Episode Nine

*two days later*
and i am....whatever you say i am
if i wasn't , then why would i say i am?
in the papers, the news, everyday i am
radio won't even play my jam
~The Way I Am by Eminem

Callie sat rigidly at the restaurant table. Her focus was on the menu that was in front of her.
“Cal, what’s wrong?” Katie, Callie’s roommate from college asked, pulling down the menu to get a good look at her.
“What’s right?” Callie sighed heavily. “The house is now my living hell.”
“What happened?”
“Oh Katie, it’s horrible there,’ Callie said, tears escaping from her eyes. “There’s this guy I really like and I’ve ruined everything with him. He was so wonderful with me, he was perfect.”
”Was it that Josh guy?”
”Yeah. And the worst part is that he’s moved out of our room. It’s come to that. He can’t even be in the same room with me anymore.”
“What did you do?”
”Remember that Jason guy I told you about? We went out once before all this happened and I almost slept with him. Almost. And I didn’t tell Josh about it. He asked me what happened and I lied to him about it. I just can’t figure out how he knew about it. He just accused me of kissing Jason. Maybe Jason told him. I confronted Jason about it and of course he denied it. I don’t know who to believe anymore.”
“What are you going to do?” Katie asked, handing her a napkin.
“I think I might have to move out.”

*at the same time*
Meet me in outerspace
We could spend the night, watch the earth come up
I've grown tired of that place, wont you come with me
We could start again
~Steller by Incubus

“Where’s Callie?” Michele asked James.
“She’s meeting up with a friend from college. She’ll be home in a few hours,” James said, taking a bit out of his apple as he sat comfortably on the couch.
“Shit. Okay thanks,” Michele said in an angry tone.
“Why do you need her? Wait, where are you going?” James said, taking notice of her flustered face, non- matching clothes, and only one shoe on.
“I have a date with Reese. And normally Callie helped me get ready. Normally any ways,” Michele frowned and slid onto a spot next to James.
“Something wrong is going on here. Besides just the fight between Josh and Callie. I just don’t know what.”
”Yeah. I, I don’t know either,” Michele whispered, staring off into space.

*a few hours later*
It doesn’t matter if they won’t accept you
I’m accepting of you and the things you do
Just as long as it’s you
Nobody but you, baby, baby
~Doesn’t Really Matter by Janet Jackson

A knock on the door.
“Sarah, are you in?” Nick said, slowly opening the door.
“What do you want?” She sat, from her spot on her bed, causally strumming through a magazine. She didn’t even look up from the magazine.
“Oh, Sarah looking through another vanity magazine? Hating whoever’s prettier than you... Which is most people, but that’s besides the point.”
“Shut up Nick. Sorry, Michele’s still into chicks. Or at least anyone who’s not you,” Sarah said, still looking intently at her magazine.
“So, Sarah, how’s Callie lately?”
“How the hell should I know? Am I here keeper?” Sarah flipped a page over.
“Maybe I should rephrase that.. How are you feeling about Callie lately?”
Sarah dropped the magazine beside her and stared up at him. She stared at him before speaking. “What?” she whispered.
“You know what I’m talking about. How much do you hate her?” Nick hissed, an evil glare in his eye. He turned to leave but was stopped by Sarah’s voice.
“Are you going to say anything?” Sarah whispered.
“Only when the time’s right,” Nick turned to her and placed a finger against his lips, “Shh... Your secret is safe with me.”

