6 hours.”

-Location: -

Episode Two
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