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A Message to Some of The Most Important People in my Life...My friends! (and 2nd family)

"Some people come into our lives and quickly leave, while some stay awhile leaving footprints on our hearts and we are never the same." -Anonymous

I love this quote because it is so true. You have friends or maybe even just people who come into your life and before you know it they are gone. And then there are others who come and stay a while and make such an impact in your life that you don't know where you would be with out them in it. I can tell you from expierence you may be great close friends with both kinds before they leave. It just happens that one leaves faster than the others. But also you can dislike them both just as much. Friends are Friends whether they stay with you for 5 weeks or forever. And so this page is a tribute to all of my friends. I love you guys!!!!!!

Here we go now! Online and off line friends are mixed so you could be anywhere on the list....There is a note at the bottom that you may need to read....

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