Thoughts and Quotes

Ok, here i'll pit up some "meaningful" quotes and thoughts, so come back later and i'll have some more stuff up.........but this is it for now

From The Hunchback of Notre Dam by Victor Hugo

"Love is like a tree: it shoots of itself; it strikes its roots deeply into our whole being, and frequently continues to green over a heart in ruins. And there is this unaccustomable circumstance attending it, that the blinder that passion, the more tenacious it is. Never is it stronger then when it is most unreasonable."

From The legend of Sleepy Hollow, by Washington Irving

He who wins a thousand common hearts is therefore entitled to some reknown; but he who keeps undisputed sway over the heart of a coquette, is indeed a hero.

From The Story of the Young Italian, By Washington Irving

She could not be sensible of the change in me, and inquired the cause with her usual frankness and simplicity. I could not evade the inquiry, for my heart was full to aching. I told her of the conflict of my soul; me devouring passion, my bitter self-upbraiding. "Yes", said I,"I am unworthy of you. I am on offcast from my family-a wanderer-a nameless, homeless wanderer-with nothing but poverty for my portion;and yet I have dared to love you-have dared to aspire to your love."

From The Castle of Indolence

A pleasing lasnd of drowsy head it was, of dreams that wave before the half-shut eye; And of gay castles in the clouds that pass, For ever flushing round a summer sky

Chorus to Romeo and Juliet

Two households, both alike in dignity, in Fair verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil blood makes civil hands unclean, From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, a pair of star-crossed lovers Take their life.

Whose misadventured piteous overthrows Doth with their parent's strife. The fearful passage of their death-marked love, and the continuance of their parent's rage, Which, but their children's end, naught could remove. Is now the two hour's traffic of our stage, The which if you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.

Exerpt from Bram Stokers Dracula

This boy will someday know what a brave and gallant woman her mother is. Already he knows her sweetness and loving care; later on he will understand how some men loved her so, that they did dare much for her sake

I just like this one, because it's true- Love is blind

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