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(Priest, Composer, and Founder)

"Blessed are the Strong for they shall possess the Earth, Cursed are the vile for they shall serve and suffer". In the words of the great Ragnar Redbeard I find such inspiring wisdom and truth. All the lies and promises of past religions and their appointed dictators which brainwashed millions of ignorant followers have had their chance to build a better world and have only created societies of deformed and diseased subhumans.
These completely useless forms of life are a utter abomination to the future of this planet. Draining our resources, our food, not to mention propagating the philosophy that we "are all equal in this world". This sort of liberal and democratic way of thinking can only leed to the total extinction of all living beings on this planet.
This illogical sense of thought is spreading with malevolence throughout first world countries like America and Western Europe.

We must take a strong means against all those who would try to rid the world of strong Elite men and women!