Episode Six

**Three Days After Jason, James, and Michele went building shopping**

-at the house-

City lights, streets of gold
Look out my window, to the world below
Moves so fast and it feels so cold
And I'm all alone
~Be With You by Enrique Iglesias

A knock on the door.
Callie stood up from her comfy spot on the couch and went to answer it.
“It’s probably Drew.” Callie paused to look back at Jason, whom once was on the floor but now was about to try and sit in her vacant spot. “Don’t even think about it curls.”
“Aww Callie!” Jason whined as he sat back down in his spot. Callie opened the door to reveal Drew, grinning brightly with stacks of newspaper in his hands.
“Come on in. We’re all in the living room waiting for you,” Callie said as she closed the door behind him. Drew went straight for the living room. When he reached it he cleared his throat loudly. All the roommates turned and looked at him, and waited anxiously for what he had to say.
“Any luck with finding the building?” Drew asked. He went to a vacant armchair, as he sat down he put his papers down on the coffee table in front of him.
“Not really. We found two vacant buildings and checked them out three days ago but it was a dead end,” James said from his spot next to Callie.
“I had a feeling you wouldn’t have any luck, so I did some searching of my own. In those papers there are roughly ten vacant buildings. Along with that is your budget, which includes how much you are all given to spend on the purchase of the building,” Drew said, pointing to the papers. Nick, the closest to them, picked them up and began to shuffle through them, briefly looking at each page. Drew stood up and began to walk out of the living room. “Well, I am going to leave. If you have any questions you know where to reach me. If not, I will see you in a week. Good luck.” Drew continued to walk, right out the door. The roommates sat stumped at what to say next. Even Callie was silent.
The door banged shut.

*later that night*
here i am
so alone
and there's nothing in this world i can do
until you're back here baby
miss you want you need you so
until you're back here baby
there's a feeling inside i want you to know
you are the one and i can't...let you go
~Back Here by BBMak

“The reservation is under Timbercreek, party of seven,” Jason said, looking fat the tall, older man whom stood between him and the restaurant. The man browsed through his book before stopping on a name.
“Aww. Yes, Timbercreek, right this way,” he said, giving Jason a quick once over. The six other roommates followed behind him, all in silence. When they reached the table they quickly adjusted themselves in the booth. Once everyone was settled they began flipping through the menus. A server came and went, and came back again. Drinks sat in front of them and their meals were in being cooked. Callie stirred her drink cautiously before opening her mouth.
“So, this is the weekly roommate night,” Callie said, looking at each person momentarily and stopping at Josh. Respectively everyone nodded, but still no one said anything.
“We’re going to have to talk sooner or later,” Sarah said with an aggravated tone.
“Well, here’s some conversation for you.... Why are you such a bitch? Is that going to be enough talking for you all?” Nick asked, leaning back in his chair in a cocky manner.
“Well, I’ll answer your question, if you answer mine,” Sarah said taking a sip of her drink. “I’ll even go first. Are you in?”
“Sure, I’ll play your little game,” Nick said, taking a sip of his drink as well.

*after they were done at the restaurant*
Tender words you say
Take my breath away
Love me now and leave me never
Found a sacred place
Lost in your embrace
I want to stay in this forever
I think of the days when the sun used to set
On my empty heart, all alone in my bed
Tossing and turning
Emotions were strong
I knew I had to hold on
~Waiting for Tonight by Jennifer Lopez

“Hey sweetie. How’s the home front?” James asked quietly into the phone.
“It’s okay here James. A little lonely and quiet, but okay. How are you getting along with all the roommates?”
“So far okay. But I think the honeymoon is over. Tonight we had what we call ‘roommate night.’ We went out to a local restaurant. At first everything was fine, but then Nick asked Sarah why she was such a bitch. Then she asked him what was up his ass. It was like a chain reaction. Soon everyone was asking everyone else questions that normally they would just think to themselves but never actually ask. That lasted for about an hour. After that we headed home. At the moment no one is talking to anyone else. It’s too early to tell if there will be any bloodshed.” James paused to look around the room. He was in the living room and at the moment it was empty.
“Well you had a night didn’t you baby?”
“Enough talk about them, let’s talk about when you’re coming here,” he said pulling on the phone cord.
“I’ll be there in six weeks. Can you wait that long?”
“No. I will have to though. I just hope that my roommates can behave when you come.” He paused. “I already had a fight with one of the roommates about calling you so much.”
”That Nick guy. He’s such a dick though so I just assumed it was part of his charm. He can’t get a girl, well at least one he doesn’t pay for, so he takes it out on me.” He heard Joy laugh on her end of the phone. “It’s good to hear you laugh.”

*the next day*
I wanna be with you
If only for a night
To be the one who's in your arms, who holds you tight
I wanna be with you
There's nothing more to say
There's nothing else I want more than to feel this way
~I Wanna Be With You by Mandy Moore

Callie walked into the kitchen to find Jason sitting at the table with papers and a glass of orange juice in front of him. He appeared to be looking the papers Drew left. Callie quickly put a piece of bread in the toaster and went to sit down with Jason.
“Looking for the club location?” she asked him. Before he could answer her toast popped up. As she went to get it he answered.
“Yup. I found three good and affordable places. I thought I’d go check them out. You can come too,” he said taking a sip of his orange juice.
”I’d love to go. When are you going?” Callie said, bringing the toast to her spot that was across from Jason.
“In an hour.”
“I’ll be ready,” Callie said giving him a cheery smile.

-Confessional #10: Jason-
I try but I can't seem to get myself to think of
Anything but you
Your breath on my face, your warm gentle kiss
I taste the truth
You know what I came here for
So I won't ask for more
~I Wanna Be With You by Mandy Moore

“Callie and I went club shopping. We actually found one place that is decent. Now we just have to show the rest of the roommates and Drew it. Callie’s a great girl. She’s so sweet and friendly. When we were out looking around we began talking about writing and various people that we know whom also write. I never knew that we had so much in common. And we even know some of the same people. Not only is she smart, nice, and talented, but she’s also beautiful. Damn, what a combination,” Jason winked at the camera.

*the next day*
This could be your final heartbreak.
I could show you what good love takes.
Never say goodbye, never make you cry.
Yeah, this could be your final heartbreak.
~Final Heartbreak by Jessica Simpson

There was a knock on the door. James went to answer it. Stephanie stood at the door.
“Stephanie come in. You’re right on time,” James said, opening the door wide enough for her to get in.
“I was a little surprised that you called, but if you want me to check out maybe the future club building then I’m cool with that.” They walked into the living room where all the other roommates were waiting.
“Hey Stephanie! Glad you could come,” Callie said from her spot in the armchair.
“Well, Joey was going to come as well, but he had some filming to do,” Stephanie said, standing nervously behind the sofa.
“Aww. Too bad huh?” Sarah said sarcastically.
“Well, we should head out,” James said, ignoring her. Everyone stood up and left the living room. Sarah lagged behind.
“Hello?! I just said a good insult... Why is no one laughing? Or even