By Me

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."
-Source Unknown

****Author’s Note**** This isn’t a love story, it isn’t a comedy story. It’s a story based on reality. A story of truth and innocence. A story of teen suicide and its actuality. This story isn’t fiction. The only lies of this story are the parts with JC Chasez and the ending. The rest are true, actually feelings.
***BEWARE:*** There is foul language and adult content in this story. I warned you!

Chapter One: Jumping
I stood on the roof of some building. I thought of how I got here. My family was the cause. All of our troubles. My grandpa was dying. My mom didn’t give a shit about me. Besides that, I was a honor student, tons of friends, and just turned 17. Had a car, had a boyfriend, basically had a life. Everything changes is a quote I normally used. And it applied to my life. One day things just snapped. I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed, no I had to die. Life wasn’t just life anymore. It was torture. It wasn’t fun anymore. When I went home from school that day, I laid in my bed, thinking. Listening for someone or something to stop me. There was just silence. No screams, no cries, no nothings. I looked at the clock. It read 9: 40. ‘Good, my parents won’t be home for awhile.’ Like usual, my parents were at work. They both worked till all ends of the night, working. Not caring about me. I know that sounds selfish and I guess it is. But it’s the truth. The truth hurts. I remember my 13th birthday. It was the day I would be a teenager. My parent’s forgot. But that’s in the past. Today’s the present. I looked out my window. I lived in a 2 story house, my room was on the 2nd floor. I opened the window and felt the breeze blow threw my long red locks. I shut my eyes and felt tears weld up on the lashes. I opened my eyes to reveal my plain brown eyes filled with tears. I took one of my long legs and stepped out of my room. ‘One more leg’ I thought. I did what my mind told me and stepped out. I shakily stood up, feeling as though my legs would collapse, sending me to hell. The full moon glistened as it seeped through the trees that surrounded my house. I looked down and saw the ladder that I had placed near my window. Why would I place a ladder near my window, you’re probably thinking. I’ve done that since I was 15. Leaving was always a high topic in my mind. With my trembling hand, I pulled the ladder closer to the roof that I was standing on (it was more like a ledge that went under my window). I quickly got on it, praying that it wouldn’t fall. I then realized why didn’t I take the door, not this shity ladder. I then remembered Ann. The babysitter my mom hired to look after me. What the hell? I’m 17 and I still have a babysitter. My life is getting crapper and crapper by the second. I hopped off the last ladder step. I looked to my right and to my left and sighed. I ran and ran and ran. I didn’t know where I was going and I didn’t care. I just wanted to get away. Away from it all. Away from life. I had no idea where I was going, nor did I care. All I was looking for was something to end my life. That’s when I saw it. A vacant building. I began running towards it at full speed when I bumped into someone. But I kept running. I was running like there was no end. I thought I would explode as I ran up the stairs that were on the side of the building. Up and up I went till I reached the roof. I took deep breaths as I tried to calm myself. I walked over to the edge and looked down. So, here I am. Present day. Still looking down. Wondering if I had the guts to jump. I hoped I did. I looked around. I could clearly make out the Hollywood sign, it being light up. The lights made it look beautiful in this starless Monday night. I looked down again. Gulp.
“It’s a long jump, ain’t it?” A voice said behind. I didn’t dare look back for it could be anyone (I prayed that it was my mom or dad).
“Yeah. Your point.” I answered, closing my eyes as I stepped a little forward. I began to shiver as the coldness on this September day was finally getting to me. I inhaled deeply, smelling the pollution, thinking that this rank smell was going to be the last smell that I would smell.
“Are you gonna jump?” The voice asked. I sensed that this person was getting closer so I turned my back to look at this person.
“Yeah. Why do you care?” I said rudely, trying to get this person away from me.
“You shouldn’t. There’s better things to do than suicide.”
“Like what?”
“Well- What’s your name?”
“What’s yours?”
“I asked first.”
“Fine. It’s Tina. Now, what’s yours?”
“Ok. Now can you please leave?” I said impatiently as I turned my back to JC and looked down, imaging my body cascading onto the cold and hard pavement. Blood everywhere. I shuddered at the thought. Maybe I wasn’t ready for this. I can’t turn back though.
“No, only if you come with me.” JC said. I could hear his feet as he scooted closer to me. I could then feel his small hand clasp onto my hand, gripping it like he was afraid he would lose me.
“Why should I?”
“Why shouldn’t you?”
“Why are you doing this?” JC said, still gripping my hand as he moved to my side. I looked at him, he was at least 6 inches taller than me, staring deep into his eyes.
“You really wanna know?”
“Well, cause I hate my life. I’m 17 and my parents don’t give a rat’s ass about me. My grandpa’s dying. I’m feed up with life.”
“But that’s not a reason to kill yourself. I feel feed up with life too at times, but I’m not going to kill myself.”
“Well, gosh, why do you care so much?”
“Cause I’m not going to let you die. And I’m not gonna let you jump. You jump, I jump.”
“You jump I jump? I can’t let you jump. You don’t even know me.”
“So, I wanna know you. I’m JC Chasez. and you’re?” JC said, holding his hand out for me to grab onto.
“Tina, Tina Johnson.” I said as I lightly touched JC’s hand. Afraid of it. I hadn’t let people get too close to me, afraid I might lose my heart, and I wasn’t going to start now. But strangely, as I looked into JC’s eyes, and what a beautiful rich, dark blue they were, I lost myself in them. Finding not only my soul, but my heart with them. I knew then, even if I only knew JC for about 30 minutes, that he was someone special. Someone I wasn’t going to lose without a fight.

