You have just entered my Links Page..This page will take you anywhere you wanna go..well almost anywhere. The Links included are to sites of either my relatives around the globe or sites that I just visit often. Since I'm so generous and kind I'm sharing them w/you! *LOL* Who knows maybe you'll find something or someone ya like? *LOL* Click on the hibiscus below to go to a link..and don't get lost!

This hibiscus will take you to my cousin Aleipata Fosi's Samoan shack..which I oughta tell ya is a mess inside!! *L*j/k Aleipata Fosi currently resides somewhere in ALASKA! She has lots of info about her and her crazy life so check it out!

This hibiscus will take you to the polycafe. A place I go to be nosey...and to be well..nosey. This site is one of my favorite hangouts...check it out...who knows maybe I'll see your post in it!!

This page is still under some major construction click home to go back! Check up on updates!

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