Episode Four

*two days later*

-Confessional #5: Callie-

I can feel the magic floating in the air
Being with you gets me that way
I watch the sunlight dance across your face and I've
Never been this swept away
~Breathe by Faith Hill

Callie walked into the confessional and sat down on the chair. She quickly straighten up her hair and looked the camera dead on. “Hey. It’s me... Again. I’m sure you all are sick and tired of my pathetic face. Oh well.” Callie paused as she sneezed into her hand. “Okay, maybe I should catch you all up on what has been going on for the past couple days. Well the next day after the truth or dare incident. James had informed us all that his best friend from back home will be visiting for a few weeks. We agreed that he could stay in the house for 3 days while he looked for a temporary home to stay at. And it all began with him. Joey Smith, James’ best friend.”

So you shakin' da thang like who's da ish
With a look in your eyes so devilish
Uh, you like to dance at all the hip hop spots
~Thong Song by Sisqo

“Guys?” James shouted as he walked in the house. Joey trailed behind him, pulling his 3 suitcases behind him. They could hear feet pounding on the floor boards above them as the roommates descended down to greet them. “Guys, this is Joey. Joey, this is Josh, Jason, Nick, Sarah, Callie, and Michele.” James said pointing at each person as he introduced them. Joey shook each of their hands, pausing slightly when shaking Sarah’s hand. And how Sarah looked at him with disgust as she rolled her eyes. When they reached the living room area Joey plopped his bags on the sofa.
“Are you guys doing anything tonight?” Joey asked, looking directly at Sarah. In return she rolled her eyes again.
“Nothing as of now... We should all go clubbing or something. We can check out some ladies.” Jason said, wiggling his eyebrows up and down.
“Yeah! That would be so cool!” Callie said, bouncing up and down from her spot on the couch.
“You know what? We should have a once a week group bonding night. We can go to a club or something like that.” Josh said from his spot next to Callie. They all nodded their heads in agreement.
“Why are you nodding your head Joey? You’re not a roommate,” Sarah asked. “Thank God,” she muttered under her breath.

*a few hours later*

Don't you know that
When you touch me baby that it's torture
Brush up against me
I get chills all down my spine
When you talk to me it's painful
You don't know what you do to this heart of mine
~Sexual (li da di) by Amber

Each roommate walked into the club with their own style of confidence. Joey went straight to where the ladies were. Josh slowly made his way into the club, appearing to be sizing everyone up. Callie and Jason stuck together like two little kids, and made their way straight to the dance floor. Nick had disappeared far before that, claiming to have found a “real beauty”. Michele stuck to the bar, quickly ordering a drink. Sarah was in her own world, she walked in with confidence and within seconds she had found her dance partner. James, on the other hand, was the only one not presence. He claimed to have previous plans. Josh sat down at a table that was parallel to the dance floor. He drummed his fingers lightly on the table and observed his surroundings.

*an hour later*

Callie danced to the beat of the fast tempo music. The faster the beat went, Callie followed suit. Callie lost herself in the rhythm of the music, not noticing that Jason had found another dance partner.
“God I love this song, don’t you Jason?” Callie said, dancing harder and faster. She waited to hear Jason’s response and was greeted by silence. “Jason?” She stopped dancing and looked for him. She spotted him with a lanky blond. Callie rolled her eyes as she made her way to the table were the other roommates were. She sat down and sighed, discovering Josh was the only one still at the table.
“So, why haven’t you danced yet?” Callie asked him, giving him a bright smile.
“I’m not feeling too well. I was actually thinking of heading home. Care to join me?” Josh asked as he stood up to gather his belongings.
“Sure. I lost my dance partner any ways.” Callie said, laughing as she nodded her head to Jason and his blond companion. She grabbed her stuff as the two headed towards the door. Callie paused when she saw Michele at the bar. She quickly made her way over to her.
“Michele, Josh and I are leaving. Okay?” Callie said.
“Okay. I’ll probably be going home in an hour or so. Bye.” Michele said. She gave Callie a small wave as Callie and Josh made their way out of the club.