Chapter Two: Finding Oneself
As JC and I made our way down the stairs I heard him take a deep breath. I looked at him strangely, thinking ‘What next?’ But even with all my doubts and concerns, I, basically, gave in to him. As my feet touched the cold cement floor I felt everything go blank. Like a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I could think about things. I could live again. As I turned to JC, a tear rolled down one of my cheeks. For he had saved me. He saved a person he didn’t even know. As I looked at him, his long blond hair blowing in the wind and his brown eyes deep in concentration, I realized he wasn’t just some other person. He was my guardian angel. I then did something I would regret. I grabbed his hand and brought him closer to me, and hugged him. I hugged him like I never had hugged someone before. And then it hit me, I could have died. I could, at that moment, be dead, lying on the pavement next to us. I cried. I cried like there was no end. He held me close and gently sat us down. We sat in that position (holding each other) for a while, till I pulled apart and looked at him. He was my destiny. Maybe not in love, but in something else. Something more important. I studied his face, studying every square inch. Looking for something that would make me hate him. I found nothing. I looked down at my watch, wondering what time it was. 10 o’clock, it read. ‘I should be going’ I thought. I looked back at him, him, in return, staring intently at me, I had to go, but I didn’t want to. Not yet. As if on cue it started raining. No, wait, let me rephrase that. It started pouring. I looked at JC, who was getting drenched just like me, and grabbed his hands. I pulled him up and looked at him. Silence between us. But it really wasn’t silence. Our hearts were doing the talking. In my mind I realized I had to do one thing before I left. And I did it. I moved closer to him and kissed him. Even though the rain was pouring down upon us, we didn’t care. We kissed each other for what seemed like years, but in reality was only a minute. I pulled apart, both of us breathless, and spoke.
“I should be going. I do have school tomorrow.” I said as I slowly walked away.
“How will I know where to find you?” JC asked, running after me and pulling at my arm.
“You’ll know. If the big one up there wants us to be together, he'll let you find me.” I said as I grabbed onto JC’s hands, not wanting to let go. I had to though. A force greater than both of us was dividing us. Drifting us apart. Like we were two ships passing by in the ocean, meeting with each other but leaving too. I sadly let go of his hands and began walking away. I realized something as I walked away. I hadn’t once said thank you to him. I turned around to see JC walking away, sadly, in the opposite direction.
“JC! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!” I yelled, smiling. I knew that this wasn’t the last time I would see him. But nothing could prepare me for his next words.
“I’ll be seeing you.”

