Episode Three

*a week later*

-Location: Malibu, California (at the house)-

Maybe it's intuition
But some things you just don't question
Like in your eyes
I see my future in an instant
And there it goes
I think I found my best friend
~I Knew I Loved You by Savage Garden

The phone rang through the house. Callie was the first to get to it.
“Hello?” She asked as she wrapped the cork around her finger.
A feminine voice spoke, “Hi, is James there?”
“Yep, hold on while I get him.” Callie replied. She placed the phone done as she made her way to James’ room. She gently knocked on the door to hear a feminine laugh echo through the room. “James, you have a phone call.” Callie began to walk away as James and Michele exited the room. James headed straight for the phone, while Michele trailed behind Callie. Callie noticed this and stopped. “Hey Michele, I’m going out to the supermarket to get some food, want to come with me?”
A wave of relief seemed to wash over her features and a giant smile swept her face. “Sure. Let’s go!”
Meanwhile James had picked up the phone by this time. A huge smile spread upon his lips. “Joy? Gosh, it’s so good to hear your voice.” He said with a lovesick sigh.
“James... How are you hun? It’s not the same here without you.” Joy whispered, showing that she was going through the same withdrawal as him. Joy was his girlfriend. The two had been going out since freshman year of college. The two were made to be together. Everyone back home was counting the days till James popped the question.
“Miserable. How am I going to make it through six more months without you. But besides that, it’s beautiful here. We just found out that we will be going on a ‘group’ trip to Spain in a couple of months. Plus, we have this mission of sorts. It has to do with starting our own business. So, what’s up in Mississippi?” James said, a weight of sorts being lifted from his shoulders. He hadn’t been able to speak with her since he came to Malibu and the guilt was beginning to hit him.
“Good. Works the same. All our friends are the same. Oh! Did Joey tell you he got a job in California?” Joy said with an excited tone.
“No! When is he coming here?” James asked, a little hurt that his best friend hadn’t told him the important news.
“Um, in a few days. Don’t feel bad honey, he literally just found out. They called him today in fact. It has to do with some TV pilot. You know how Joey has been trying to get into show business.”
James exhaled, he was realized to know that his friend wasn’t keeping something this big from him. “Wait! A few days. Does he plan on staying with me?” James said in a frantic tone.
“I’m not sure. Call him. Then call me back when you find out.” Joy said, sadden by the fact that their conversation was cut short.
“I’ll have to do that. Babe, I’m sorry this has to be cut short.” James said. It amazed Joy that he seemed to know her inside and out.
“It’s okay, just call me back alright?” Joy pleaded.
“I will. I promise. I love you.”
“I love you too. Bye bye.” Click. James hung up to only pick it right up to dial a number that was engraved in his memory. It was quickly picked up.
”Joe, it’s James. So you coming to California bud?” James said, with a smile.
“Yep. I was gonna call you later today about it... So, can I stay with you?” Joey asked, mentally crossing his fingers.
“I’d have to ask my other roommates, but I’m sure it’ll be cool. For how long?”
“Only for two weeks. Or until I find a decent hotel room. But if the job works out I might be there

-Location: Malibu Supermarket-
Getting to know you
Getting to know all about you
~Getting to Know You from the play the King & I
Callie pushed the shopping cart down the aisle as Michele walked by her side, occasionally picking up a food product as she walked.
"Why are we shopping? I thought we had plenty of food at the house." Michele asked as she looked at Callie’s homemade shopping list.
"Well, all of us roommates are having a little bonding time. We’re going to have a little co-ed sleepover.... Full of truth and dare games, etc.... You get the idea. Oh, can you get me a can of whip cream and chocolate ice cream. We’re having sundaes tonight." Callie said with an excited tone.
"Sure." Michele said, quickly grabbing both items.
"So, Michele do you have boyfriend or anything like that back home?" Callie asked, pushing the cart down the aisle.
Michele slowly put the can of whipped cream, followed by the ice cream in the cart. She looked at Callie and sighed slightly. "No, I don’t have a boyfriend. Actually I just broke up with my girlfriend."

-Location: Malibu, California (at the house)-
You gave me back the paradise
That I thought I lost for good
You helped me find the reasons why
It took me by surprise that you understood
You knew all along
What I never wanted to say
Until I learned to love myself
I was never ever lovin' anybody else
~Secret by Madonna
*a few hours later*

