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April 1, 1999 Vacation! (written on the trip home)

Okay I wrote this in the car and it is very detailed and kinda long so just go ahead and read if you have the time. Right now we are heading back from Destin. We started our long awaited journey (atleast for me) last Sunday. The same day as the Edwin McCain show in Jacksonville, Florida I was hoping to see...nope didn't happen. Well, we get to Destin Monday to find out the key the guy sent us didn't work. I was thinking on God please help us....The main office got the locksmith out and got a new lock and key so we got in it. But that took an hour so we only got an hour on the beach and by that time it was 3 so the sun wasn't worth it. We went to dinner at the pretty famous Back Porch...Well All I've got to say is if you go expect an hour wait at least. We waited a hour and a half for a 4 person table when they said it would be an hour. Grrr...You don't let me go hungry that long with out anything to eat and being cold. Their Tuna Steak Sandwich was worth the wait I thought. It was soooo tasty! Tuesday it was rainy and cloudy. So we mainly sat in the condo. We ate at Fudpuckers that night. It was soo much fun. I have a new long sleeved t-shirt from there. Wednesday we went shopping at Silvers Sands Outlet Mall. Never again will my parents take me or my sister shopping at a Gap outlet mall.Today it was sunny so, we laid out on the beach. Of course now the four of us look somewhat like lobsters now. I told you I'd get burned and I did. Now we are on the way home. It was a great vacation! Love, Alice

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