*that night*
Broadway is dark tonight
A little bit weaker than you used to be
Broadway is dark tonight
See the young man sitting
In the old man's bar
Waiting for his turn to die
~Broadway by Goo Goo Dolls

Callie gently knocked on Jason’s door.
“Jason, it’s Callie. Can I talk to you?” She asked gently. Seconds passed and Jason opened the door.
“Yes?” Jason asked, tapping his finger gently against the door frame.
“We need to talk. Actually I need to apologize,” Callie replied, a frown evident on her feminine features.
“Come in then,” Jason said, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder. She made her way into the room and sat down on his bed. Jason followed her but chose to stand in front of her, his back pressed against the desk that was near his bed.
“Jason, I’m so sorry on how I’ve been treating you lately. I guess this fight with Josh is really affecting me. But I shouldn’t take it out on you. I would love it if we could be friends again.” Callie finished by gently taking his hand in hers.
“You know I’m not mad at you babe. But you’re got to tell me when you’re in a runt.” He squeezed her hand tightly.
“I will Jason. I promise.”

*the next day*
Its just one of those days when you don't wanna wake up.
Everything is f*cked.
Everybody sux.
You don't really know why but want justify rippin' someone's head off.
No human contact and if you interact your life is on contract.
Your best bet is to stay away motherf*cker.
It's just one of those days!!
~Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit

“We have to start thinking of a club name,” James said. He sat in an armchair. The rest of the roommates sat on other pieces of furniture, each comfortably spacing themselves from each other.
“Okay, how about Club LA?” Callie whispered, only looking at James.
“Next,” Josh said, rolling his eyes.
“Umm... How about Aftershock?” Jason suggested.
“Hahaha. That’s already a club name, trying to steal something else again?” Josh said.
“I don’t see you suggesting anything, so why don’t you shut the fuck up?!” Jason said angrily, standing up as he spoke.
“Hey! Did you all hear that?! Jason’s finally going to hit on someone who isn’t a girl!” Josh yelled, standing up as well.
“She wasn’t your girl! You were just ignorant to the fact that she didn’t want to DATE YOU!” Jason yelled, getting close to Josh’s face.
“You better back off if you can’t finish something you’ve started.” Josh hissed.
“STOP IT!” Callie shouted. She jumped up from her spot on the couch and pushed the two apart. “JUST STOP IT! None of you own me or even know me. Just leave me the fuck alone!!!” She turned and ran to her room. The slam of the door echoing throughout the house.

*a hour later*
Your clothes never wear as well the next day
And your hair never falls in quite the same way
You never seem to run out of things to say
~Absolutely (Story of a Girl) by Nine Days

“Can I talk to you?”
“Sure, Michele. Come in.” Callie quickly wiped away her tears before Michele came in.
“I’m sorry about what went on with Josh and Jason,” Michele said in a quiet manner. She made her way in through the bathroom, looking at Callie from Callie’s spot on the counter.
“It’s not your fault. It’s all my fault,” Callie whispered, looking at the ground.
“Callie, it’s not even your fault. I think you should know something,” Michele said, focusing in on Callie’s face.
“Sarah told Josh about you and Jason. She’s the reason this whole fight occurred. I would have told you earlier if I had known it would have come to this. I’m so sorry,” Michele gently placed a hand on her shoulder. Callie shrugged it off and hopped off the counter.
“I gotta think about this. I’m not mad, I just have to be alone right now. Okay?” Callie said, turning away from Michele and leaving the bathroom. Michele pressed her back against the counter and put her face in her hands.
“I’m SO sorry Callie.”

*the next morning*
Up high I feel like I'm alive for the very first time
Set up high I'm strong enough to take these dreams
And make them mine
Set up high I'm strong enough to take these dreams
And make them mine
~Higher by Creed

“Callie, are you up?” Michele asked, knocking on her door. After a minute of no answer she slowly opened the door. She found James sleeping in his top bunk, which was once Josh’s, and an empty bottom bunk.
“James! Wake up! Where’s Callie?!” Michele asked, getting closer to the bunks. As she went further into the room she spotted that most of Callie’s things were missing.
“What?! What are you talking about? Michele! Why are you waking me up at,” James paused to look at his watch, “one pm?”
“James, Callie is missing. Most of her stuff is gone and I haven’t seen her since last night,” Michele said, her voice full of concern.
James slowly sat up and processed exactly what she was saying. “Oh my God. Where is she.”

To be continued....


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