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December 24, 1998 Colds, Ice, and Accidents

I'm here and somewhat alive. I have a major head cold. I have had it since Monday. So guess who want to go outside during this beautiful White Winter. My parents finally got me out of the house around 2 and I played with my lil sis. The i got to trudge back up the huge hill we call the private drive to go to church. Needless to say I fell down the hill many of times. Thank goodness I had grubby clothes on planning to change at church. After church we went to a family friends house to eat and socialize. My friend, who lives next door to them, fell and bumped her head and scared us all out of our wits when she did it! Hiking boots 9 out of 10 of the times don't help on ice. Just some facts from me and my friends who fell..Christmas List for alll you who forgot..nothing. I really don't need anything and I'd rather you have a jolly holiday than to get me a present but if you insist you can send me an email card but i guess that's most most of you all can do. I hope everyone has a Happy Holiday and gets everything they need/want. I also want to remind everyone that this Holiday is about a miracle and miraculous things have happened during this time of year. So with that I leave you to go on your merry way and remember that God will be with you through all things ( sorry that was our message tonight at church)! Love always, Alice Back to Diary