Angels and Fearies

When we think of Faeries, we often think of little people with wings who fly around doing good deeds. When we think of Angels, we think of the divine creatures of god who do whatever it is they do. While these images have become accepted as what they are, Angels and Fearies also have become accepted as creatures of imagination, who exist only in our minds. While this may or may not be true (I am neither way), they fuel our thoughts, and give us dreams and wishes alike- for this, they deserve attention.

I'll try to do these creatures justice from time to time, but for right now, these pictures are all I have, and I hope you enjoy. As always, click on a picture to enlarge it.

Aknowledgements: Thanks to Tink for helping me with these fairy images- without her, none of this would have been that would have sucked, wouldn't it have???

p.s.- Tink is my good friend Ashley Belle

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