Three weeks passed by. I was constantly thinking about JC. Wondering what he was doing. One thought always replayed in my mind. Did I do the right thing by not giving him my number? In my heart I knew I did the right thing, but my mind told otherwise. I sat in class on the 3rd Monday following the incident, absentmindedly doodling JC’s name over and over on my papers, books, and binders. I could feel tears welding up in my eyes as I realized the fact that I would never ever see him again. I felt my teacher, Mrs. Shaw, put her hand on my shoulder.
“Tina, do you want to be excused?” She asked me in a soft voice.
“Yes. Thank you.” I said quietly and quickly as I ran out of the classroom. I ran directly to the girl’s bathroom and started sobbing in one of the stalls. My sobs began to get quieter and I thought it was best if I leaved. I was about to unlock the stall door and get out when the bathroom door opened and I heard a voice say something about JC Chasez. ‘How do they know him?’ I thought. I remained in the stall and began listening.
“So, who’s this JC Chasez you’ve been yapping about?” Girl #1 asked. I could hear them apply make- up (I assumed).
“Well, JC and the other band members are here in Orlando, recording some album. There’s 5 members in this band. There’s JC who’s 20, Chris who’s 25, Joey who’s 19, Lance who’s 18, and Justin who’s 16. They are all really cute. My dad’s working with their manger and I got to meet them. Justin’s so hot. Even if he’s younger than me.” Girl #2 replied. What they were saying hit me. JC’s in some band..... Wow, he could be famous one day.
“How long are they staying?” Girl #1 asked.
“Till March. I think.” Girl #2 replied. Soon after they left. I breathed a sigh of relief. I unlocked the door and stepped out. I looked in the mirror. The reflection startled me. I almost didn’t recognize myself. I changed a lot over the summer, it was only the end of September. I sighed and shook my head. ‘Wow, do things change.’ I thought to myself as I walked out of the bathroom.

Chapter Three: Trying to Find the Other Half
As I got out of school that day it was my mission to find JC. But where could I find him? I did have till March, but time flies by fast. Maybe Aunt Stephanie could help me. Aunt Stephanie is my mom’s sister and she’s in the music business. She works for some company, it’s called Trans Con Records, and she has a lot of contacts because of that. She probably could help me. I decided that I would call her right when I got home.
When Katie’s mom, Katie’s one of my best friends and her mom occasionally drops me off, dropped me at home later that day I waved goodbye and quickly ran to the front door. As I was putting my key in the door it suddenly opened, as if by magic. Aunt Stephanie was on the other side and was smiling like there was no end.
“Tina! You’re home!” She said with enthusiasm as I walked through the front door. I guess I didn’t have to call her after all.
“Ya. Aunt Stephanie, why are you here?” I asked as I placed my backpack on the kitchen floor.
“Well, two reasons. The first was Kim {my mom} wanted me to see you got in, since Ann quit. And the second is because I had to ask you a favor.”
“Ok. What’s the favor?” I asked cautiously. The last time I did one of Aunt Stephanie’s favors was the time I broke my arm.
“Well, as you know I work for the record company called Trans Con and we have some new clients. They’re about your age. 25, 20, 19, 18, and 16. The band is called *N Sync. I wanted to know if they could come over here for a couple of months to just hang out until they finish recording their album. They’ll be doing the album and then when you come home they’ll be here. So, does it sound cool?” Aunt Stephanie asked.
“Sure. Fine. Whatever. Gotta do my homework.” I said as I grabbed my bag and ran up the the stairs to my room, not once realizing (or even thinking) of what Aunt Stephanie had just told me.

When I came home from school the next day I thought my brain was going to explode. Halfway through the day I remembered I hadn’t asked Aunt Stephanie about JC and his band. Then I remembered that 5 total strangers (probably some spoiled brats) were going to be home when I got home. Great. I so wanted to come home that day. Thankfully I had swim practice (I was on my school’s swim team). It was 6 o’clock by the time I got home. The house was unusually quiet when I opened the front door. I went directly to my room, hoping not to see/have to talk to any of the brats. I looked around and noticed a note on my bed. I picked the note up and began reading it.

Dear Tina,
We’re sorry we couldn’t see you today. We had some last minute family business. We hope to see you tomorrow though.

Chris, JC, Joey, Lance, and Justin

Chapter Four: Found
The next day of school seemed to go on forever. One boring class after another boring class. Never ending. As the final bell rang out through my classroom, I ran the fastest I’ve ever run before. I ran straight to my house, completely forgetting swim practice. Not caring of the consequences. Just wanting to find out if it was the JC I had been searching for. Unfortunately, it was.

