Introducing William.... In his own words...

Interview Questions

1. What is your full name? How old are you?
William Taylor Base. 25.
2. Where do you live?
Clinton, Mississippi
3. Where were you born?
Clinton, Mississippi
4. What college do you go to (that is if you go to college)?
I’m out of college.

5. What is your favorite memory when you were growing up? Explain.
Christmas time. There is no specific one, just all of them in general. Because it was a time where my family could be all together and express love towards each other.

6. How was your environment at home (did you grow up with both parents, single parent, etc...)? Do you have any siblings? If so, how many and how are your relationships with them?
I grew up with both parents. I have an older sister, Amy, and a younger brother, Tim. I have a really close relationship with them, especially my sister whom is only a year older than me.

7. What was your least favorite memory? Explain.
My least favorite memory was when my sister went away to college. Since we are so close it was hard because she went to California for college which is so far away from Mississippi.

8. What do you plan on doing after college? How will you achieve your goal?(Answer only if you are in college)
(No Answer)

9. If you are out of college what are you doing now? Do you have a job? If so, what do you do and how long have you been working there?
I have a job. It is at the family restaurant. I have been working there since I got out of college which was a few months ago.

10. Why do you want to be on Real World? What do you plan on getting out of this experience?
I want to be on the Real World so I can see my sister more and also experience something different. What I want out of this trip is a direction of what I want for my life.

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