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Hidden Laughter

She always had a sad smiling face. She always held her hands close to her sides and never once had I heard her say a nice thing about herself

He spoke to me quite openly about his vivid emotions and enduring passions. I heard in his voice hidden laughter, mocking the poor ones who succumbed to his deceit. I dont think he ever told anyone what he did to them. I dont think he ever told anyone "no".

She cries alot , and she never sleeps. It's pretty easy to tell from the circles under her eyes that she's scared. Scared of the sunshine, scared of the future, terrified of the past, terrified of herself.

He holds the truth within his rotting soul, but it shows right through. His body is fading, his apparition becoming more apparent.

She meets Him on the corner. They knew eachother before, but life's circumstances has pulled them apart. The vivid red flame that used to flow behind her as she walked has faded to a dull copper. He looms above her and wraps his arm around her waist... Escorting her to her death...

"You don't have to be lonely, precious thing. I will love you forever..."

Easy to say when the end of forever is only a year or so away.

by: Persephone Fjura 6/99

The Beauty in Darkness