As I opened my front door, completely out of breath, my face went completely pale. There in front of me, was JC. JC Chasez. I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. Burying my face into his neck. I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

“JC. I’ve missed you. I’m such an idiot for not giving you my number.”
“Tina. I’ve got to talk to you.”
“Follow.” I said as I pried my arms away from JC and took his hands in mine. I led him to my room. Opening the door I had to let go of his hands. When we were safely in my room, I turned to him.
“JC, I-”
“Tina. I was thinking about what you said. If God wants us to be together, He’ll let me find you. I think he does want us to be together. Why else would I have been able to get to you. I know we haven’t really known each other, but I feel as though I know you better then I know myself. You’re my destiny.” JC said pulling me closer to him, while holding my hands.
“JC. I’ve felt the same way. For 3 straight weeks I’ve only been thinking of how to find you. Wondering if I had made a mistake by not giving my number to you. 3 weeks of not knowing. Knowing nothing. I remembered when I first looked at you. And I mean really looked at you. I found my soul in your eyes. It scared me. I mean, giving myself away with one look. One look. That’s all it took.”
“Tina, I know you probably won’t want to tell me this, but why did you wanna jump?”
“Well, my grandpa was very sick, he only has a few months to live. My parents aren’t there for me. I was just fed up. It’s hard to explain. You just have to know what I’m talking about.” I said, looking out the window. A few raindrops splatter on the window pane. A few more followed. Then it started raining. It wasn’t only raining outside. It was also raining in here. JC and I were both crying.

The next morning, I woke up with a giant smile on my face. I put a hand to my lips and closed my eyes. Relishing the events of last night (No, Tina and JC didn’t have sex). Visions played through my mind. After we both finished crying, I looked at him.
“Tina, I have to tell you something. I’m 20.” JC said, turning his back to me.
“I know. It’s ok. In my mind, age doesn’t matter. Besides, older men are so sexy.” I whispered in his ear. He spun around and looked at me with this angelic smile.
“I- Thanks.” JC said, blushing. I knew he wanted to say something else, but I didn’t know what it was. I saw it in his eyes. My hand lightly tousled his hair. I smiled as he returned my actions on my hair. Suddenly he stopped. I looked at him, removing my hand from his hair. He put his smooth hand on my cheek and he stroked my cheek as he pulled me closer to his lips. He quickly licked his lips. We kissed and if heaven can be on earth at the same time, then it was happening. My eyes fluttered open, again, as my alarm clock went off again. I smiled as I looked to my side and noticed a note.
The note simply read:

Dear Tina,
I’ll see you tomorrow.
Love, JC

See you tomorrow.

Chapter Five: The Next Day
The next day seemed to go by quicker as I thought about seeing JC. I grew fidgety as the last period arose. I could barely sit still when the bell rang. I quickly grabbed by stuff and ran out of the classroom. Breathing a sigh of relief, I ran to my house, quickly. Making a metal note to thank Ms. Sharon (my swim coach) for canceling swim practice for the rest of the week- due to weather conditions. ‘This is kind of like a repeat of a show’ I thought as I turned the corner that would led me to my humble home. As my destination drew closer I began to walk, catching my breath. I straighten my jeans and shirt, along with my hair. As my house was a few feet away I saw a tall boy with curly dark blonde hair.

“Hi!” I said to the boy when we were at speaking distance.

“Hi. You must be Tina? I’m Justin.” Justin said as he held out his hand. I shook it as looked over his shoulder, seeing JC for the first time that day. I began smiling immediately.

“Ya. I’m Tina. Nice to meet you. Well, I’ll be going to my room, to do homework. See you!” I said as I began walking to my room, motioning for JC to come to my room. As my feet pounded on the wooden steps, which led to my room, I heard JC follow close behind me. As he closed my door behind us I hugged him, inhaling his scent. I never wanted to let go of him.

“Tina. I have to- no I want to tell you something.” JC whispered in my ear.

“Go on.” I whispered back and I lightly kissed his neck.

“I love you. You complete me. I know that sounds corny. But it’s true. You’re my destiny.” JC said as he lifted his head so he could look at me. He removed his hands from my back and cupped my face in his hands. “I love you.” He repeated, staring deep into my eyes.

“I complete you. JC, that’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. I love you. With my entire mind, body, and soul.” I said as my face drew closer and closer to his. He nuzzled my nose affectionately with his nose. I could feel my heart pounding as his lips delicately pressed against mine. The sensations of our kisses were making us become one. Our kisses became more and more passionate, but never once lustful. We weren’t kissing each other just to do it, we were kissing each other because we had to. It was like a necessity. It was how you need breath to live. Well, instead of breath, I needed his kisses. Not just those wonderful kisses, him. I needed JC to go on. At that point in time, I couldn’t afford to lose him.


The next day was Saturday. I expected to, sadly, have to wait to see JC till Monday. He, on the other hand, had other plans. I woke up early that morning, at 12 o’clock to be exact. I went downstairs to find my mother eating toast and reading the paper.