*at the house*

Josh and Callie made their way into their room. Callie stumbled onto the bed and laid down, closing her eyes. Josh sat on his bed, and watching her. Callie could sense he was looking at her and she cautiously opened her eyes. The two stared at one another. Callie stood up and went to sit next to Josh. He continued to look at her as she nervously played with her hand. She slowly drew her eyes up to meet his.
”I’ve been meaning to talk to you. About that whole truth or dare incident. Josh-” Callie stopped to look at Josh. At that moment Josh leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. She drew a breath and lost herself in the kiss.

*present time (Callie’s confessional)*

“That kiss was the first one I had in a long time. Well, since Todd. Before you start thinking we had sex, well, we didn’t. All that happened was we kissed a few, wonderful times. Then, The roommates came home. Joey actually meet someone. Her name’s Stephanie. She’s a real sweetheart. So at least I made a new friend. But the best thing that happened was we decided what we’re going to do for our business.”

*a few days later*

The roommates sat around the kitchen table, both Joey and Stephanie sat among them. An unfamiliar man sat at the head of the table.
“Hello, to all of you. I see that two of you are guests. Well, I am Mr. Galligan. You can call me Drew. I will be your business manager of sorts. You will be given various deadlines to achieve throughout the 6 months and you will come to me when these deadlines come. For the first deadline it was to come up with your business idea. I hope you all have reached a decision. If you have, feel free to express them now.” Drew sat back and looked at them.
“We decided upon making our own club.” Callie said, giving a smile.
“Great. I’m extremely glad that you decided on something on time. Now, have you decided the type of club it will be?” Drew asked, as he scribbled down information on a pad of paper.
“Well, we were thinking of a dance club. An example of the club that we’re interested in having is like the Saddle Ranch which is on Sunset. Maybe a theme style club.” Jason said.
“Hmm.. Interesting.” Drew said, continuing to writing on his pad of paper. “Okay, also today you will find out your next deadline. Which is you will now have to find an actual building where you will start your club. Since this will be a harder task you will have to accomplish this by a month. But, each week we will have to meet like we are doing tonight to discuss the club and any new questions. But from now on you are stuck with making a club and cannot change your idea. And if for some reason you change your minds and/or don’t accomplish the ultimate goal you will not receive your handsome reward, which in this envelope,” Drew paused and held up a plain, white envelope, "discusses what it is. Well, if you don’t have any questions then I must be going.” Drew paused once more to look at the roommates to see if there were any questions. ”Well, then I am off. I will call you next week to set up the next meeting.” Drew collected his things and went to the door. Callie got up and went to walk him out. When she returned she had the white envelope in her hand.
“Okay, time to see what our handsome reward will be.” Callie said as she ripped open the envelope. She withdrew a single sheet of paper. “I’ll read this outloud. Dear roommates, I’m sure you are all wondering what your handsome reward will be. Well, prepare to wait 5 months for it. Just know that it will be worth everyday of hard work you put in your business. The only guidelines are as followed. 1. You are not allowed to change your main concept. If you do, no reward. 2. You have to have at least ONE successful night of business, meaning you have to have customers. And that are the guidelines. Only two. You have 5 and 1/2 months to accomplish this to achieve your handsome reward.” Callie looked up to let out a squeal of delight.

-Confessional #6: Nick-
Happiness lies in your own hand
It took me much too long to understand
How it could be
Until you shared your secret with me
....My baby's got a secret
~Secret by Madonna
Nick sat down and looked at the camera. He leaned back and gave a cocky smirk at the camera. “Okay, so I’m sure you all are on the edge of your seats for my big ol’ secret. Well, about a year ago I went to Cancun for spring break. There I did the norm. Party, drink, meet girls. Well, I met one particular girl. For the week I was there we did a lot together. Okay, we had sex... A lot. I left for home and she went on her merry way. I didn’t hear from her in about two months, until one day she called me. It was completely out of the blue, but what she said shocked the shit out of me. She told me she was pregnant. And it was mine. So, my secret is I have a son.”