Poetry and Stuff

Ok, this page is no longer just poetry and thoughts, but soon it will be pics and other things I can think of, so Mail meIf you have any suggestions.

Noon: The ducks fly high in the garbage pailed sky. The ducks steal the cheese that thy mice eat, thus pissing them off. The world of animals aren't thou sweet. This poem is as sour as raw meat. Have you ever seen a dog in heat? Pineapples.

By Chris Peņa




The manager at Blockbuster Video cannot linger, Celine Deon is a good singer. The telophone sucks without a ringer. Have you ever tasted Zingers? The Cranberries wrote a song called Linger. Mr. Bobbit wishes it was his finger.

By Chris Peņa    

Home Alone.

  Like the Pigeon Lady in Home Alone 2, I feel outcasted too. Home Alone 1 had the fun, but Macualey Colkin would do better with a gun. Home Alone 3 was good, Alex Prune had a house made of wood. Joe Peschi was good in Home Alone One and Two, but we all know he tastes like puke. I eat bananas every day, why do so many people hate Mondays? I am on the Mexican radio, but please don't call me a hoe. Sparky Fin.  

By Chris Peņa

THE RAVEN (in Chris' point of view)

Once upon a midnight dreary, after a shagging, I was weak and weary, over curious volume of a forgotten whore. As I was shagging, there suddenly came a tapping, a tapping at my chamber door. "Tis not Lenore, the whore, however it is some salesman at my chamber door."

Presently my mojo grew stronger, hesitating no longer. "Sir, or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore. But the fact is I was shagging and so gently you came rapping, tapping at my chamber door. Are you Lenore the whore?"

Eagerly I wished to morrow-vainly I had sought to borrow, from my books surcease of sorrow, sorry for the lost Lenore. For the rare and radiant whore whom the pimps named Lenore: shagless for evermore.

My hopes climaxed as I strolled to the door, waiting eagerly for Lenore the whore, whom I've prayed to come by the goodness of the lord. The door I opened, my heart sank like a lore. Twas not Lenore, but a raven from the saintly days of Yore.

"Beast of Tempest, for nothing more. Tell me what past with Lenore!" Quoth the raven, "Get over it, get another whore." "What?" replied I. Quoth the raven, "What the hell is your problem? Are you deaf or something? I said get over it and get another whore!"

I lunged at the beast, called him a piece of crap. I tried to kick his neck, but for he was too fast. My body fell as i kissed the floor. Then something happend to the extent of great horror. The bird pecked at the border, while I was on the floor. Now I am mojoless, for evermore.

One For the Razorbacks
by Green Day

Juliet's trying, to find out she wants but she don't know experience has got her down. Well look this direction, I know it's not perfection, it's just me...I want to bring you up again, now.

I'm losing what's left of my dignity, A small price i'll pay to see your happy, Forget all the dissapointments you have faced, open up your worried world and let me in.

Juliet's crying cause now she's realizing love can be, filled with pain and distrust. I know I am crazy, and a bit lazy, But I will try to bring you up again now.

Words I Might Have Ate

Now it seems I can't keep my mind up off you. My Brain Drifts back to better days we've been through, Like sitting on lacktop of the school grounds. The love I bitched about I finally found.

But now it's gone, and I take the blame, So there's nothing I can do but take the pain. Why?

Now I dwell, on what you remind me of, a sweet young girl who sacrificed her love. As for me...I am blind without a cause, and now I realize what I have lost.

It was something real, I could have had, Now I play the fool who's stable soul's gone bad.Why?

Tell me ll the words I might have said. That's pumping pressure deep inside my head. Was it bad enough to be too late? Just tell me the words I might have ate.

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