“Tina! I’m so glad that you decided to grace me with your presence. Well, when you were sleeping a boy called. His name was- hmm... What was it again?” my mother said.

“His name was??” I asked.

“Oh! It was JC. Yep it was JC! He told me to tell you he’ll be over at 1 o’clock for some school assignment.”

“Ok. I should get dressed, so-”

“Go on honey. I’m leaving in a few for a business luncheon and I’ll be gone till 6. You think you can manage?”

“I think I can manage.” I said with a smile. If only my mom could understand why I was smiling. As I went into my room, picking out some clothes, I thought to myself. Why are my parents never together? It hit me like a ton of bricks. They didn’t love each other. They haven’t experienced that feeling that makes you forget everything. Makes you not care about anything. Makes you feel so compassionate about another person that it hurts. It hurts to love someone. It hurts. And I know that pain. I know it.

Chapter Six: Relishing

When JC arrived that day I got that tingly feeling. I’ve never felt that feeling before. I’m glad to have felt it with him though. He hasn’t felt that way before. I don’t know that for a fact, but I could see it in his eyes. A look of not being sure. Not knowing what will happen next. I think he liked that feeling. As he sat down, next to me, on the floor in my room I felt a calmness go through my body. A stillness, a feeling I liked- a lot. He slowly placed an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him.

“Talk to me.” he whispered in my ear.

“About what?” I asked, with a perplexed look on my face.

“Anything, everything.” JC said. These few words shocked me. No one ever in my life cared so much about me talking. I began talking. About the most stupid things, to the most important things. And JC listened. He really listened. He even put in his two cents. This was how I wanted it to be. I wanted a person who would listen to me and only me. JC nourished that emotion. Then JC asked me one really important question.

“Tina, how do you feel about me?”

“I like you, a lot.” I said looked down at my hands, blushing slightly for not telling the whole truth.

“No. I mean, how do you FEEL about me?” JC asked, putting a strong arm around my shoulders.

“Well, as you told me, you complete me. Without you, I don’t know where I would be. Probably not alive. You give me this, this feeling. A feeling of being wanted, a feeling of love. Something I have never felt before. Even though I’ve never felt this feeling, I’m glad to have felt it with you. And I think I’ll only feel this love and compassion for no one else. I don’t want to feel this towards anyone else.” I said as I leaned my head onto his shoulder, burying my face so I can’t be seen.

“Tina, that’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard. I don’t know what to say.” JC said.

“Don’t say anything at all. Just listen.” I said, I knew what I should do next. I went over to my CD collection and took out my beloved Fiona Apple CD. It just came out a few month ago and I haven’ been able to stop listening to it. She seemed to pour out the emotions that I’m feeling in her beautiful songs. I placed the CD in my stereo and pressed play. I fast- forwarded it to my favorite song, “Never Is A Promise.” The lyrics flowed through the air like a beautiful, yet horrible scent. I closed my eyes and let the song sink in. It was all too much. My past was coming back. Tears welded up in my eyes. I let them fall.

“JC. I have to tell you something.” I began, it was too much for me to handle. Tears rolled down my cheeks and splattered on my royal blue carpet. I opened my eyes and looked down to the carpet, not able to look at JC as I spoke these awful things of my life. I took a death breath and spoke. “Mary and Phil, my parents, aren’t my real parents. I’m adopted. They adopted me when I was 12.” I quickly looked at JC and noticed him taking deep breaths, trying to prepare himself for what was coming. If he only knew what was coming. “My step- father, my real dad ditched my mom when she was pregnant, raped me. Constantly for 5 years. By the fifth year, I don’t think it was even rape.” A few more tears fell on my carpet, only a few more to add with the hundreds already there. “My mom was 18 when she got pregnant. My dad was 30. He was her high school English teacher. He was also married. When she told him, he left right away. No “Are you sure?” or even a goodbye. He just left. 9 months later, I popped out. 5 years went by. I don’t remember a single thing, expect one. My mom. She was wonderful and beautiful. She was the best, even though she was very young.” I began to daydream. Thinking of what was and what was reality. “She had long light red hair and crystal blue eyes. I have a picture of her by my bed.” I pointed to the picture and JC looked at MY mom.

“Wow. She was beautiful. Just like you.” JC said, making my blush.

