Episode Two

-Location: Malibu, California (the house)-
The first time ever I lay with you
And felt your heart beat close to mine
I thought our joy would fill the earth
And would last 'till the end of time my love
~The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face by Celine Dion

Four days came and went. Each roommate had spent that time settling into their rooms. Certain bonds had begun to take shape. Nick and Sarah were casually flirting causing everyone to think they were going to be together soon, unknowingly to everyone Nick had other plans. Michele was keeping to herself, but had a few conversations with the roommates. James and Jason grew to be fast friends. Josh and Callie grew close, having to room together had that effect on them. Soon the confessional room was introduced to the roommates, and some of them were using that room more then others.

-Confessional #1: Callie-
These walls keep a secret
That only we know
But how long can they keep it?
If Walls Could Talk by Celine Dion

Callie sat down on the plush deep purple chair that was situated in front of the camera that would hold all her secrets. She cleared her throat and looked dead onto the camera. She opened her mouth and clamped it shut. She appeared to be collecting her thoughts.
“Well, I should start from the beginning. Well, I grew up with both parents. My mom is a reporter and my dad is a writer. So I guess that’s a major reason why I am pursuing a journalism career. Well, that’s my boring part of my life. I guess I should talk about my past boyfriend. His name was Brian. We were together for about 2 years. He was so wonderful the first year. He wrote me poems and gave me flowers. He would surprise me all the time with little gifts and such. Well, by the end of the first year he was leaving for college. That’s when things changed. I saw less and less of him. I had some friends who were in the same college with him and I was continually hearing stories of his one night stands. At first I was in denial, but then there was so many that I had to confront him. When he was visiting me for the weekend him I causally asked him and to tell me truthfully and I wasn’t going kill him or anything like that even though I was really mad. Then something weird happened. He got all defensive. He began to yell at me and accuse me of things. Then he hit me. I was shocked and hurt. And scared. He apologized right away and I forgave him. I thought it was some fluke. And it appeared to be. But soon he was visiting more and more. And the hits came more and more. And they hurt so much. It continued for months, I was too scared to leave him and too scared to tell anyone. No one knew, he made sure never to hit my face. Anything I did set him off, then soon anything anyone did to him would cause new bruises on my body. After 9 months of this abuse he was started to question why we had not yet slept together and he threw it in my face that he was cheating on me. Something inside of me snapped and I started yelling at him back. I told him I was leaving him. I made my way to my flight of stairs to get him to leave and he grabbed my arm. He grabbed me so hard that I fell. All the way down the stairs. He left and my mom had to find me on floor, almost bleeding to death. I was in the hospital for about a month. Everyone thought it was going to be some big thing and I was going to die, but it wasn’t as bad as everyone thought. He visited me once in the hositipal. He begged me to stay with him. To even marry him. Oh, and not to press charges. Well, I did none of those things. Not only did I break up with, but I pressed charges. He’s paying for part of my college tuition and is in jail for a few months. So I guess my life really isn’t that boring.”

-Confessional #2: Jason-
I think I'm done nursing the patients,
It could wait one night.
I'll give it all away if you give me one last try, try, try.
We'll live happily ever trapped, if you just save my life.
Run and tell the angels that everything's alright.
~Learn To Fly by the Foo Fighters

The camera clicked on to reveal Jason seated comfortably on the confessional chair. He cleared his throat and began to speak.
“Well, it’s me, Jason. I grew up in Memphis, where I still live, which would explain my hick accent. I grew up with my mom and visited my dad on vacations and over certain summers. It sucked not seeing my dad all the time, but it was better than nothing. So you probably want the juicy parts of my life. Hmmm... About 2 years ago I began to see this girl named Ashley. I thought I was in love with her. For exactly one year and 6 months she consumed every waking thought that entered or left my head. I would have done anything and everything for her. And yes, we did lose our virginity to one another. I remember the moment that crushed me. It was our 1 year and 6 month anniversary and I was planning an unbelievable night. I cooked dinner, I have flowers, I was even going to tell her I loved her, which we never shared before. I planned this whole thing out and it started with me going to her apartment and surprising. But I was the one who got surprised. I walked in to find her having sex with my best friend. Well, my ex-best friend. That day not only did I loose my friend, but I lost my heart. It’s been a few months since that day. I’ve had time to heal and move on. So that’s that. The past 2 years in a nutshell.”

