Introducing Rachel.... In her own words...

Interview Questions

1. What is your full name? How old are you?
Rachel Veronica Paschel. 20.
2. Where do you live?
London, England
3. Where were you born?
Bowie, Maryland
4. What college do you go to (that is if you go to college)?
London University.

5. What is your favorite memory when you were growing up? Explain.
When I first went to London. I was 18. It was a cultural shock to say the least. In one year I changed completely.

6. How was your environment at home (did you grow up with both parents, single parent, etc...)? Do you have any siblings? If so, how many and how are your relationships with them?
I grew up with my grandparents. My parents were killed in a car accident when I was 7. I have no siblings.

7. What was your least favorite memory? Explain.
Losing my parents. All I really remember is I was at school and the principal came to my classroom and let me know.

8. What do you plan on doing after college? How will you achieve your goal?(Answer only if you are in college)
I plan on exploring Europe more. Also returning to the US. I want to get into the design field, so after college I have a job lined up in New York.

9. If you are out of college what are you doing now? Do you have a job? If so, what do you do and how long have you been working there?
(No answer)

10. Why do you want to be on Real World? What do you plan on getting out of this experience?
I want to be on the Real World to achieve part of my goal (to go back to the US). I have no real expectations for the adventure because I have learned from past experiences that you cannot plan out anything in life.

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