“Well, when I turned 6, my mom met Mike, my step- dad. They dated for one year before they got married. I was 7 when they said their vows. Everything was perfect. I had a family, finally. Then my mom was in a car accident with Mike. A drunk driver hit them on their way to dinner, it was for their 2 year wedding anniversity. My mom died and Mike survived. It all went down hill from there. Mike was now my legal guardian. He started drinking, a lot. He- um- got abusive.” I began crying once again, images playing through my mind. “One night, I was 8 then, he came home really plastered and, and, and raped me. When I was 12, my math teacher saw my bruises after one of his beatings. Well, I told him everything and he reported it to the police. Then I was put up for adopted and Mary and Phil adopted me. The first year was horrible. I had to move here from New York, where I lived all my life till now, get new friends, and form a new family. That’s the real reason that I wanted to die.” I said, breaking down with another set of cries. Cries that couldn’t be helped. The only help could be answered if you experienced that. And in my mind, no one has ever experienced what I experienced. I had to be brave though. For Zac’s sake. How could he handle this? Why did I even tell him. Why, because I trusted him. I needed someone, anyone, who could know.

“Does anyone else know?” JC asked.

“No. Not even Mary and Phil. They were told that my parents died. In the beginning they were great. We went on picnics, we went to the movies, etc... When I was 13 I had a wonderful life. Then Mary got a job with Phil, she was a housewife before. Everything changed. I saw them once a week, if I was lucky. The only way I could go to bed that year was by crying. When I was 14 I went to high school. I made a lot of friends, hid my feelings, told no one about my past. I had 5 boyfriends during these past 3 years. My last, Alex, was horrible. He was perfect in the beginning. After 3 months, he thought we should have sex. I said no and that was the end of our relationship. For some reason, I always had to have a boyfriend. For one month I didn’t have one. Strangely, it was what I needed. A, break. From kisses, make- outs, arguments, everything that went with a relationship. I was free. Then, I broke. Literally. And I meet you. I think that was the best thing that has happened in my 16 years of life. And I don’t want it to end.” I said, sighing as I looked at Zac. He had a look of confusion, love, and fear mixed together. And I loved him for that. A week went by, and as I remembered that day, the day that all of our emotions were exhaled (mine more then his), it still brought tears to my eyes. I knew that when JC left, part of me would follow.

Chapter 7: The Downfall

As the months went by, new troubles arose. My swim coach was terribly furious with me. She even was considering putting me on probation because of me missing 9 practices and screwing up four of my beats. My grades, surprisingly, stayed the same. And even improved a small bit. I was happier then I had been in the past 4 years of living here. “I was a social butterfly” as one of my friends put it. I was satisfied with life. But with all good things, bad things come to. One of them was the swimming stuff. The other thing was me. I had mood swings once I got home. I was so happy to see JC, but once he left, my other half was gone. I lost my appetite at times when he couldn’t visit and threw up even at times. My parents were concerned. Then, came the bomb. It all started when I asked JC when they were leaving.

“Why would you ask when we are leaving? You wanna get rid of me?!” JC asked, red with anger.

“I’m asked just to ask. Why would you think I would want to get rid of you?” I asked ready to cry, realizing the fact that JC will leave soon- sooner than I wanted him to.

“How should I know why you would want to get rid of me???” JC said standing up from his spot on my bed. The bed shook as he slumped back down on the bed.

“Why are you yelling at me?” I cried grabbing his shoulders, turning him to look at me. His eyes were red rimmed and it looked like he was crying. A part of my heart sank.

“I have to tell you something.” JC said with a straight face. ‘He’s going to break up with me’ was my first thought. Unfortunately, I was right.

“We’re leaving in March.” JC said. The realization dawned on me. It was January.

“JC. Shit.” was all I could make out. I slid of my bed and leaned against my bed.

“I think it’s best if we break up. But remain friends. I think we should break up because of the fact that I’ll be touring and doing a lot of appearances and concerts. Long distance relationships don’t usually work. I wish they did.” I could hear the sorrow in JC’s voice.

“Please leave.” I whispered.


“Get out.” I hissed. As JC slithered to the door, I could feel his eyes gaze at me. Longingly. Wanting me to stop him. I didn’t. He turned and left me. Forever.

Chapter 8: Goodbye

********** AUTHOR’S NOTE ********** The following song (part of it) in this chapter was written by a friend of mine, so do not use it in anyway. I REPEAT, DO NOT TAKE IT!!!!!!!!