-Confessional #3: Nick-
I only know what I've been working for
Another you so I could love you more
I really thought that I could take you there
But my experiment is not getting us anywhere
~My Favorite Game by The Cardigans

“Okay, I’m Nick, as you all probably know by now. So I have to do this confessional thingy. I don’t really have much to say but thanks for the hot roommates. Damn, Sarah seems like a bitch, but who cares. Michele’s too quiet, but she’s still a hot bitch. But Callie, damn. She’s gorgeous. That luckily bastard Josh gets to share a room with her. Somehow I’m going to get her. Just watch me.”

-Location: Malibu, California (at the house)-
I can feel the magic floating in the air
Being with you gets me that way
I watch the sunlight dance across your face and I've
Never been this swept away
~Breathe by Faith Hill

Sarah sat on a stool as she delicately ate her salad. She began to poke her at it with her silver fork when Callie and Josh stumbled in the kitchen. Callie appeared to be laughing at something Josh had said.
“Hi Sarah! How are you?” Callie asked after she calmed down.
“Oh, I’m fine. Where were you two at?” Sarah asked, curiosity covering her face like a blanket.
“We went out to lunch.” Josh simply stated before he rested an arm tightly around Callie’s waist.
Sarah smiled in response, but internally she was angry. ‘Why is Callie getting all of the guys?’ Sarah thought bitterly. ‘Ever since she stepped into this house every single guy has been walking all over themselves to be near her. UGH! It makes me sick!’ She gave a fake smile to Callie as the other roommates scrambled into the kitchen.
“So, why are we all here?” Jason asked, eying the room. Michele timidly spoke. “We have to talk about our mission,” she whispered out. In her hand was a medium- sized envelope. She handed it to the person next to her, which was James. He opened the envelope and spilled out its’ contents. A small cassette player now laid on the table. James glanced at it and pressed play.
“Dear Real World cast,
The seven of you have been picked out of thousands. You expected a free ride, but you’re only half-way getting your wish. You will have to do two missions. First, you will have to start your own business. You will be given an amount of money that will only be able to be used for this mission. It can be anything you want. But it has to be an entertainment business (like a store, magazine, radio show, etc....). You have 2 weeks decide on your business. After that deadline you will have till the end of this stay to successfully start a business and make a profit. Second, you are going to be given the chance to go ANYWHERE in the world. You can go to Europe or even Japan. Your 2 week vacation will be in exactly 3 months. You have 5 days to decide where you want to go. You will be given a budget and be expected to keep within it.”
Silence filtered through the room, but was broken when Callie let out a tiny squeal. Everyone looked a her.
“What? Can’t I be excited?” She said with a smile.

-Location: Malibu Travel Company-
Fly ladies work yo man
All the fellas time to clown
We can get down down
~Jumpin, Jumpin by Destiny's Child

The roommates all sat on chairs that were placed infront of Ms. Fields big oak desk. She was the travel agent that was guiding them to make a decision on where they would be visiting for 2 weeks. They had been arguing on where they would be heading to for the past hour. Josh, Callie, and Nick wanted to go to Jamaica, while Jason, James, and Sarah wanted to go to Spain. Michele would be the dividing factor. Each ‘side’ pleaded for their location to be picked, but Michele was hesitate on where to go. A part of her wanted to spend time on the beaches of Jamaica, and the other part of her wanted to go see the culture of Spain. Plus, Spain does have beautiful beaches.
“Okay guys. I’ve made my decision.” Michele paused and looked at the excited faces of her roommates. “I want to go to Spain.” Some began cheering and some didn’t, but by the end everyone realized how cool this all was.

-Confessional #4: Michele-
Time now to spread your wings
To take to flight
The life endeavor
Aim for the burning sun
You're trapped inside
~You Can Still be Free by Savage Garden

Michele quickly sat down on the plush chair. She looked dead on at the camera.
“Well, I guess I’ll be confining in you for a while. Sorry.” Michele paused and appeared to be collecting her thoughts. “Well, as you all know my parents died a while back. I miss them like crazy, but I’ve learned to appreciate so many things now in my life. My grandparents are the best. They’ve allowed me to and I quote ‘Spread my wings.’ About this whole roommate situation. I know I’m now the most cheery or even social person here, but I’m trying. James and I are becoming friends. He’s a sweet man. Callie seems so nice and fun. Josh seems nice, as well as Jason. Sarah seems.... okay. I don’t think she likes me though. And Nick. Well, he’s something else. He keeps hitting on me and I don’t really like him. Well, not the way he wants me to. So maybe I’m keeping things from the roommates. But they’re my secrets. One day I will tell someone. Just not today.”

Episode Three
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