Thoughtful Pics and Stuff

Alright, I haven't gotten to this page much yet, but for an idea of the future, this page will have pics and stuff that looks like something you would see if you were high or something, which I think will be cool......not like I know how it is to be high....or drunk.......Anyways, to see a larger version of a picture, click on it.

I thought this picture was cool for some reason.......why, I don't know, but I like it, so there.

Such a pretty picture this is- faries are the stuff of dreams, are they not? I should put this one somewhere else, but I have no idea where, so it goes here.

I really loved the idea of the freedom shown in this picture- but to fully see it, you should first enlarge the picture. Really, it is a thoughtful picture.

I like this picture for some reason.....probably because I drew it. Yes, i'm a bit of an artist, and i'm proud of this thing....although I don't quite know why.

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