January came and went, followed by February. And as soon as February came, it too went. My grades were slipping. I had dropped out of swim. Well, the truth is that I was kicked out. The one thing that kept me alive was this song that I was writing. It was something JC told me a while back. He told me not to jump. To hold on and be strong. To talk to him, even when he didn’t understand. Cause he wanted to understand. One night I stayed up till 1 writing and finishing the song. It was finally done. I was so proud. But I had no one to share it with. My favorite part was this:

The only comfort

was the pain we had to share


As the days slowly went by JC’s departure neared. On his last day, I received a letter. From JC.

Dear Tina,
I’m sorry that we had to leave on such bad terms. I wish I could say this in person, but I felt it wasn’t the right thing to do. I just want you to know, you ARE my destiny. I love you, even when we can’t be together. Just promise me something, don’t jump. Don’t give up. Live. We’re coming back to LA in May, I’m hoping I’ll be able to see you. Don’t jump, please. For my sake. For Mary and Phil’s sake. For your real mom’s sake. Just remember that I love you.


The day after he left, I sat on that roof that we meet and wept. Not for me, but for him. I knew I won’t see him again. I wanted to jump. Hell ya. But I didn’t and couldn’t. I promised him I wouldn’t. I promised. But never is a promise.

Never Is A Promise by Fiona Apple

You’ll never see-- the courage I know

Its colors’ richness won’t appear within your view

I’ll never glow-- the way that you glow

Your presence dominates the judgments made on you

But as the scenery grows, I see in different lights

The shades and shadows undulate in my perception

My feelings swell and stretch; I see from greater heights

I understand what I am still to proud to mention-- to you

You’ll say you understand, but you don’t understand

You’ll say you’d never give up seeing eye to eye

But never is a promise and you can’t afford to lie

You’ll never touch-- these things that I hold

The skin of my emotions lies beneath my own

You’ll never feel the heat of this soul

My fever burns me deeper than I’ve ever shown-- to you

You’ll say, Don’t fear your dreams, it’s easier than it seems

You’ll say you’d never let me fall from hopes so high

But never is a promise and you can’t afford to lie

You’ll never live the life that I live

I’ll never live the life that wakes me in the night

You’ll never hear the message I give

You’ll say it looks as though I might give up this fight

But as the scenery grows, I see in different lights

The shades and shadows undulate in my perception

My feelings swell and stretch, I see from greater heights

I realize what I am now too smart to mention-- to you

You’ll say you understand, you’ll never understand

I’ll say I’ll never waking up knowing how or why

I don’t know what to believe in, you don’t know who I am

You’ll say I need appeasing when I start to cry

But never is a promise and I’ll never need a lie


*******This is from JC’s point of view*******

As I ran through the LAX airport, all I could think about was Tina. I hadn’t received a letter from her, but I knew in my heart that she had forgiven me. At least I hoped she did. As Ike “put the metal to the petal” he drove me to Tina’s house. As we pulled into her driveway, I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I knew she wasn’t here with us. As I knocked on the door, tears welded up in my eyes as I saw the flowers that were addressed to Tina’s parents. “We’re so sorry” “For the lost of a loved one”, etc..... were what the cards all read. I gulped, hard. Tina’s mom opened the door, red eyed. I knew she had been crying.

“Hello JC.” She said, as friendly as she could.

“Hi. May I see Tina?” I asked, not knowing how the answer would effect me.

“I’m sorry, she’s not here anymore.”

“Oh, when will she be back?” I asked, thinking she meant Tina had gone out for the evening.

“Never. Tina passed away JC. Come in. She left something for you.” Tina’s mom said as lovingly as she could. I could tell it was painful for her. It was painful for me too. She led me to Tina’s room, and the reality of what was happening hit me. Tina wasn’t in there. Tina’s mom picked up an envelope and placed it in my hands.

“I’ll leave you alone.” She quietly said as she closed Tina’s door. I looked around before I sat down on Tina’s bed. As I opened the white envelope, I looked down at the carpet and noticed a large red blood stain. I knew how she passed on. As I took out the letter another paper fell out. Don’t Jump was in bold on the top. I placed it next to me and began to read the letter.