Callie placed a velvet pillow on the couch. She laid down on it as the roommates filtered into the living room. Michele was the first one to enter. She gave Callie a shaky smile. Callie returned the smile and thought back to past few hours. Callie had promised her she would not reveal her “secret” to the others. Michele wanted to tell everyone herself. The other five roommates soon entered the room.
“What are we doing first?” Sarah said in a somewhat bored tone.
“Well, I think we should play a game of Truth,” Callie stated. She looked around the room to received blank stares. “Well the idea of the game is we each pick a person’s name. Then we write down a question for them to answer. All of this is done without us telling who asked what. Sounds good?”
A chorus of okay’s rang throughout the room. Each person grabbed a nearby pen and piece of paper. Callie took an extra sheet and wrote everyone’s names down on it. She grabbed a hat that was on the coffee table in front of her. She placed the scraps of paper in it and sat up. She held out the hat and each person grabbed a name. Callie took the last scrap and looked at it. ‘Hmmm... James,’ she thought to herself.
“Anyone got their own name?” Callie asked. Everyone shook their heads as to say no. “Okay, now write down your question.” Callie began to think of her question for James. She recalled his feminine caller this morning, Michele revealed to her that it was his girlfriend of 4 years. ‘Ah ha!’ She thought to herself. She quickly jotted down her question and folded it ever so neatly. Callie glanced around the room to see the other roommates doing the same actions. They all placed their questions in the hat. Callie leaned back as her roommates began arguing on who would pick out of the hat first.
“I’ll go first,” Callie stated. Everyone seemed to quiet down and obliged to her command. She reached in the hat and drew out a question. She read it outloud, “Josh, do you have a secret crush on anyone in the house?”
A noticeable change in his face drew attention to him. He quickly gulped and lowered his eyes to the floor. “Yes, I have a little crush on...” he paused to briefly look around the room. “On Callie.” Callie slightly gasped and a slight blush crept into her cheeks as the rest of the roommates nodded in a way that stated that they already knew that.
“Next question,” Sarah commanded in a rude tone. She grabbed the hat out of Callie’s hand and drew out another question. “Oh Callie, this one’s for you. What happened with your last boyfriend?” As Sarah finished reading the question she gave Callie a smirk.
Callie slowly wiped her face with her hands. She gently rubbed her eyes with her fingertips and a soft grunt escaped from her lips. “Well, I was going out with this guy for almost two years. By the end of the first year he left for college. After that he began to cheat on me. One day I collected the courage to ask him if he was indeed cheating on me.” Callie paused as a tear trickled down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away and continued with her story. “He began to abuse me. It continued for a complete of months until he put me in the hospital because he threw me down a flight of stairs. To say the least, not only did I dump his sorry ass but I pressed charges. And that’s what happened with my last boyfriend. So whoever asked that question are you satisfied?” Callie grabbed the scrap of paper from Sarah’s hand and ripped it up. She let the scraps fall from her fingers as she got up from her spot on the couch and made her way out of the room.
“Where are you going?” Michele asked.
“To the kitchen to make myself a sundae. Anyone want one?” Callie asked in a surprising calm tone. Everyone shook their head no. When Callie was in the kitchen a sad sign escaped from everyone’s mouths. No one had expected something so serious and sad like that.
“Well, who’s next?” Sarah asked, tossing the hat into Nick’s lap.
“Me, I guess,” Nick grunted, glaring at Sarah. In turn she gave him a cute, little grin. He reached his hand in the hat pulled out a scrap of paper. A smile quickly played on his lips. “Jason, if you could have your way with anyone in the house who would it be and what would you do?”
The roommates busted out laughing as Callie returned with her homemade sundae. “What did I miss?” she asked, with her mouth full of chocolate ice cream.
“It’s Jason’s turn to answer a question,” James said from his spot on the floor.
“Okay, the person I would want to have my way with is Callie.” Jason paused to look at Callie’s shocked expression.
“What is this? Pick Callie as your sex toy day?” Callie said as a little ice cream dribbled from her chin.
Jason gave her a cocky grin as he continued his answer. “What I would do with her is make her my own personal sundae.” Silence. Callie was in the midst of bringing the spoon to her lips. Instead of getting it in her mouth she dropped the whole bowl of ice cream on her shirt.
“Hey Jason... Callie’s half way there.” Nick said in an angry tone. Everyone began to laugh as Callie leapt from her spot and ran to her room to change shirts.
“Oh yeah. The lady’s man.” Jason said, flexing his tight arm muscles. He burst out laughing at the whole situation.
James grabbed the hat that was laying next to Jason and withdrew a piece of paper. “Sarah, what do you think of all of the roommates?”
Sarah paused to collect her thoughts as Callie quickly made her return. Sarah gave Callie a bitter smile as Callie sat down on the vacant spot on the couch that was next to Sarah. “Okay,m for you James I think you’re a sweetheart and you seem really nice. Michele, you’re really quiet but you seem nice. Okay, basically you all seam really nice. Ask me that question in a few weeks and see how that changes!” Sarah answered as they all laughed.
Jason grabbed the hat from James and withdrew a tiny slip of paper. “James, have you ever cheated on your girlfriend?”
James got quiet and appeared to be in thought. “Ya, I did once. It was when we first started going out. I was a freshman in college and we were casually dating. Well, for one of my classes I had a study partner which happened to be a woman. One night when we were studying which lead to us goofing around. Before we even knew it we were walking up the next morning together--- and naked. I told Joy, my girlfriend, and she was completely pissed and had a right to be.... A few weeks went by and we got back together and have been together ever since.”
Jason tossed the hat to Josh and he took the 2nd to last slip of paper out of the hat. “Okay, this one is for Michele. Have you ever been with another woman?” Silence. Callie and Michele exchanged scared looks.
Michele took a deep breath. “Well actually I have had some experiences with women. I’m a lesbian. Yep, the truth comes out now,” Michele said, throwing up her arms in an exasperating way.
“Well, I guess it’s my turn to pick the last question.” Josh said. It appeared that no one was really shocked or even disturbed by Michele’s statement, which pleased Michele endlessly. “Nick, do you have a secret to share for us?”
Nick slowly looked up to see all 6 roommates staring straight at him. They all expected some shocking secret for him to reveal, and boy where they going to be shocked.
“Well, my secret is....”


Episode Four
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