So I am Dazed and Confused! I haven't had good sleep in a long time! Dazed is something that I'm not really used to being alot but i have been by the littlest things. Like the other night I was talkign to a friend, and I was Dazed (stunned) by what happened. It was something I really didn't expect to happen but I was being selfish and I understand that now. But still I was dazed that the person did it! I'm trying not to say names or say what they did because I don't like to talk about people and the mistakes we make....So you see why I am being vague about it. Confused is well..another story! I am confused alot. With finals this week I was terribly confused! Well now I'm worried. In geometery, I have an 89.40. Grr....and she won't raise the grade! So like I hafta make an A on the final which hopefully I did! Right now I am praying hard that I did. Even though, I know praying isn't gonna help. I studied extra hard and so whatever grade I get I get. So now that finals are over for 18 weeks life goes back to
normal. Except for the fact that I get a 4-day weekend this weekend! I'm so excited. The only part I wish I coulf change is my babysitting job tommorrow morning. I have to be up the street at 7:45...til 12:30. So I'm doing that but nothing else on my vacation. I might go see my friend's friend(a guy) at her