Episode Eight

*the next day*
It's my life
It's now or never
But I ain't going to live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
It's my life
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frank, he said "I did it my way"
I just want to live while I'm alive
It's my life
~It’s My Life by Bon Jovi

Josh sat on the couch, waiting for the rest of the roommates to finish getting ready. He drummed his fingers impatiently on his pant leg as each roommate slowly made his or her way into the living room. Callie, whom was normally the first to be ready, was the last to come into the room.
“Callie can you hurry up? Damn, you’re holding us all up!” Josh yelled at her as he stood up and left the room. Callie stood still, shocked at Josh’s sudden outburst. The roommates quietly made their way out of the house, a huge smile upon Sarah’s face. They all made their way to their separate cars. Callie in her own car along with Jason, James, and Michele. And Nick in his own car along with Sarah and Josh.
Sarah couldn’t stop smiling.

*at the club location*
This ain't a song for the broken hearted
A silent prayer for faith departed
And I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd
You're gonna hear my voice when I shout it out loud
~It’s My Life by Bon Jovi

Callie pulled up to a parking spot, spotting Nick’s car just a few spots down. Callie stepped out of the car, followed by James, Jason, and Michele. Together they all made their way into the club and were greeted by the rest of the roommates, Drew, the owner, and the two relators. Josh angrily stood up from his spot at the bar and walked over to Callie.
“I have to speak with you in private,” Josh said grabbing her arm tightly. As they made their way to the doors for the exit Josh stopped and turned to the others, “You all continue, this will only take a minute.”
Minutes passed by and the others quickly made a deal and purchased the club. Sarah stood close to the exit and could barely could make out the quiet sobs of Callie.

so take me as i am
this may mean you'll have to be
a stronger man
rest assured that when
i start to make you nervous
and i'm going to extremes
tomorrow i will change
and today won't mean a thing
~Bitch by Meredith Brooks

Jenny, it’s me,” Sarah said into the phone. She was in her room, Michele laid asleep in her bed.
”So, did it work?”
“Yup the plan worked perfectly,” Sarah whispered into the phone.
“You mean he fell for it?! What did you say to him?”
“Well, first he was already pissed with Callie to begin with. He yelled at her for being the last one to be ready. So, on our way to the club, I had a friendly little chat with Josh. I just causally mentioned how affectionate Callie and Jason were getting. And I accidentally let it slip out that they shared a kiss last night. I guess spying on people does help out problems. And man did the shit hit the fan. Now poor little Callie is all alone in her room, which is because Josh has moved out for the day and is now sleeping on the couch. I guess the honeymoon is over for those two love birds. Too bad,” Sarah said sarcastically, erupting with laughter. Sarah looked over her shoulder to see Michele sitting straight up on her bed and looking directly at Sarah.
“Oh shit,” Sarah whispered.

-Confessional #12: James-
So I'm putting it all on the table,
You don't know me well enough to label
Me, sick,
Or even disturbed
When you break it down I'm just two girls
Trying to blend, trying to vibe
Trying to live just one life
Everybody's got insanities
I got a split personality
~Split Personality by Pink

“We bought the club. Finally. Now it is legally ours. Yahoo,” James said in a pathetic tone. “Okay, so what’s going on now is it’s basically hell. Callie and Josh aren’t sharing a room anymore. Josh is mad at Callie, Callie’s mad at Sarah and Josh, Sarah’s mad at the whole house, Michele’s angry with Sarah, Jason’s mad at Sarah, Nick’s getting cockier by the day. And then there’s me. I think I’m the only one who’s not mad at someone. God Damnit! I want to be mad at someone too!!” James paused and rubbed a hand over his face. “I just hope this gets settled soon. I have no clue on why they are all mad with one another but whatever it is, it sure is big and bad. Well, another day in the house!”

*the next day*
You wouldn't let me say the words I longed to say
You didn't want to see life through my eyes
You tried to shove me back inside this narrow room
And silence me with bitterness and lies
~Human Nature by Madonna

Jason knocked lightly on Callie’s door. She quickly opened the door. As she opened the door wider she revealed to him what she was wearing; skin tight, black low- cut pants, a tight, light blue sweater, and a denim jacket. Callie took note of his khakis and blue sweater.
“You shine up like a new penny,” Callie said, pinching his cheek. “So where are we off too?” Callie asked, wrapping her arm around Jason’s waist.
“I was planning on taking you to this Malibu restaurant on the beach. Then we can take a walk on the beach. How’s that?”
“Great,” Callie said, giving Jason a smile. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted Josh watching attentively on them. He grounded his teeth tightly as they walked by him.

