Essays and Stuff

Alright, i've decided to start preaching my thoughts and ideas, so I made a page to express opinions for me. Notice I say me, so to be honest, I don't honestly care if you think i'm wrong or anything, so don't bother mailing me or signing my guestbook on it if you don't like it- I won't reply.

Whoo hoo- I finally got around to updating it.......yippie.

Well, now that school's out, I can finally get around to a topic so near and dear to me- love. Those who know me must be pissing in their pants right now, cause the last thing they wanna hear is another talk about love. However, when a man is love struck, he tends to talk about it. A few near and dear (or sorta) friends know who i'm talking about- who knows, they may even have told her. Also, a few may think they know who i'm tlaking about, but to tell them they may be wrong, here's how we know- I brought her a rose on the last day of school.

You know, love is sort of odd to me (much as I think I know about it). I mean, I know qoutes, poetry, songs, and even (very) naughty jokes on it >=o). However, love in itself will always remain part mystery. After all, it remains a question as to why, if i'm in love, i'm too chicken shit to call her back from the first time...I mean, I have her number, but i'm deathly afraid of her- perhaps it's of rejection, or perhaps it's of what she might think- either way, I can't bring myself to do it, and I just put it off for another day...of course, that day still hasn't come.

I don't know what it is that keeps me hanging on to her....i'm probably a freak for doing so, or a stalker, or a nutcase....either way, i'm not letting go anytime so, so for anyone who knows her (and has a good outlook toward me), then do what you think should be done.....otherwise, I think i'm gonna call that gal up.......if I ever get up off my lazy ass and do it. =o) Maybe i'll bringher another rose on the first day when school starts.....did I mention her cousin plays baritone at my school, which is what I play, and he lives right next to her? Joy......

Pat is a daily writer for the Chicago Tribune, and enjoys writing essays when he's not writing stories on recent happenings. Also, he is a part-time psychologist, available through this page only.

Because of the material of this conversation, I will give my e-mail right hereincase you have any words of encouragement or experiences you'd like to share- i'll post any mail up here if you send it. Thanks (and again, no bad mail, or i'll trash your comp before you can say "potato")

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