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February 5, 1999 Alice's Gripe Session

Okay I think I have every right to say what I feel so If you easily get offended LEAVE NOW! Some people call it PMS...I call it SAT(Stressed and tired). I know I know "Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things." But it's so hard not to sweat these things and even though people may think they are petty i think alot of my problems and you know what this is for me to fume my anger....So let me do it. Why is it when you like someone whether you have known them forever or a week you always get nervous especially once both of you have said that you like the other person to their face. Gosh why can't we just be normal about it not all scared about if we will say something dumb or stupid in front of them. I mean if they really like us why should we bother becuz they will like us no matter what. You know but I say that and as soon as I talk to my crush I'll get all nervous and have no clue what to say. It's just crazy! School is such a drag....I have had a headache all week from it...i call it the never ending headache of Geometery. If you have Geometery and you are to finding areas of regular polygons you know exactly what i mean. Ugh....14 more days til my teacher goes. I'm happy that she ill be going but then again the sub. better be a really good teacher or i'm going to fail this class miserably....Okay I'm sick of being gutterly depressed! Sing Happy Happy, Joy Joy! Nevermind......Everyone needs to go see Message in a bottle and wait til the end of the credits to hear Edwin's Newest Song "I Couldn't Ask For More". It's written by the same person who wrote Aerosmith's "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing". I hope it'll be an even BIGGER hit than the Armagedon song. Ohh yeah the wonderful soundtrack will be out in 4 days! Go buy it! I wanna copy so I hope I get it for V-day! Brings me to my next subject. I'm SERIOUSLY thinking about starting a birthday list and an about me page. If you like the birthday page idea the email is at the bottom of the page click it and email me saying you like it and your birthday! By the way, my bestest bud Todd's b-day is 27 days away! Happy Early Early B-day Todd!!!!!! Well I better let all you go so i can finish reading this really good book I'm reading..Hey you know i could write reviews for books...nah! Ohh well talk to all ya'll later! Love always, Alice

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