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About the Faerie Empress

I look alot different now, but I thought Id put up a pic that wouldnt scare all the visitors away! lol
I'm the one seated....

Actually this is more about the Faerie Empress in her human form. The below links are all relating to my life in some way or another. If you wanna get to know me you're gonna have to read just about everything here. Im not good at summarizing myself. Especially since Im such a complicated person.

The Little People

These are a couple of my babies! My 'exotic' violet faeries from the Site Fights!

Isnt she beautiful! Her name is Raven. *s*This is Shayde. She is one of my favorites. She is so beautiful!! Dont you think she is a beautiful faery?

Adopt a Faerie from the Site Fights!

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