Dear JC,

I guess I’m gone if you’re reading this. I’m sorry for the pain I’m putting you through. I just want you to know that I love you. And when I’m looking down at you, I’ll think of you. The pain of life was just too hard for me to bare. I didn’t jump, so I made another alternate. I slit my wrists. As I’m jotting down this, I’m watching my life seep through my skin and to the carpet. It’s beginning to get dark Zac. I wish you were here with me JC. To help me. To stop me. No one was ever been there for me, till you. I’ll always remember that. I loved you for that. Promise me that you’ll keep on singing. Sing for me JC. Don’t let anyone EVER tell you’re not a good singer. Because you are, you really are. And always will be. When you sell your first million albums remember me. Cause I will remember you always. Everything is fading JC. It’s so hard to write JC. Just remember I love you JC. I love you forever and ever.
Love, Tina
P.S. Read the song that I wrote for you. I love you.

And with that, she was gone. I couldn’t stop the tears from coming. She left me. She promised me that she wouldn’t go. She lied. I began to feel anger for her. I couldn’t though. She did keep her promise. She’s looking at me from a place that will make her happy. I now had to live her wish. To remember her. I vowed that day that I will NEVER forget her. Never. I remembered her last request. “Read the song I wrote” it said. I picked up the paper that I had placed next to me. As I began to read the beautiful words I cried.


Don’t Jump Dedicated to JC

I was walking on a sad and gloomy day

But I was insane that way

I took my coat off when you had done to wear

The only comfort

Was the pain we had to share

I tried to look at you

But you looked away

I tired to talk to you

But there was nothing to say

And it made me want to scream

Don’t Jump

You must hold on and you must be strong and

Life hurts

Life burns

Life twists

Life turns

But hold on

Don’t Jump

You can’t escape your pain

That’s driving you insane

Don’t Jump

And when it’s on your mind

Think of the ones you leave behind

Hold on

Don’t Jump

I know that I can’t stop you’

There’s nothing anyone can do

Not here, not now

We’ll get through this somehow

But please don’t jump

Please give me something to rely on

I’ll give you something to fall back on

Please Please hold on

Don’t Jump

Take my hand

I don’t understand

But tell me I’m sure I can

Don’t Jump

Please if you can hold on to

I know I can’t lose you

Don’t Jump

Hold on

Hold on

Don’t Jump


A tear fell from my eye as I watched Tina’s white coffin be lowered to her grave. I never thought I would have to see this. But I have, again. The priest motioned for me to speak a few words. I looked at the small group whom attended her funeral. I began.

“Tina was loved. Sadly she never knew how much she was loved and how much she’s beginning missed. Tina was never really happy. But for the short but beautiful time that I knew her, she was happy. Truly and utterly happy. I’d hope to think that I was the cause of her happiness. But I’m half right. It was me, and my love for her. I loved her with all my heart and I still do. She left me with a note. I would like to read it,” I started to read it and as I finished Tina’s mother was crying into the arms of Tina’s dad. I cleared my throat, which was thick with emotion. “I would like to sing a song that she wrote for me. It’s entitled Don’t Jump.” I continued my speech with her song that I will cherish for the rest of my life. As I finished the last Don’t Jump of the song, I laid down a dozen red roses on her coffin (which was 10 seconds from beginning lowered). I watched her coffin lowered 6 feet under and tears began to pour out. I felt my dad’s arms go around me, hugging me. I shook them off and stood closer to her grave. As I watched the grave- diggers (?) pour dirt on the coffin, I took out the paper that held her song. I dropped the paper and watched it flutter and hit the center of the coffin. This was my way to say goodbye. The song belonged with her.

“Goodbye Tina. I love you.” I whispered and let the wind carry my message to her.


Jumper by Third Eye Blind (this is the song the story is written after)

I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend,

You could cut the ties with all the lies,

That you’ve been living in,

And if you do not want to see me again,

I would understand,

I would understand,

The angry boy, a bit too insane,

Icing over a secret pain,

You know you don’t belong,

You’re the first to fight,

You’re way too loud,

You’re the flash of light,

On a burial shroud,

I know something’s wrong,

Well everyone I know has got a reason,

To say,

Put the past away,

I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend,

You could cut the ties with all the lies,

That you’ve been living in,

And if you do not want to see me again,

I would understand,

I would understand,

Well he’s on the table,

And he’s gone to code,

And I do not think anyone knows,

What they are doing here,

And your friends have left,

You’ve been dismissed,

I never thought it would come to this,

And I, I want you to know,

Everyone’s got to face down the demons,

Maybe today,

We can put the past away,

I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend,

You could cut the ties with all the lies,

That you’ve been living in,

And if you do not want to see me again,

I would understand,

I would understand,

I would understand...Can you put the past away,

I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend,

I would understand...

Email: alliebabie@alloymail.com