-Confessional #13: Nick-
Why don't you slide into my room
Just slide into my room
Oh, we'll run away, run away, run away...
~Slide by Goo Goo Dolls

“Yep. I had overheard Sarah’s startling confession on her true feelings towards the lovely Ms. Callie. Have I told anyone yet? Nope. I’m going to wait until just the right moment. Revenge is a dish served best cold after all.... Sarah doesn’t even know that I heard everything. Hmmm..... I wonder what damage I could do with this information? Oh the fun I can have.... But I think I’m going to save it for a rainy day.”

*the next day*
So im about to switch the industry again
So stand up shorty
Hands up shorty
I'm about to shake the whole land shorties
We about to let the dragon out
now now now now now now now now
~Unleash the Dragon by Sisqo

Drew sat comfortably in the armchair. He looked over the roommates, each sitting a comfortable distance from one another.
“So, you competed task number two in a good amount of time. Congratulations. Now you have task number three. Since you are going on your trip soon, you’ll have to finish this task as soon as possible. Your new task is to come up with a club name and the design for the banner that will be your ‘logo’ of sorts. There is no set time frame for this task, but you’ll have to turn something in to me. Okay?” He looked around and was greeted by silent nods.

*later that day*
When your soul is tired and your heart is weak
Do you think of love as a one way street
Well it runs both ways, open up your eyes
Can´t you see me here, how can you deny
~Private Emotion by Ricky Martin

“Hey Jason. So what are you calling to complain about now?” Chris said, yawning into the phone loudly.
“I maybe going home sooner than expected.”
”What? Having too many women over will kill a man sooner or later!” Chris said joking with him.
“I’m serious man. NO ONE is talking to each other around here. I swear someone is going to sacrificed soon.”
”What happened?”
”That’s the weirdest part. I don’t know. It all started when Josh and Callie got in a fight. Then slowly people stopped talking to certain people. Then Callie and I went out on a date last night and now she won’t even look at me, let alone talk to me. I think it was because I kissed her, again, last night.” Jason sighed aggravated over the whole situation.
”Well, two days ago I went on a first date of sorts with her. And we kissed. Nothing too big. But nothing, too small. You know what I mean right?”
”No. But that’s okay.”

*that night*
I feel angry i feel helpless
want to change the world
I feel violent i feel alone
dont try and change my mind
Society blind by color
why hold down one to raise another
Discrimination now on both sides
seed of hate blossom further
~One by Creed

The phone rang in the household. Callie, whom was sitting next to the phone, answered it first.
”Hi. Is Josh there?” A soft, feminine voice asked.
“Yeah. Hold on,” Callie said, jealously evident in her voice. She placed the phone on the table in front of her and stood up to look for Josh. She went to James’ room, where Josh was now staying in since he had persuaded James into switching rooms until the whole Callie situation cooled down. She knocked heavily on the door. Josh quickly answered it.
”Phone.” Callie quickly turned and walked away.
Josh made a face and went to the phone. As he picked it up and held the phone to his ear, hearing Callie hang up.
“Hello,” Josh said into the phone.
”Joshua! How’s my little brother?” A female asked.
“Girl, you’re MY little sister. You wish you were older then me,” he said, laughing.
“Whatever. How’s Malibu?”
”It’s great at Malibu Dre. But this whole roommate situation is killing me.”
“Uh oh. You never call me Dre unless you want something from me or are really upset. Tell me what’s going on,” Andrea Scott asked, her voice full of concern.
“There’s this girl here named Callie. We were both interested in one another, then another one of the roommates began to become interested in her. Right under my nose she began to get with him. I even asked her about it and she lied to me about it. I just can’t believe all of this. She IS such a nice girl and then this happens. I just don’t know what to do.”
”Did you ask her about it?”
”Yup. She confessed everything, but completely downplayed it. It’s just so tough.”
”Hun, why don’t you believe her or even forgive her?”
”I’m just mad at her. I don’t like being lied to. She promised me that she would never lie to me.” Quiet sobs interrupted his speaking.
“I’m sorry Josh. I’m so sorry.”

Episode Nine

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