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Angel Prayer Webring

Welcome to Angel Prayer Webring. With this webring I would like to bring together the common interest in angels that is growing in numbers everyday. I would like site to join that offer information, art, music, and stories about angels.

The sites have to deal with the topic of angels.

This ring is family oriented/child-safe, so inappropriate sites will NOT be excepted.

This is a nonprofit ring, so sites selling products are not allowed.

Sites that have nothing to do with angels will not be excepted.

Webpages belonging to anyone named Angel will not be excepted.

Please don't think that I am rude if you don't meet these guidelines. I Would like to keep Angel Prayer Webring for sites dealing with the topic of angels.

Your site must have information, stories, poetry, music, or discussions on the subject of angels.

Your site must be child-safe.

Your site must have more than a couple of angel pictures on it.

Your site can be a dedication to a loved one as well as religious. As long as they deal with angels in some way.

If you are not sure of these guidelines or if you are not sure if your site meets these guidelines, you can E-mail me. I will check out your site before you submit it.

Before you submit your site, does your site meet all of these guidelines, and do you agree to them?



Please note that the html fragment will be e-mailed to you soon after you fill out the submit form.

Edit your site
Angel Prayer Webring was up dated on December 6,1999.